Ñåðãåé Íèêèòèí 16.12.14 Ukrainian army: «Leaving, - TopicsExpress


Ñåðãåé Íèêèòèí 16.12.14 Ukrainian army: «Leaving, we will not leave from Avdeevka not a stone on a stone» Avdeevka - A city-companion of Donetsk, all in six kilometres from capital of Donbass. Before war in it lived more than 30 thousand inhabitants.Avdeevka was a silent, beautiful, cosy place where there lived the present workers, and the towngenerative enterprise was Avdeevsky cokechemical factory. Avdeevka became one of epicentres of incessant art duels and a place of a disposition of art battalions of the Ukrainian army. From Avdeevka went supply armour and a unit of fire to the Donetsk airport during operations, and from Avdeevka the Kiev and Kuibyshev areas of Donetsk were ruthlessly fired. Local residents have told about that remains from Avdeevka and occupational usages of the Ukrainian mode military correspondent of «Russian spring». «During last bombardments of the Ukrainian gunners of Donetsk some days ago when we hid in a cellar, directly in the face of the man has died. Has turned blue, has begun to wheeze and has fallen. Heart has stopped. We could help nothing to it. It has occurred instantly and directly in the face of children and the women sitting in a refuge. In general killed and wounded men peace in a city it is a lot of. Recently has killed splinters the woman, it went with the child through moving. The fourteen-year boy in a grave condition now in hospital. To one more elderly woman has torn off a foot. We round-the-clock bombardments since here had an Ukrainian army. There was a case when minethrowers from one end of a city have fired at the centre. Then the crowd of women has gathered and has gone on posts of soldiers. We shouted — That you create? We saw, how you have fired at us, leave from here and the posts take away, the position of bombardments will suffice to arrange directly among houses, will suffice to hide for us!» Some women even have beaten soldiers. They inertly waved away and spoke — «We do not want to be at war with you. The heads order to shoot. How you in general here live? Leave. If civil guardsmen go over to the offensive, we will raze to the ground your city — command has told about it.» «Fighters have ceased to patrol a city. In the summer still went, now have ceased — are afraid. Especially after at them on posts soldiers who then found killed have started to vanish. Now even to shops go groups, on 5–6 persons. And just in case all time repeat, as a spell — we do not shoot at you, we you have arrived to protect, we home want, us would plant, if we here have not gone … often enough soldiers resort to hide from bombardments in refuges to the peace. And after all behaved in the summer, as owners of life — scoffed at us, forced to sing „Shche not vmerla“, selected any pleasant things and phones directly in the street, could even take away or extend humanitarian packages therefrom rice, bread, oil. Department store plundered twice and have taken out therefrom all without remainder. Houses too plundered, but recently have calmed down.» «In the city there are soldiers, they have occupied four floors in one 9-floor and some office buildings and the former private houses, in Jasinovatsky wood there is a battalion of mercenariesAydar. One of these days to Aidarswads there has arrived a reinforcement — other persons are visible many. And to soldiers the reinforcement has come. Both former do not deduce, and new were added. Gunners, speak. And cops are strengthened by divisions from Cherkass. Avdeevsky cops say that the militia building has been undermined by an explosive, that is, has not suffered from bombardment, namely has been undermined. Who and what for has made it — not clearly. Then two militiamen has suffered.» «Many the houses broken by shells on Nekrasov, Stroiteli, Semashko, Chapaev, 9 Quarter. In one of 9-floor building practically there are no 8 floors, from another in general a little that remains. Water in a city only cold and not always is even it. Light — or with faults, or very weak pressure because has burnt down some transformer boxes. Doctors have told, how during the next switching-off of light directly on an operational table the man because the equipment was disconnected has died, and the generator has broken. Hospitals are overflowed, medicines sharply do not suffice, but only for a week was wounded six children at the age from 6 till 16 years.» «It is few work. Avdeevsky Cokechim has reduced manufacture more than to half. Money in cash dispenses is not present. Bread while bring, though the Ukrainian power not always gives„ a green corridor “- some times VSU even has fired at cars with products. Departure to Donetsk is closed, it is necessary to go through Krasnoarmeysk, and the road to Donetsk is mined. Especially a difficult situation with work, money and products in settlements Semenovka and Orlovka.» «On a cemetery to bury the Ukrainian army does not pass. Only to gate. Already and near gate bury, and on roadsides on entrance. How then to search graves, not clearly. Soldiers speak - will understand, it not our problems. And on a cemetery it is impossible, because ostensibly there epicentre of bombardments. Fighters scoff! At us all city — epicentre of bombardments on their fault. And all of us see, how many at them tools and technics which they in area of the Avdeevsky open-cast mine and in other places have overtaken. We live either in cellars, or in platforms. When art duels begin, it is necessary to hear, how people cry and children scream with fear. Sometimes streets shiver from this shout blocking both volleys, and explosions. «We could not so to live» - soldiers speak to us. «So we here also did not call you», — we answer. They are silent and continue to shoot, causing reciprocal fire on us.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 09:13:05 +0000

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