الله واكبرAbargzh - The Qassam Brigades, the military - TopicsExpress


الله واكبرAbargzh - The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas on Sunday evening for the abduction of an Israeli soldier in the ground incursion in the Gaza Strip. For his part, the Israeli army said it was checking the announcement Qassam. And declared armed wing of the Hamas movement on Sunday evening June 20, it had kidnapped an Israeli soldier in the ground incursion in the Gaza Strip. A spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, alias Abu Ubaidah in his televised speech that unless the Zionist enemy is announced that one of its soldiers and called Aaron Shaul owner of the number 6092065 kidnapped Mujahideen battalions of troops during an incursion in the neighborhood of the apple on the eastern outskirts of Gaza City. He said Abu Ubaida that the process mentioned that killed 14 soldiers and wounded more than 50, including the commander of the Golani Brigade, stressing that the process will continue to be a nightmare chasing the enemys army. Asked about the incident Israeli army confirmed that checks of the health of the announcement Qassam. A loud groan and enlarge in the mosques and in the joy of several gatherings in different areas in the Gaza Strip after the announcement of the Qassam. Came the capture of an Israeli soldier on the fourth day of the ground incursion of the Israeli army on the borders of the Gaza Strip within a continuous attack on the Gaza Strip since 14 days. It has already been captured by the Qassam Brigades, two groups with two Palestinian Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in June 2006 on the Gaza border commando operation and reciprocated and 27 thousand Palestinian prisoners in October / October 2011 under the auspices of Egypt. The Izz al-Din al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for the killing of 14 Israeli soldiers after luring Israeli army patrol ambushed east apples neighborhood east of Gaza City. The Qassam Brigades said in a statement military in the early hours of the morning she was able to lure the Zionist force mechanized, tried to advance on the eastern neighborhood of apples, 500 meters east of the hospital to meet the perfect ambush prepared in advance. She added, After that made this power left Mujahdona tanks to enter the minefield composed of several explosive Bermalah, and after that followed Naqlta recruited into the ambush at dawn Mujahdona minefield force which led to the complete destruction, then progress Mujahideen towards personnel carriers and opened its doors and Ojhezwa on all of two of the 14 Zionist soldiers. And vowed Qassam Brigades Israeli army, saying it was a claimed responsibility for the heroic operation that rubbed the nose of the occupation forces on the eve of the Gaza Strip, to confirm that this fraction, which will befall the enemy if he dared to come forward more, as will find waiting for him thousands of fighters who are ready to crush the mechanisms and the rhythm of soldiers between dead and wounded and a prisoner. In this process, the number of Israeli soldiers, which announced the Qassam Brigades to kill 29 soldiers in less than 24 hours. The battalions were announced yesterday claimed responsibility for the killing of 11 Israeli soldiers in the processes of infiltration Noeitan inside Israel as well as sniper three other soldiers in the northern Gaza Strip. This brings the death toll on the Palestinian side to 425, which the United Nations says that 70% of them civilians, and on the Israeli side, 20 people were killed, including 18 soldiers and two civilians, and the number of rockets fired at Israel according to statistics from the army so far in 1820 a missile. To the White House announced a telephone conversation between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reiterated the Obama U.S. support of Israels right to defend itself and expressed deep concern about the growing number of injuries, including increasing the number of civilian deaths of Palestinians in Gaza , and the loss of Israeli soldiers. The White House said the president told Netanyahu that Foreign Minister John Kerry will travel to Cairo soon to search for an immediate cessation of hostilities based to a cease-fire agreement signed in November 2012. And human rights sources confirmed Sunday that the continuous Israeli ground offensive in Gaza displaced 135 000 citizens and destroyed thousands of homes along the massacres committed against the people there. The publication of the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Human Rights, based in Geneva, the outcome of a preliminary statistical Israeli attack on the besieged Gaza Strip until the thirteenth day of the aggression. The observatory that with the continuation of the bombing of artillery Israeli army border areas randomly forced thousands to flee, even on a Saturday evening there in the besieged Gaza Strip more than 135 thousand displaced people, some of whom have been displaced as a result of the bombing of Flight to their homes and blown up, and displaced nearly half to dozens of schools and Relief and Works Agency refugees UNRWA. And exposed the Gaza Strip since the announcement of the army of occupation for a ground operation against the sector to heavy bombardment aviation and naval warships, guns and randomly targeted the homes of civilians primarily. The number of rockets and missiles dropped by Israeli forces on Saturday, 756 shells and rockets, including 156 air raid and 210 shells of the Marine Corps, and 390 artillery shells, which raises the number of rockets and missiles delivered by the Israeli army since the start of the offensive on Gaza to 6589 shells and rockets, including the 3121 air raid 0.1545 shell of marine 0.1923 artillery shell. The statistics said on Saturday that destroyed 263 homes 0.33 which houses completely destroyed, and another 230 partially destroyed, and thus toll houses destructive onslaught since it began in 2729 to 404 of them completely destroyed and 2325 partially. The Observatory to target Israeli warplanes on Saturday, two mosques were destroyed in part, and bringing the number of mosques targeted since the start of the attack to 40 mosques, 6 of which were destroyed completely. And targeted by Israeli forces since the attack on Gaza seemed more than six stations, water and sanitation, provide services to more than 600,000 residents, suffered more than 100 schools of the damage as a result of the Israeli attack.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 06:27:19 +0000

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