彼此相愛 2013年 10月 22日 讀經: - TopicsExpress


彼此相愛 2013年 10月 22日 讀經: 羅馬書15章1-7節 我們務要追求和睦 的事與彼此建立德 行的事。 —羅馬書14章19節 全年讀經: 依撒意亞書65-66章 弟茂德前書2章 每一年,我們社區裡的年輕人都會參與「友善待人」的運動,這是由一家心理健康機構所推動的活動。在2012年的活動項目中,有一項活動是由六千名學生在學校運動場上以身體排出「友善待人」的字樣。一位校長說:「我希望到學校來學習的學生們,都能與同學和睦相處,沒有恐懼、擔憂和不安的干擾。我們致力確保同學們能彼此幫助,而不是彼此相欺。」 保祿盼望羅馬教會的信徒能追求和睦、彼此包容。因為在羅馬的信徒們,無論是信心或強或弱的都彼此論斷,或輕看對方(羅馬書14章1-12節)。他們彼此藐視,為食物的可吃與否爭辯(2-3節),為該守哪個節日議論(5-6節)。保祿鼓勵他們「追求和睦的事與彼此建立德行的事」(19節)。保祿提醒他們要從內心裡關心他人,而不是討自己喜歡。他說:「基督也不求自己的喜悅」(15章3節),因為基督服事人。 讓我們不只是加入「友善待人」的行列,而是能彼此相愛,不在乎彼此的差異,彼此接納,使我們的上主得榮耀(7節)。 親愛的主,我想做一個有愛心的人, 求祢讓我口出良言, 多說造就人的話語, 使榮耀稱讚都歸祢名! 恩慈就是藉著溫柔展現出來的愛。 1我們強壯者,該擔待不強壯者的軟弱,不可只求自己的喜悅。 1We, the strong and liberated, should bear the weakness of those who are not strong, instead of pleasing ourselves. 2我們每人都該求近人的喜悅,使他受益,得以建立, 2Let each of us bring joy to our neighbors helping them for the good purpose, for building up. 3因為連基督也沒有尋求自己的喜悅,如所記載的:『辱罵你者的辱罵,都落在我身上。』 3Christ himself did not look for his own contentment, as Scripture says: The insults of those insulting you fell upon me. 4其實,凡經上所寫的,都是為教訓我們而寫的,為叫我們因著經典上所教訓的忍耐和安慰,獲得希望。 4And we know that whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction, for both perseverance and comfort given us by the Scripture sustain our hope. 5願賜忍耐和安慰的天主,賞賜你們倣效耶穌基督的榜樣,彼此同心合意, 5May God, the source of all perseverance and comfort, give to all of you to live in peace in Christ Jesus, 6好一心一口光榮我們的主耶穌基督的天主和父。 6that you may be able to praise in one voice God, Father of Christ Jesus, our Lord. 7為此,你們要為光榮天主而彼此接納,猶如基督也接納了你們一樣。 7Welcome, then, one another, as Christ welcomed you for the glory of God. The Campaign October 22, 2013 Each year young people in our community participate in a “Be Nice” campaign spearheaded by a mental health organization. In one of the events in 2012, 6,000 students spelled out the words BE NICE with their bodies on their schools’ sports fields. One principal said, “We want students to come to school and learn without the distraction of fear or sadness or uneasiness around their peers. We are working hard to make sure students are lifting each other up, rather than tearing each other down.” Paul desired that the people in the church at Rome would have an even higher standard of love. Both the strong and weak in the faith were judging and showing contempt for each other (Rom. 14:1-12). They despised one another as they argued about what foods were permissible to eat (vv.2-3) and what holidays they should observe (vv.5-6). Paul challenged them: “Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another” (v.19). He reminded them that their hearts should be concerned with pleasing others, not pleasing themselves. He said, “Even Christ did not please Himself” (15:3); He served. Join the campaign that loves others despite our differences—you’ll bring praise to God (v.7). Dear Lord, I want to be a person who is kind and loving to others. Please help me to use words that will build others up and bring praise and glory to Your name. Kindness is simply love flowing out in little gentlenesses.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:02:30 +0000

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