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菲律賓國際會議 ICCG與菲律賓女童軍會合辦的國際會議在2014年12月4-8日舉行 地點:Helena Z Benitez National Program and Training Centre of GSP, Tagaytay City, Philippines 費用:每人330美元(包含住宿及材料) 報名截止日期:2014年11月15日(星期六) I. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION Art. 1 The ICCG, International Catholic Conference of Guiding, is ruled by the present Bye-laws as well as the dispositions contained in the Cannonical Law Code, it is an International Private Association of the faithful, with corporate body according to the cannons 298-311 and 321-329 of the Cannonical Law Code. The International Catholic Conference of Guiding keeps regular contact with the dicasteries of the Holy See in connection with its daily routines. Art. 2 The ICCG bases its action on the fundamental principles of the Guiding Movement, as expressed in the original Promise and Law established by its founder Robert Baden Powell, supported by the WAGGGS, and the principles contained in the Catholic Letter of Guiding. The ICCG develops its mission, helping the catholic members of WAGGGS to live Jesus Gospel, from and in the educational proposal of Guiding. Art. 3 The Headquarters of the ICCG shall be situated in the country of the World Executive of the ICCG. A repository will be kept for the records in the headquarters of the Scouts and Girl Guides of France. II. MEMBERSHIP Art. 4 The following may be members of the ICCG provided they conform to the Catholic Charter, are Members of WAGGGS and are recognised by the competent religious authority of their country as responsible for the religious education of young Catholics in the Guide Movement: A. National Associations of Catholic Girl Guides or Girl Scouts B. National Organisations of Girl Guides or Girl Scouts of predominantly Catholic membership and inspiration. C. National sections of Catholic Girl Guides or Girl Scouts forming an integral part of a National Guide Association. All these associations, organizations or sections of Member Organizations of WAGGGS are referred to hereinafter as member associations. Art. 5 In addition to the member groups the following may also benefit from the services of the ICCG: a) Catholic leaders of an interdenominational or non-denominational Organisation / Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts ; b) Organisations, Associations or sections of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, which belong to countries working towards Membership to WAGGGS, interested in the aims of the ICCG. III. AIMS Art. 6 The ICCG shall aim: - To help Catholic leaders fulfill their mission of education and service and to help Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to experience more intensely their Christian Faith through Guiding. - To encourage the active belonging to the diocesan local Christian community in which the girl guide-scout groups work, enabling team work with other organizations of young people. - To bring the Guide Movement into the international life of the Church and represent its members in international organisations of Catholic laity promoting team work in areas such as: education, defense of life and human dignity, solidarity and human development, the inter-religious dialogue, the teenager’s and children’s rights, the construction of a culture of peace and reconciliation. - To enable leaders and Girl Guides /Girl Scouts to get to know the Gospel and through that knowledge to come to an understanding of their own lives and personal commitment. - These paths of faith recognize in the guide pedagogy itself a privileged way, they are enriched in the originality of each region, culture and community; they are elaborated according to the national or regional Episcopal Conferences and to the principles of the Guiding Movement. Art. 7 The ICCG collaborates closely with WAGGGS and its Member Organisations to uphold the aims and objectives of the Guide Movement and to promote its human and spiritual values. IV. STRUCTURES Art. 8 The Structure of the ICCG is : The Council, the World Committee and the Regional Teams A. THE COUNCIL Art. 9 The member groups exercise their rights and duties through their representatives gathered in Assembly. This assembly is called the World Council of ICCG. The Council is the decision making body of ICCG. It is empowered, among other issues, to: - Elaborate the programme of the ICCG - Study the appropriate means to promote in the Guide Movement an educational method for the Catholic faith. - Initiate an effective collaboration among Catholic leaders themselves and with leaders of other international Catholic organizations. - Put at the diposal of Member Organizations and other Organizations/Associations of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts all documentation and information useful for their Catholic membership. - To organise meetings, seminars, gatherings, etc. corresponding to the objectives of the ICCG - To set up, if needed, specialized work groups. - To take the necessary decisions about ICCG’s action within the international Catholic structures for the Laity. - To admit and exclude member organizations in accordance with the conditions of membership of the ICCG. - To modify the constitution and bye-laws on condition that they neither contradict the WAGGGS’s constitution nor the Catholic Charter. - To elect the World Executive and ratify the election of Regional Executives. - To approve the activities of the World Committe - To approve the budget and the accounts - To fix by vote the amount of the membership fees - To undertake all initiatives that prove necessary for the implementation of the aims of the ICCG. Art. 10 The Council is composed of: - Two representatives from every member group, having a mandate from the decision making organ of their Association and empowered to commit the Association in the choice of ICCG policies. - The National Chaplain of every member group - The World Executive and the other members of the World committee of the ICCG - The ICCG World Chaplain The WAGGGS’s chairman or a member chosen by the World Council and the President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity (PCFL) or a representative may attend meetings. Art. 11 Every member group has one vote. In the case of several members belonging to the same country, these shall have only one vote per country, when the voting is on: - Recognition or cancellation of member groups. - Amendments to the constitution and bye-laws - Election of the World executive and the ratification of the election of regional executives. Art. 12 Voting shall be by simple majority, except on the following matters which require a 2/3 majority vote: - Recognition or cancellation of member groups - Amendments to the constitution and by-laws - Election of the World Executive; however this is to take place by simple majority on the third ballot - Financial plans and policies Art. 13. The Council shall meet once every three years convened by the World Executive. The World Committee may exceptionally call an extraordinary meeting. B. THE WORLD COMMITTEE Art. 14 The World Committee has the task of ensuring the communion in the faith, the unity of the ICCG and fidelity to its mission. It is the executive body of the ICCG and is responsible for its administration and the implementation of the Council’s decisions. It is composed of: - The World Executive, elected for a term of three years, eligible to be reelected for a further term. - The Regional Executives, elected by the associations of the region for a term of three years, elegible to be reelected for a further term. - The World Chaplain, chosen by the World Committee for a term of three years, eligible to be reelected for a further term, must have the previous agreement of its Ordinary/Order. The World Committee will request the confirmation of this election to the Pontifical Council for the Laity (cfr. SIC, Canon 324 inc. 2). The World Chaplain appoints the Regional Chaplains proposed by the Regional Teams and with the agreement of their respective Associations and Bishops. The World Committee can co-opt one or two persons of its choice if need arises. Art. 15 The Word Committee meets at least once a year convened by the World Executive. Art. 16 The World Executive shall be responsible of convening the World Committee and of coordinating and executing the work at world level to be carried out between Council meetings and World Committee meetings. Art. 17 The World Chaplain, in the heart of the World Committee and the Council, endevours to put his pastoral mission to the service of promoting a Guiding in which Jesus Christ can be revealed authentically respecting cultural differences as well as other religions. He promotes faith education within Guiding, and a form of life to which individuals can adhere to and give testimony of through guide programms and activities. The World Chaplain represents the Institutional Church in the heart of Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting. C. THE REGIONAL TEAMS Art. 18 The Regional Teams consist of: - The Regional Executive - Four to six members maximum proposed by their associations and representing the different cultural trends of the regions. Their designation follows the procedure laid down in the bye laws. - The Regional chaplain designated by the World Chaplain on the proposal of the regional team and in agreement with his Association and his Bishop. The Regional executive, member of the World Committee takes part in all the work at world level. She represents her region and opens it to the richness and solidarity of the other regions. Together with the members of the Regional Team, she is in charge of the coordination, the managment and implementation in the region of the resolutions voted by the World Council. She fulfills her mission together with the World Committee. V. ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCES Art. 19 The rules for the administration of the ICCG are set out in the bye-laws appended to the Constitution. Art. 20 Every member group pays an annual membership fee, the amount of which is to be voted by the Council. Art. 21. The Wold Committee is in charge of - Keeping the ICCG accounts - Undertaking fundraising at World level - Presenting the financial report and the forecast budget of the ICCG to the Council Art. 22. The memebership fees shall be determined by the Council. Membership fees are paid to the Regions, who will transfer a percentage of these fees to the World level. The exact percentage of this reversal shall be established by the Council. Art. 23. Membership fees are to cover, if possible, the following expenditure: - Grants to Member Associations allowing them to participate in the activities of the ICCG. - Outlay for publications, meetings, etc. - Administrative expenses linked to the functioning of the ICCG, travel expenses and all other expenses forecast in the budget. Art. 24. Apart from the corresponding incomes of the memebership fees, the ICCG will look for help from international organizations that could keep specific projects entailing face to face education such as meetings, courses or seminars, long-distance courses, publications, orientated to the Executives of the Member Associations or correspondants as well as to the Chaplains and Religious Advisors. In the same way the World Committee and the Regional Teams will search for the collaboration from their international organizations to facilitate the attendance of the Member Associations to the World Councils leading the associations in the search for resources. Art. 25. The financial year is from 1 January to 31 December. VI. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Art. 26 The Constitution may be amended by the Council by a two third majority vote on condition that they do not contradict WAGGGS’s constitution or the Charter of Catholic Guiding. The proposed amendments shall be sent to the Associations three month in advance. The ICCG will keep WAGGGS informed of any modifications to the Statutes and Bye-Laws, as settled by item 7 in the Modus Agendi. The Pontifical Council for the Laity must confirm the modifications made to the present Statues. VII. DISSOLUTION Art. 27. The Conference could only be dissolved by resolution of an Extraordinary World Council especially convened for this purpose. Before convening the Extraordinary World Council, the World Committee will inform the Pontifical Council for the Laity, which has to previously authorized it. The required quorum is 2/3 of the total of its members. The Conference cannot be dissolved if at least 1/3 of the Member Associations compromise themselves to persevere in the ICCG aims. If the Council decides to dissolve the Conference a Liquidation Commission will be appointed and will give the remaining goods to the Institution designated by the Conference, which is devoted to children and whose principles and ideals agree with the ones of Guiding. BYE-LAWS In this document by the word « association », one should understand a National Organisation of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts which are members of WAGGGS. Under the term “girl guide or girl scout groups “ one should understand a group of Catholic Girl Guides/ Girl Scouts belonging to an Organization, member of WAGGGS, or a National Organization working towards membership of WAGGGS, interested in the aims of the ICCG. I. MEMBERSHIP Par. 1 Applications for membership of the ICCG submitted by an Association, or a group of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts must be sent to the World Executive of the ICCG. The application should be signed by the President and/or General Commissioner of the national association which is a member of WAGGGS and by the corresponding Episcopal Conference representative. Par. 2 Member Associations shall undertake: - To participate in the ICCG World Council meetings - To take an active part in the work of the ICCG - To send regularly to the Regional Executive information about their activities and, particularly, about publications, programmes and initiatives regarding the religious aspect of the girl guide/girl scout training - To pay the ICCG membership fee Par 3. Catholic leaders belonging to an interdenominational or nondenominational National Organization of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, who wish to benefit from the services of the ICCG may contact the Regional Executive or the World Executive with the approval of their own organisation. Organisations or groups of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts which are not members of the ICCG wishing to benefit from its services may contact the Regional Executive or the World Executive. II. THE COUNCIL Par. 4 Notice of Council meetings together with the draft agenda shall be sent three month in advance to the member groups and to all persons mentioned in article 9 of the Constitution. The draft agenda must include, in particular, all matters concerning the general policy of the ICCG as laid down in the ICCG constitution and bye-laws. A final agenda shall be ratified at the opening of the Council meeting. Par. 5 The World Committee may invite any persons to take part in the Council, with consultative status, whose competence it is desirious of enlisting. Par. 6 For every Council meeting the World Committee shall appoint a chairman from the members of the member associations, with the approval of the Council and the member group concerned. Par. 7 The languages in which Council meetings will be conducted are: English, French and Spanish. Official texts will be recorded in English, French and Spanish. III. THE WORLD COMMITTEE Par. 8 The members of the World Team must: - Be appointed with the agreement of their association - Be part of the policy making body of their own association to insure that the standpoints taken within the ICCG reflect the standpoints of its member organisations and are not personal vewpoints. - Have experienced and acquired the ICCG working methods so as to be able to transmit it to others. - Have international experience - Speak one (preferably two) of the official languages of the ICCG. - Have knowledge of the workings of the Church. Par. 9 Member groups have the right to nominate candidates, with their own consent and that of the member groups to which they belong to. Member associations should be careful to present candidates who will continue to excercise a reponsibility within their Association during the period of their mandate in the ICCG. Nominations for the positions of World Executive must be received 3 month before the Council. Nominations for Regional Executives must reach the World Executive 3 month before the Council meeting. She will inform Member Organisations. The Regional Executives are elected during the Regional Gatherings at the Council meetings and then ratified by the whole Council. Par. 10 The World Executive and the Regional Executives are appointed for 3 years. They are eligible to be reelected for a further term. Par. 11 The World Committee is an international body, collegiate and at the service of the ICCG. It must guarantee its unity. It coordinates the work of the regions and it ensures the execution and the implementation of the decisions and recommendations voted by the Council. It organises World Gatherings and the meetings of the Council. It collects and circulates all the information related to the international bodies with which it is in touch: WAGGGS, Conference of the International Catholic Organizations (CICO), International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS), Youth International Catholic Organizations (YICO), etc. It keeps records and the archives of the ICCG. Keeps regular contact with the CPPL, the State Secretary of the Holy See and different roman dicasteries related to its job. Par 12. Deliberations of the World Committee will only be valid if one half of its members are present. Decisions shall be taken by simple majority vote. If the World Chaplain is unable to attend the meeting, he will be consulted on its agenda. Par 13. The World Committee may invite persons of particular competence, as experts, to attend meetings in an advisory capacity. Par 14. The World Committee can be assisted by an administrative team composed of: - an executive secretary - a financial executive - a financial team Par 15. The World Executive is responsible for: - Convening, prepare and conduct the meetings of the World Committee - Co-ordinating the various tasks of the Regional Executives and seeing that they are duly and properly carried out. - Ensuring that the decisions taken by the World Committee are effectively put into practice and that there is continuity in the performance of the various tasks during the intervals of its meetings. - Representing the ICCG in the organisations with which it is in contact and wherever it seems necessary. Par. 16. The World Committeé will work in the first meeting of each Triennial about the definite budget required to concrete the Triennial Working Plan derived from the orientations of the Preceding Council. IV. THE REGIONAL TEAMS Par 17. The members of the Regional Teams have to : - Live in a country of the region - Have a national responsibility within their association - Have enough time at their diposal to assume their regional responsibilities - Have experienced, at least once, an ICCG event and be able to transmit its educational method and way of proceeding. Par 18. Regarding the members of the Regional Teams, nominations must reach the Regional Executive 3 months before the Council meeting. The Regional executive will then inform the World Executive, who will communicate the list of candidates to the member Associations. If more than six nominations for membership of the Regional Team are received, elections are to be held at the Regional Gathering with a simple majority vote. Otherwise nominations shall be only submitted for the approval of the Regional Gathering. Members of the Regional Teams are delegated by their organisations for a period equal to the term of office of the Regional Executive. Par 19. Regional Teams are renewed every three years, by at least half of their membership in the course of the Council meeting. Par. 20. The regional team can choose a person that assumes the treasurery work. The regional treasurer will inform the World Comittee treasurer about the course of events of the regional accounts sending the closing of every corresponding annual exercise. Par 21. The Regional Executive and the members of the Regional Teams are responsible for: - Convening, prepare and conduct the meetings of the Regional Team - Ensuring that the decisions taken by the Region are effectively put into practice. - Co-ordinating the various tasks of the Regional Team members and seeing that they are duly and properly carried out. - Ensuring regular cooperation with and among the associations of the Region. - Organizing Regional Gatherings, preparing reports that can be used as pedagogical documents by the associations of the Region. - Writing the triennial working plan considering the orientations of the World Council. - Writing the budget that allows concreting the actions and projects foreseen in the triennial working plan. - Administrating the regional finances constituted by the percentage of the membership fee given by its National Associations and all the help given by international or continental organizations for the development of working, educational, publication, diffusion and representation projects. V. FAILURE IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANISATION Par 22. With the aim of ensuring the good functioning of the ICCG, in case of failure on the part of the World Executive or on the part of the Regional Executives, understanding by failure the impossibility of fulfilling her responsibility by any kind of problems: health, personal, repeated absences, etc, the other members of the World Committee will take on their responsibilities and inform the Member Organizations. They will decide on the necessary measures to be undertaken either in the course of the next World Council meeting or, if necessary, in the course of an Extraordinary World Council Meeting. Similarly, in case of failure of a member of a Regional Team, the others members of the team will assume her responsibilities. The Regional Executive will inform the Member Organizations of the Region and the World Committee. Since National associations compose the membership of the ICCG, if there is basic disagreement between a member of the Regional Team and her own organization, the person in question cannot keep her position within the ICCG; the National Association keeps the decision-making initiative. Furthermore, it can be considered that a member has resigned, if she doesn’t attend three times the meetings she is supposed to, or if she doesn’t fulfill the tasks she has undertaken. Member Organizations of the ICCG will be informed. VI. AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS Par. 23 The bye-laws may be amended – on condition that they do not contradict the Constitution of WAGGGS and the Catholic Charter - by the Council by a two-thirds majority vote. The proposed amendments shall be sent to the Member Associations three months in advance of the Council meeting at which they are to be discussed. STATEMENT OF RELATIONS between ICCG and WAGGGS “MODUS AGENDI” The International Catholic Conference of Guiding (ICCG) is an International Catholic Organization (ICO) within the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS); each association within ICCG is either a Member of WAGGGS or working towards its membership. Defined by its Constitution and its Charter, the ICCG mission is twofold: to bring, on the one hand, to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, the values which are those of the Gospel as lived within a community and, on the other hand, to ensure the presence of girls and young women in the Church, in particular from the Guide world, signifying in this way communion with the Catholic Church. WAGGGS is a worldwide voluntary organization. Its mission is to enable girls and young woman to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. WAGGGS achieves this mission through the use of a dynamic and flexible programme, supported by values and based on the Fundamental Principles of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting as stated in the WAGGGGS Constitution. ICCG whose Constituent Organizations belong to WAGGGS will pursue its aims within the framework of WAGGGS. It will act in conformity with and support the aims, the Fundamental Principles, the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the World Association. ICCG recognizes that the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is the only world organization officially representative of Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting as a whole and entitled to speak on behalf of its Members. In order to promote clarity and co-operation, WAGGGS proposes the following areas of collaboration, for approval by respective governing bodies as appropriate. PROPOSED AREAS ACTION 1. WAGGGS REPRESENTATION: - A World Board member would be appointed by WAGGGS to attend the ICCG World Council meetings in an advisory capacity. The World Board member will represent WAGGGS position. - Fares and accommodation expenses for such an appointee would be borne by WAGGGS ICCG / WAGGGS 2. ICCG MEMBERSHIP - ICCG will recognize as Members only Member Organizations of WAGGGS and those countries officially recognized as Countries Working towards Membership. Membership of ICCG is voluntary and depends on the free decision of each eligible National Organization/Association. - National Sections of Catholic Girl Guides/ Girl Scouts recognized within the constitutional structure of their Country, may, with the approval of their own WAGGGS National Organization/Association, join ICCG. All communications will go through channels agreed by the National Association concerned. ICCG WAGGGS 3. POLICY DEVELOPMENT - Relevant draft and final policy documents would be exchanged and both organizations would work together on the development of futures policies, where appropriate. WAGGGS / ICCG 4. MUTUAL REPRESENTATION - ICCG and WAGGGS representative will be invited to each other’s World and Regional Conferences with a proviso that each organization bears the expenses of its representatives. WAGGGS / ICCG 5. INFORMATION EXCHANGE / PRODUCTION MARKETING - Newsletters, manual and world publications would be exchanged between WAGGGS and ICCG at world and regional level. - WAGGGS and ICCG would be linked by Internet. - Each organization would inform the other of forthcoming activities. WAGGGS / ICCG 6. COMMUNICATION - All communications from ICCG to its Member Associations shall also be sent to the National Headquarters of WAGGGS’ Member Organizations and to the World Bureau, except in the case of a specific agreement between ICCG and WAGGGS. ICCG 7. CONSTITUTION - For matter appertaining to Associate Members and Countries working towards Membership, ICCG will respect the responsibilities laid down in WAGGGS’ Constitution and will observe the methods of work established by WAGGGS. - ICCG will keep the World Bureau informed of any amendments to its Charter or Constitution. ICCG FRANCOISE PARMENTIER Responsable Mondiale de la CICG GINNY RADFORD Président du Conseil mondial de l’AMGE
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 10:55:53 +0000

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