------------------------------------------------ The Charlie - TopicsExpress


------------------------------------------------ The Charlie Hibdo Attack - My take ------------------------------------------------ Gunmen stormed the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, killing 12 and injuring another five. #Initial_Reports indicate that the raid on the magazine’s newsroom, which left its editor in chief dead, was an act of Islamist terrorism, as the attackers shouted “Allah hu Akbar.” ---------------------------- Immediate Reactions. ---------------------------- - The Hindutvadis are feeling vindicated, justifying their violent protests against the movie PK and coming up with lame excuses like at least we dont kill people like this. - The liberals are all out against the attack, condenming it in the most unequivocal terms. - The hardcore mullahs are celebrating as they believe that the magazine deserves this for insulting the prophet of Islam. And mind you, those who are celebrating or are silently happy are very large in number. - The moderate muslims or the liberal muslims have also fallen into the trap and are coming up with the best possible apologetic messages expressing how they totally condemn this kind of an attack. The worst affected of all are moderate Muslims, trying their best to either wash their hands off this or condemn this or be apologetic for this or somehow trying to bury their faces somewhere out of shame. The point is gentlemen, almost everyone has fallen for it, everyone believes that this is the handiwork of some Islamic radicals. But is it really the Islamic radicals whove done this, or is it another false flag attack ?? ------------------------------------------------ I have my doubts.. why ?? Read on. ------------------------------------------------- To begin with, let me be very clear, I condemn all kinds of killing, even this one, no religion or no religious figure is above criticism. Period. But.. Two strange things happened before the attack on Charlie Hebdo: 1. Hollande, the French Premier, called Syrian premier Assad `satan and regretted not attacking Syria. So will this be an excuse to attack Syria ?? Well get to know that very soon. 2. Israel had warned France of the #consequences about voting in favour of a Palestinian State. As just one month ago, France set off a stampede when its lower house voted to recognize Palestine. Now Palestine is in the International Criminal Court, poised to take down Israel for genocide. Suddenly Islamic terror strikes France. Is Paris being punished for its pro-Palestine vote? ---------------------------------- Similar events in the past ---------------------------------- - In late 2013, Malaysias Kuala Lumpur Tribunal found Israel guilty of genocide. A few months later, Malaysian planes started falling out of the sky. - In 2011, Norways Labor Partys youth wing was poised to impose a complete blockade on Israel. Suddenly the entire leadership of the Partys youth wing was slaughtered in a professional operation falsely attributed to a lone nut, Anders Breivik. ---------------------------------------------- The French-Syrian angle on twitter: ---------------------------------------------- @PartisangirlTwo days before #CharlieHebdo shooting Hollande called Assad satan - planned to attack #Syria. Now he has the perfect excuse! @Truth_ISIS Yesterday #Holland declares he regret not intervening in #Syria Today: #CharlieHebdo ! the smell of 11th.Sept. spreads from this! The Israel threat was also mentioned: @nine11inreverseIsrael warned that the French parliaments vote in favor of recognizing Palestine will harm the peace process... #CharlieHebdo false flag ----------------------------------- An eyewitness description. ----------------------------------- - Everything happened very calmly, without shouting, without insults. - The camera was well placed beforehand to film the attack. The Allah Hu Akbar slogan purportedly raised by the attackers was filmed in one of the cameras. - They spoke perfect French - Killed with military precision. - Dressed in military style. - Killed from a target list. - Got away clean, in the heavily militarised Paris, even though there were multiple shooters. - French President shows up afterwards and then convenes emergency meeting on what measures to enact. The attackers operated with clinical efficiency suggests that their operation was not only planned meticulously but there was probably as much thought put into anticipating its effect. The attack was designed not simply to send a narrow message that this is the price for insulting Islam - but to have a much wider impact, all around the world. Could this be false flag from French Intel Agency? I have my doubts. Pls spare sometime to read and think about it.... (Forwarded msg)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 03:07:26 +0000

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