--------------------------------------- Guild for Upholding ang - TopicsExpress


--------------------------------------- Guild for Upholding ang Harnessing Indispensable Talents (GUHIT) Pinas Constitiution and By-laws Preamble We, the members of the Guild for Upholding and Harnessing Indispensable Talents (GUHIT) Pinas, proud and inspired, in order to build a heathy and purposeful society of Filipino visual artists that determine to regard and use art for the common good, do ordain and establish this Constitution and By-laws. Article 1 - Identity GUHIT Pinas shall be distinguished from other organizations by its holistic concepts and programs that are geared toward long-term change. However, the Guild shall promote and be guided by common principles of morality, freedom and equality, peace, economic and political stability, and care for the environment. Section 1: Name The name of the organization shall be Guild for Upholding and Harnessing Indispensable Talents (GUHIT) Pinas or GUHIT Pinas. In this CBL, it is also referred to as the Guild. A. Significant Terms a. Upholding. GUHIT Pinas is founded on the principle that every person has an artistic talent and Art is not for a select few. If discovered, enhanced, and utilized properly, this artistic talent can be a tool for catalyzing national and global progress. b. Harnessing. GUHIT Pinas promotes the welfare of mankind by discovering, enhancing, and utilizing the artistic talents of every Filipino by initiating and supporting developmental campaigns. c. Indispensable - Art is a potent and irreplaceable tool for communication. GUHIT Pinas aims to utilize it for conveying the message of peace, unity, character development, and freedom as the major ingredients of true progress and success. d. Talents - While GUHIT Pinas is a guild for visual artists (painters, sketchers, illustrators, and the like), it also upholds other talents that relate and influence visual art and the Guilds endeavors. B. Structure Despite the option to use that Upholds and Harnesses, which may express a more emphatic idea, the organizations name uses for Upholding and Harnessing to indicate that upholding and harnessing artistic talents are not just duties but the very purpose for which the organization exists and develops. Unlike the former, using a prepositional phrase more clearly expresses GUHIT Pinas objects. C. Acronym The word guhit is the Filipino term for drawing, a form of visual art that makes use of any number of drawing instruments to mark a two-dimensional medium (Wiki). However, note that this word is only used as part of GUHIT Pinas official name to identify the organization as an artists community and not to focus on drawing alone. GUHIT Pinas is orchestrated to promote all kinds of visual art. Article 2 - Vision GUHIT Pinas envisions a healthy, dynamic, and purposeful community of Filipino visual artists that uses art to promote the welfare of mankind and to initiate progress. Article 3 - Mission 1. Identify and unite all Filipino visual artists and art enthusiasts from all over the world. 2. Design, implement, and develop programs that promote awareness in the true value of visual art, hone artistic skills and talents, and shape individual character. 3. Utilize developed artistic skills and talents to realize the Guilds vision. Article 4 - Objects Section 1: To inspire. Inspiration increases optimism. Optimism stimulates hope. Hope develops vision. Vision builds direction. Direction ensures success. Section 2: To build a healthy and dynamic community. Organized unity is crucial in ensuring that the Guild functions according to its purpose and advances toward its vision with excellence. Section 3: To provide opportunity. The Guild shall serve as a springboard for deserving Filipino visual artists who want a more rewarding use of their talents and skills. Article 5 - Non-profit Description Any money that the Guild collects from fundraising projects, such as conference fees, show entrance fees, or other revenues shall not be for gain or profit to the founders. All funds shall be utilized to cover expenses for programs and services that benefit the members and the Guild.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:12:09 +0000

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