----------------------------------- SHIFT YOUR - TopicsExpress


----------------------------------- SHIFT YOUR MINDSET! ---------------------------------- What Are Your Fears? Fears arent always something you scared of. Fear can be that feeling of doubt when it comes to commitment. Fear is paralyzing, and unless you STAND UP, RUN OVER IT, and STEP FORWARD you will never accomplish everything you were meant to accomplish in life. See, every single one of us have fears and when our last day comes there will not be time to make excuses. You will have to be honest with yourself and say Did I do everything I wanted to do in this life, did I make an impact on this world, did I share my passion to maximize my potential? That day will be one of victory or one of regret, and you have complete control over what the outcome of that answer will be. See, our fears are our limitations. Many of you were scared to death to join ISI. Just think, if you didnt knock down that fear imagine where you would be at today. Imagine the relationships, knowledge, health, and confidence you would not have gained because you let your fear straight up own you. Celebrate your victories, and for many of you that was a HUGE victory. Every single one of you have a special talent and gift inside you. Stop letting comparison steal your joy, and start getting to know yourself. You are the only one that has exclusive DNA that makes you, so stop trying to be someone else and start doing you, being you, and finding joy in your special talents and gifts that you can offer this world. Many of you know, I came up with an acronym that I am going let lead my life and that is 4D. DAILY DECISIONS DETERMINE DESTINY. If you are consistent with your daily decisions and they align with everything you want to accomplish and pursue in your life then NOTHING and I MEAN NOTHING can hold you back from what your desires are. What you can accomplish in this lifetime is limitless once you decide and let NOTHING come between you and that victory. After speaking to so many of you, a recurring theme is a lack of self confidence to get the job done. Once you guys understand that the difference between you and who you want to be is simply the choices that you have made up to this point. If you start TODAY with choices that are in line with your goals, then you can accomplish ANYTHING! Lastly, so many of you are so obsessed with the numeric results of fitness. It is great to have goals within that realm, however, do me a favor for a week and think of fitness in a different way. Think of fitness as a time of self reflection, a time to yourself, and time to develop clarity in your life. See, when you shirt your mindset from having to starve yourself or make all of these crazy sacrifices, to one of most importantly fitness being one of the most critical ways to gain more clarity in your life, more confidence, more energy, and give you time to self reflect then all of a sudden you will enjoy it and find it crucial to your overall being. If you shift your focus to that mindset, you will accomplish all of your fitness goals because you are now consistent with your workouts. Then after that think of nutrition in a different way. What you put in your body is fuel for your brain. When you make working out a ritual not for results but for your mental clarity, then are you really going to fuel your body with anything less than world class nutrition. We all know that foods determine how our brain operates, regulates moods, regulates energy levels, etc. What Im saying is if you shift your nutrition and fitness efforts into one of achieving peak performance so that you can further your career, be more present with your family, have clarity on your purpose, and have more energy then THE GAME IS CHANGED! To recap, to change your life you must shift your mindset. Fitness & Nutrition are key elements to clarity, peak performance, and energy levels. The more optimal you are with those, the more alert and clear you will be in every other area of your life. As you start to gain clarity, feeling great about yourself, and see fitness and nutrition as a road to achieving peak performance in your relationships, career, faith, etc your like will completely change. I promise you. Adam
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:25:20 +0000

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