------------History------------- 1. The earliest evidence of - TopicsExpress


------------History------------- 1. The earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian sub-continent is found at— (A) Lothal (B) Harappa (C) Mehrgarh (D) Mundigak Ans : (C) 2. During the Rig Vedic period Niska was an ornament of— (A) Ear (B) Neck (C) Arm (D) Wrist Ans : (B) 3. Which of the following were regarded as the hub of Aryan culture during the later Vedic period ? (A) Anga, Magadh (B) Kosal, Videha (C) Kuru, Panchal (D) Matsya, Surasena Ans : (C) 4. Who among the following was the first to take initiative for water resource management in the Girnar region ? (A) Chandragupta Maurya (B) Asoka (C) Rudradaman (D) Skandagupta Ans : (A) 5. That Lumbini was the birth place of Gautama Buddha, is confirmed by an inscription of— (A) Asoka (B) Kanishka (C) Harsha (D) Dharmapala Ans : (A) 6. Who among the following Gupta Kings had another name Devagupta ? (A) Samudragupta (B) Chandragupta II (C) Kumaragupta (D) None of the above Ans : (B) 7. Kumaradevi, a queen of Govinda Chandra Gahadavala, constructed Dharma-Chakra Jina Vihara at-- (A) Bodha Gaya (B) Rajgrih (C) Kushinagar (D) Sarnath Ans : (D) 8. Which of the following dynasties frequently assigned to the ladies high ranking positions in administration ? (A) Chola (B) Chalukya (C) Pala (D) Sena Ans : (B) 9. Who among the following Rajput rulers is known to have written a book on music ? (A) Jayachandra Gahadavala (B) Prithviraj Chauhan (C) Rana Kumbha (D) Man Singh Ans : (C) 10. Which Sultan of Delhi was a contemporary of the Mongol leader Chengiz Khan ? (A) Iltutmish (B) Razia (C) Balban (D) Alauddin Khalji Ans : (A) 11. Who among the following was the continuing link between Sher Shah and Akbar in the field of land revenue administration ? (A) Birbal (B) Todar Mal (C) Bhagwan Das (D) Bhar Mal Ans : (B) 12. With which medieval ruler would you associate the statement ‘I would have lost the empire just for a handful of millet’ ? (A) Alauddin Khalji (B) Muhammad Tughlaq (C) Sher Shah (D) Aurangzeb Ans : (C) 13. The Maratha King became a nonentity and the Peshwa the virtual ruler from the time of— (A) Balaji Vishwanath (B) Baji Rao I (C) Balaji Rao (D) Madnav Rao I Ans : (B) 14. Thomas Roe was received in audience by Jehangir at— (A) Agra (B) Ajmer (C) Delhi (D) Fatehpur Sikri Ans : (A) 15. Which one of the following musical instruments was mastered by Aurangzeb ? (A) Sitar (B) Pakhawaj (C) Veena (D) None of the above Ans : (C) 16. Which son of Aurangzeb revolted against his father, weakening the latter’s position against the Rajputs ? (A) Azam (B) Akbar (C) Muazzam (D) Kam Baksh Ans : (B) 17. Who were the first Europeans to come to India for trade ? (A) Dutch (B) English (C) French (D) Portuguese Ans : (D) 18. What did the Act V of 1843 make illegal ? (A) Child marriage (B) Infanticide (C) Sati (D) Slavery Ans : (D) 19. Who among the following was the leader of the revolution of 1857 in Assam ? (A) Diwan Maniram Dutta (B) Kandarpeshwar Singh (C) Purandar Singh (D) Piali Barua Ans : (A) 20. Which of the following Acts transferred the Government of India from East India Company to the Crown ? (A) Government of India Act 1858 (B) Indian Councils Act 1861 (C) Royal Titles Act 1876 (D) Indian Councils Act 1892 Ans : (A) 21. The first meeting of Indian National Congress was held at— (A) Bombay (B) Poona (C) Madras (D) Calcutta Ans : (A) 22. The paper ‘Indian Mirror’ was published during 1861 from— (A) Bombay (B) Calcutta (C) Madras (D) Pondicherry Ans : (B) 23. Name the organization formed by Surendranath Banerjee which merged with the Indian National Congress in 1886— (A) East India Association (B) London India Society (C) Indian Association (D) Indian National Conference Ans : (C) 24. Who among the following introduced the Vernacular Press Act ? (A) Lord Lytton (B) Lord Ripon (C) Lord Curzon (D) Lord Hastings Ans : (A) 25. The President of Surat Session of Indian National Congress, 1907 was— (A) R. B. Ghosh (B) B. G. Tilak (C) Annie Besant (D) G. K. Gokhale Ans : (A) I hope you like this Admin-S M Usman Gani
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 03:14:28 +0000

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