---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: BernieLopez - TopicsExpress


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: BernieLopez Eastwind Date: Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 2:26 PM Subject: 06- NEONICOTINOIDS DISRUPT ENTIRE FOOD CHAIN how dangerous is it? To: NEONICOTINOIDS DISRUPT ENTIRE FOOD CHAIN How Dangerous is This Mysterious Chemical to be used to contain our coconut infestation? eastwind journals 116 By Bernie Lopez eastwindreplyctr@gmail Permission is granted to re-publish with credits and notification. Disclaimer – the views in this article are those of the author’s alone. PASS TO FRIENDS – sisterraquel/2014/07/neonicotinoid It is so unfortunate that some people believe so strongly that poison is the solution to coconut infestation. They can never see that the short term solution leads to a bigger long term problem. In their panic, they become blind, eradicating with a poison that stays irreversibly to eventually poison us. The use of a high-end chemical NEONICOTINOID banned in the EU, feared globally by food safety experts, and approved quickly by the FPA to contain our coconut infestation - HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE ON A MASSIVE NATIONWIDE SCALE AS WHAT PCA-SAGIP-UPLB-PANGILINAN INTENDS TO DO. IT’S LONG TERM EFFECTS ARE UNKNOWN AND UNIMAGINABLE. How deadly is the neonicotinoid? See for yourself. Dear Sir Kiko Panglinan, The chemical being injected into trees by the PCA-SAGIP is the brand name Starkle, which is a neonicotinoid (derived from nicotine). Neonicotinoids have been banned in the EU because of their capability to cause “colony collapse disorder” (CCD), the poisoning of bees on a massive scale. You are a bee farmer, Mr. Pangilinan, aren’t you? You refused the use of Starkle in your farm because your organic certification application will be undermined. You understand clearly the effects of the chemical, and refuse to use it in your own farm. So why not apply your personal farmer instincts to the rest of the country? No to your farm, no to all other farms nationwide! There are dozens of non-chemical solutions. Neonicotinoids attack the nervous and immunity systems of insects, birds, and soil-bound animals. If ingested by humans even in small amounts, toxicologists say it can cause cancer. It is water soluble and only 5% is absorbed by target seeds or leaves, the rest goes into the soil, and into adjacent rivers and lakes. It will affect our fruit, fish, and rice industries, and impact on food security. PCA-SAGIP-UPLB-PANGILINAN PLANS TO USE IT ON ABOUT 2.4 MILLION TREES (as of this writing). POISON WILL FLOOD OUR LIVES. NEONICOTINOID THEREFORE HAS A CAPACITY TO DISRUPT THE ENTIRE FOOD CHAIN AND AFFECT FOOD SECURITY, IF USED ON A MASSIVE SCALE. IT CAN INDUCE FAMINE IN THE LONG TERM. IN THIS SENSE, NEONICOTINOID IS THE MOTHER OF ALL ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES. Very little is known about its long term effects. Once spread into the eco-system nationwide through millions of trees, it is irreversible. Food safety advocates worldwide have been campaigning for a ‘global moratorium’ on neonicotinoids. They have been labeled by UP agronomist Dr. Ted Mendoza as 10,000 times more powerful than the infamous DDT. Starkle, sub-classification dinotefuran, is manufactured by Mitsui Chemicals of Japan, and marketed here by LEADS Agricultural Products, Inc. To go through an entire library of research data, go to this link – sisterraquel/2014/07/bibliography For the last few decades, the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) has been consistently approving dangerous chemicals banned abroad (including Starkle) at the behest of chemical multinationals. When I saw the long list of banned chemicals approved by FPA at the office of friend Jun Catan, I was shocked. FPA has been doing this consistently for years and no one is stopping them. Jun was sued by multinationals left and right for many years (he won all the cases). Bayer is threatened by his cheap organic pesticide which will destroy its entire multi-million market of expensive toxic chemicals. I tend to ignore the rumor that $25,000 passed hands. That is immaterial. (But if this is proven by a congressional investigation, the LEADS contract will become null and void.) FPA quickly approved Starkle in spite of the complex protocols it had to pass through. Whereas, FPA sat on the organic applications, until this very day. In truth, FPA has no jurisdiction over organics, which is technically not a chemical. They do not have a protocol for organics, so they use the chemical protocol. In truth, organics do not need a protocol because they are essentially natural and non-toxic. So Mr. Pangilinan, if you point to the FPA to justify Starkle, you point to an environment criminal. If I may say, Mr. Pangilinan, your most dangerous decision was to reject a one month moratorium to give time for the Save the Coconut Movement (SCM) to do an ‘appraisal’ for you on its parasitoid approach. If the appraisal is somehow delayed, and PCA-SAGIP goes on a frenzied chemical marathon to use up its approved budget of P37 million, they would have injected a staggering 20 million trees. You fear the solution and cling to the problem. As I have said repeatedly, the bigger issue in the use of Starkle is not so much environmental but psychological. Once foreign buyers learn we have been injecting toxins into our coconut trees, they will instantly boycott our multi-billion copra and coconut oil exports, not to mention downstream products like Virgin Coco Oil, even if PCA-SAGIP-UPLB-DOST prove they are scientifically safe 51 days after injection. Please, Mr. Pangilinan, we need the moratorium. It will save you rather than induce your resignation. There are reports, Mr. Pangilinan, exaggerated perhaps to justify Starkle, that infestation has doubled from 2.1 million trees a few weeks ago to 4.2 million currently. However, some scientists from SCM claim that, because the CSI’s natural enemies, tiny wasps which are internal parasites, are so resilient, they hunt the CSI down wherever they go, the 4.2 million is not longer true because it includes those which are recovering due to natural predation. Therefore, there is no more ‘CSI scare’. We can calmly use organics and parasitoids instead of deadly Starkle in panic. eastwindreplyctr@gmail OUR VERY LIVES ARE IN THE HANDS OF A FEW WHO THINK WRONGLY OF SOLUTIONS. N
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:46:21 +0000

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