---------Good morning, England------------ Arthur: -woken up - TopicsExpress


---------Good morning, England------------ Arthur: -woken up the ringing of the phone- Hnnn--- -head emerges from the covers- N-Now who could that be...? Feliciano: -grunts and clings unto his waist- Mhn.. A-Answer it later-- Arthur: I cant... -chuckles lightly and kisses his forehead- Sleep some more, love... Feliciano: -pouts and tightens his grips- Hnn~! N-No...~ Arthur: -nuzzles his nose on his lovers cheek- Love... Common...What if its something important~ -kisses his cheek- Feliciano: =///7//= No... -the phone goes to voicemail- France: -the one calling- MON DIEU ANGLETERRE! ITS COLD OUT HERE OUTSIDE YOUR FRONT DOOR! POOR AMERIQUE HAS TURNED INTO A BLOCK OF ICE--! HAVE SOME HEART ET OPEN ZHE DAMN DOOR! Oho-hohon~ Kidding. Were at outside your window~ Arthur: O_O -opens his curtain and sees them- O///_///O Feliciano: .//////////////. France: Nice moans, cher ;)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:23:10 +0000

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