----- Forwarded Message ----- From: zakirjnayak nayak To: - TopicsExpress


----- Forwarded Message ----- From: zakirjnayak nayak To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 11:09:51 PM Subject: Fw: we find out the truth of justics and whiich party , s are connected with trerist , how to spolies the fruture political fasads honerabel chiefminister of karnatak excelent jop with karnatak intelegece and our great police department all state police and sp and so meny district they trap or find out the traning out scurt , it is not negelegbal but . we are do the job for the nation and karnata develop on the method from karnataka they live with integreated. now one can distrrub the harmoney of karnataka but one of the policistation . that is brahampur police station they do not take my petion as serious ness which our jds worker they are attack on us on you are not a deshbhakt . you do not give condolense to our police or other police to shadajali . you are also trerist . one of the our work they attch in this word . when we are give the application in one mont that is two application they do not give the warning to these people . they are plaing with us to file attracite case on me if they do not comprimise with us . honerable chiefminister we want secutiry and warn those people with stricly they do not take name as a trerist we are give the anlysis as a analises with faire manre we bring state as a teror free state whch is our motive with pollce base plese help me in this regard to take action aginst and warn against those people they do not attack these words infuture we want in wrinting in brhampur police station they are not harmus as a treror thaking you yours faithf ully plese what i willl submit thes details in this last period whic i submit these fulll enqure take place whcih is our in city what they are saying in books of jehad what it is compare with quran and hadis books . whether it mach what type of books they print . plese go wtih enty clock wise surches regular put eyes on given below groups . plese help in this regard we tel trouth in everry time faire and fine not with intecetion of reveng thing . it is fact you will absorve in our state we jostify it we work for security to people with all govt jai sournakarnataka --- On Fri, 12/26/08, zakirjnayak nayak wrote: From: zakirjnayak nayak Subject: Fw: we find out the truth of justics and whiich party , s are connected with trerist , how to spolies the fruture political fasads To: [email protected] Received: Friday, December 26, 2008, 6:17 PM --- On Sun, 11/30/08, zakirjnayak nayak wrote: From: zakirjnayak nayak Subject: Fw: we find out the truth of justics and whiich party , s are connected with trerist , how to spolies the fruture political fasads To: inquilab@midday Received: Sunday, November 30, 2008, 1:05 PM S. zakirnayak, H.NO.4--601|70f Banda_a_nawaz colony ring roa d gld _4 phone 9241204971 --- On Fri, 11/28/08, zakirjnayak nayak wrote: From: zakirjnayak nayak Subject: Fw: we find out the truth of justics and whiich party , s are connected with trerist , how to spolies the fruture political fasads To: rahnumadeccan786@yahoo Received: Friday, November 28, 2008, 6:40 Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! what is use of trasfar the anylize messege to intelgece we study the nation earth and trerize activete in gulbarga district, whiiich student islamic member;change ists name and like poplarforent of india , then other state they are use other name in this week they are given full statement regarding which name use in which state. a local kannada news paper agence like sanjaywani print the whole pressconfrence of poplerfront of india, when i draf firt letterto honeble president of india, when we write to leetter to helth department madan gopal nayak, given justice to malirya officer mis dr soluchana minch, can justifiy with promoshaation , instade of jonier docter mis nalini nomoshi taluka helth officer. then we got promotion with kit highcourtfromkarnatakaka, we got justise , as a district sugoen to district hospital gulbarga to mis dr.soluchanaminch, what intelgence department can pass the full of mesege to state cod departmet or not, what we explaine to honebale president of india , what type jehad they use the track , what type method they do not invetegete in meterile of simmember, becouse the usse quranic senteces with jhed givnen in quran they take rong way to sentences in between the lines take and act on it . if intelgece department fully anylizze my letter what i want to say they are not contack me . i my self whennnn bangalore , gujrat blast happen next day i my self contackt to district sp then put detail reort on this connect then mr devyajoteray sp of gulbaga anllyse my state what i am reocre ded. then after and after i contract to intelgece depart ment persons recent he joine the district intelgece wiith lokayukth , mr sowami before two month i contact one christan person work in D I.G office .resdisce fo gullabowadi which is neerst to my liberty show room K.B.N. complex. on the road back road of my complex fallwo him plese pass the mesege to higre othority to intelgece department in state or sp of gulbaga. one see routeuse to attak on indian position plese help us. but they are faile to pass the my deep anylyse report , then this chirsten member came to my shope and explaine abourt jehad what way they oppertae whtat is the strege they use , can they attack on economy with dupplecate notes, wate they are connect wthhh other contry. to inport export the method, of treros its deep concerone what we study on gulbarga earth, student islamic momument member they are buse from 20001 . wchic state pursonese come to gulbaga what type of active take place in ring road nmer to my hose one hotel is there. is i am just put eyes to gaterring on they way to my shope and mysocial work , ppupler froent is study the rss activete what are the y do ing whaaat its activete s inn karntaka region they are collected, i personely meet to groupe diccuson wiith our locallllllllyte with mr md yaseen by name offeroze indulge with disscustion take place , that perosones attak my partey jantadalllllll why you people given support to bjp member.mr honeble chiefminster they are convet into gurat , we are wage the jehad war minrity people or not safe they are shoouted. do not cry defenetelly we are lissen you we call all oulamas like all jamates they are the good aleemes we are in policts , i am calling all to one dyes then you shre your thinkings but this fully misguide with ronge thing this persons not lisson mmy appell . they attack with agulwards what i say name like i call allem mr Badiouzama then other allems . i,. know the strege made in feveoreo all comunite to justiy fy with our state polices. i my self given the police with from Bashveshwar and quran and haidis polices which i put in front of my janta dal presedt mr H.D.. devegouda . they they are execept my applel to save the karnatakkka with big trage and not attacks happen with augly politcs. we are consontrete on how miltry . police and people and all polictacal persons help us with supperpower allaha . which is run the son moun earth. and our polical way of nature . we put on our stte police and we are winn the confedence of the people and allha. like veratha samewvesh take n fron vjanagar samraj ,, award to matadesh, and take help from to create lackes and upreate the ground wateer. if this allha help afther deth . then we saeve with 10 devellprasad like congrss pocket liqur. gramen places nith halth. bycyckle , and mainly save the womenbaby , which people thorouh on road , canals leks, or its kill inthe stomock with abooshationn.if we not protect this wormen bebe then allha kill us and hit with lote more wepons like .disteror with all water air. hit with sonlite (bezelee) its given in quran its the worrth of alll humenbeigs. if we wave of the interist of the farmers our food is cleen with dirty things , if wave of the lones of farmens is his 60 yers life what . allha see use you do not put interest in all feelds like greater farmers if we put on interest .lone allhaa can war wth earth system . we taken food is lavetary or toylet.its is clerllly given in quran . then we are put the police like bghyalashmi skeem to protect the women baby. then our karanatakkk is save with roites like disaster thenn main thing . what we want we role 20 moth chance , without rioutes supperpower relplace the our government what they want next in karnataka we want pece according to alhas planning. we are the strge in next with Jatadal secular key we apply on chiefminster offfice after the winneing of by election we brin g our strenth with our magic of allha onllllly seve to all humen beings with teror or destor alha may save . pleze we are aware of the politcs what hppen on erth plaze lissson my . lsast sentence what we say to presidnet of india. if we pass datele anylise t o president of indian defenetely 54 people do not dy in our indian earth , then next attack on mumbai blast 1000 of dies with our humen eror what our greate leeeder mr honeble homeminster of india mr chidember saying we justify it. plese put eyes on student islamic and R.S.S. members these are misguide wit mony and policey forn isrieles mind and game it s not helfull to our nation or earth. before war with pakistan who operate the trerist and what behind this . just my suggestion take accoutable formulas from soudi goverment and soudi allems and go in war field we do not stoppit. before start the war we want to informe internal security , if sttudent islamic moment attack on R,S.s then civil war is start in indian earth. before count this members it change name state wize in kaaarnataka papulaar front. i s. zakir nayak work toward pece inn india my wife is coprate with this no one comforward on tthis . Ms sharika jabeen Msc. mathes lecture mary in last yer 28 april she is fron nanded maharastra when i am left the home to informe to cod department in bengalore 4day i do not informe in home . then near the janta dal office i draft the letter when adjcet one letter draft for dr soulchana minch, open internet center . dr siddaana patil , sc st presidnent , othrer junaaaaral secratery from jawargi taluka prsent. one fullish district junaral secratery Basavaraj boodihallllllll is prsent adjsent to me. when i diraft the letter ., then i search the web from cod in google then w e do not find it , then i lasss informe to presedet of india innn short, then i return 4 days bakk my wife is asking wher aaare you going you do not infrome i have no mone pocket i take only 100 rupees in my pocket, onlllly alll mony with basavaraj bodihal, if we going to cod departmet , mr basaavarj bodihal they waant M.l.A ticket he do not live freely . then he distrupt what yu send the mesage what you draf then do not sedn the my draft letter.. onllly save in siddde. becouse therse oknowledge..not stronng person. then 4 days back i camme infornt of my wife they weep every ninght , they terar from eyes do not stop he is babyy in abdomen, why you going to bengalore why yuo not informe only lyou wiith me who is comny in gulbaarga then i give strent. but then i use word infront her i go for work it is urgent i do not open it its is importnen my baby is in your abdoman if die in your abdomen then yuo gave died baby i am saaties fy with allha, then he cry and pput the hands on eyers. what you telling with your mouth , can this baby dedbaby can give berth. what i herd this then i see the express of that lady the eaaarth is blast, sky is bell with sounds , but allhaa help us in tihis time what i express she forget it beocoouse she is good helth worment smile baby with us , i do not forget it in twice in a mont in allha house or in single time i , ters with that senterce what i expressss. but i proude but no use our human error do not protect my people my releation what happen in bangalore . gujraaat or mubie , i rember. with that . then i do not sleep properly i work fore pece till one inocient persones do nnot die in trrist attakkkkk i pray with supper power allha, help our society help out poltical persons, help our truth people live in earh they can justify wit h your givent strength. i mr zakir nayak i do not workd for award i get awar d in haaven in thaat day , but i apple to president of indian what newly maried wormetn mr shariqa jeeben co oprate with evvvvery time her phone no is 9241067938 pleze talke with her , what is my intenshation towards in pece in eaaaarth she is expllain. ask how is baby. and lastly when your coming to gulbarga to ahahimsa samelan to open new chapteer . that occecation plaze award her withh simple all religions books. we hope you lission my applel.greate ladyyyyy of my indian earth honable pratibha patil. my wife is working as a lecature in Preunivercity collage , as name as galangapppatil. society collage name is chandrakant patill.sedem road gulbarga.pleze asses allll thing give assistence with full security with all full modranize army , modernize wepon. alll what is avaivalable with full asistent to our nation best of luck alla save oour peoplel in treirst attaks and if possible war with othrer nation . protect her and there somma amin Instant message from any web browser! 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Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:36:20 +0000

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