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----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] cbgurung10@hotmail pakhrin_chandrak@hotmail gurung_indrakumar@yahoo tamang_g@hotmail shobhgrg@gmail gopaltumchharai@googlemail Cc:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] , [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] [email protected] , [email protected] Namaste Immigration and Security minister James Brokenshire (Con) MP and Minister for Defence Personnel Welfare and Veterans Anna Soubry (Con) MP, We are writing / email you both Ministers on behalf of Gurkha and Nepalese Communities of the UK, in light of the letter our own local MP Paul Maynard, pass onto us this week, from Defence Personnel Welfare and Veterans Minister Anna Soubry MP letter of 28 February 2014 to Paul Maynard MP (MoD Ref: D/Min[DPWV]/AS MC00492/2014). We also ask that the Defence Personnel Welfare and Veterans Minister, will she forward copies of her letter to Paul Maynard, to Labour Defence and Home Office Shadow Minister’s, as well as copies to Defence and Homa Affairs Committee plus the Gurkha Inquiry too. Lastly forward directly a copy to His Excellency the Nepalese Ambassador, along with supportive evidence in support the Defence Personnel Welfare and Veterans Minister’s, claims and statement made in this letter to Paul Maynard. As Gurkha’s and ourselves, wish to challenge these as in correct and not true?. As well as the in light of the following Home Office twitter message and Immigration and Security minister James Brokenshire gives his first speech on immigration. The Home Office @ukhomeoffice 2h; Immigration and Security minister James Brokenshire gives his first speech on immigration: bit.ly/1id4FWZ ExCllr WendyM.Harbon @Gurkhamum 39m; @ukhomeoffice But will the Minister answer questions of Gurkhas in a face to face meeting, over Gurkha Immigration issues, YES or NO? ExCllr WendyM.Harbon @Gurkhamum 6m; @ukhomeoffice We are asking 4 Review of British ILR & Citizenship Fees & Charges, for All Commonwealth & Allied Nations HMF personnel. ExCllr WendyM.Harbon @Gurkhamum 2m; @ukhomeoffice We are asking for Review of British ILR & Citizenship Charges, for All Commonwealth & Allied Nations military families too ExCllr WendyM.Harbon @Gurkhamum 1m; @ukhomeoffice We are asking for Review of British ILR & Citizenship Charges, for All Gurkhas & their military families especially too ExCllr WendyM.Harbon @Gurkhamum 21s; @ukhomeoffice We are asking 4 Review of British ILR & Citizenship Fees & Charges, for All Commonwealth & Allied Nations HMF veterans. Gurkha Friends and Supporters, we have twitter the Home Office the above, in the last hour, today 06/03/2014, we wait for answer from Immigration and Security minister James Brokenshire (Con) MP, along with email him direct too. Namaste Gurkha Mum and Dad plus JKALI too, woof, woof. Wendy M Harbon Gurkha Reserve Unit (GRU), Brunei Face Book page; REF: Asking for a Review of British ILR and Citizenship Fees and Charges, for All Commonwealth and Allied Nations servicemen and women plus their families, including Gurkha’s too. Namaste Paul Maynard and Home Affairs Select Committee Members etc, We are asking Home Office Ministers and Shadow Ministers, plus your Home Affairs Select Committee members, via our own MP Paul Maynard for Blackpool North. To agree to review British ILR and Citizenship Fees and Charges, for All Commonwealth and Allied Nations servicemen and women plus their families, including Gurkha’s too. One to give answers or legal reasons, why these Immigration Charges, are even charged in the first place, to Service Personnel and Families from the Commonwealth and Allied Nations, who have or are serving in HM Forces?. When other Allied Nation’s give FREE CITIZENSHIP, in return for Military Service in their own Armed Forces to and/or by Foreign National’s. That these same rights, should be extend to HM Forces Personnel and Families, either FREE of Home Office Immigration Charge altogether, that is after 10 years military service, to a serviceman and woman themselves. Also FREE of Home Office Immigration Charges altogether, that is after 20 years military service, to a serviceman and woman for their whole family (i.e. wife or husband or partner and children). Or at the very least they should pay a very much reduced Home Office Immigration Charges, that is depending on years served. As while serving in HM Forces they have already been paying all kinds of British Taxes anyway, let alone given years of Military Service to the British Crown. Also even if Reduced Charges still have to be paid to the Home Office for Immigration Fees, said HM Forces Personnel and their Families should be allowed to do so over a Monthly Payment Scheme. That is over the whole period of their Military Service too, not as a one off charge for each serviceman and each of their family too. Or even allowed to pay for these Reduced Charges for Home Office for Immigration Fees, after leaving HM Forces on Monthly Payment Scheme of upto or over a 5 year period, depending on income of the Veteran over or in this time period too!. In closing we are creating now a NEW Face Book Page, British, Commonwealth & Gurkha Armed Forces Personnel, Veteran’s and Military Families Rights & Issues Group, where the above have via the internet. Has a public place to air their own views, comments, opinions and remarks, as well as ask for help, assistance, support and give advice to each other, from within and outside HM Forces, Veteran and Military Family Community. Maybe in time turn this new Face Book Group into a Registered Military Charity, including with the Support of a Members of the Royal Family (i.e. Duchess of Cambridge) too. The demand and response for this British, Commonwealth & Gurkha Armed Forces Personnel, Veteran’s and Military Families Rights & Issues Group, has been as we expected very high and we hope to go online in a matter of days!. We wait for an official answer, from Home Office Ministers and Shadow Ministers, plus your Home Affairs Select Committee members, via our own MP Paul Maynard for Blackpool North. UBIQUE, Gurkha Mum / Wendy M.Harbon (disabled and RBL Yateley & Hawley Branch member) Immigration issues for current servicing HM Forces personnel and their military families, for both Commonwealth and Allied Nation’s personnel, as well as Gurkha’s servicing too. Is a very important issue to thousands of current servicing servicemen and women plus their families, as well as those being discharged, through retirement, redundancies and/or medical discharge, or those who have been discharge since 2010 too. Though when you come to Commonwealth, Allied Nations and Gurkha Veteran’s of HM Forces plus their families, between 1947 upto 2010 Immigration issues are just important. As well as the view’s, opinions, comments and view’s of HM Forces veteran’s and their families, or their questions too. Were either NOT taken into account, or just ignored, as well as NOT officially requested by the home Office and the MoD, let alone officially properly answered and addressed. As we know only too well, from letters and emails or even FOI’s, made of this subject by ourselves, Gurkha’s and Commonwealth veteran’s or families. This is we are again basically and officially requesting, for a Face to Face Meeting’s with Ministers and Shadow Ministers plus Select Committee Members. That is with Gurkha veteran’s and Families Representative & Ourselves, along with Nepalese Embassy Officials Present too. Over Gurkha Immigration and Welfare Issues, before the London Gurkha Rally & March in early July 2014. Though when both the Secretary of State for Defence and the Home Secretary, actually had Legal Powers to grant British Citizenship, to Commonwealth, Allied Nations Servicemen and Women plus Gurkha that is since 1947 this was admit by pass Defence and Home Ministers. On the following grounds:- ONE: Being Awarded and a Living Recipient of Any of the four Highest levels of Gallantry Medal’s, especially Victoria and George Crosses. For example: How many Commonwealth, Allied Nations Servicemen and Women plus Gurkha’s, were given Free British Citizenship for winning a Gallantry Medal, especially either a VC or GC?, or has none be awarded Free British Citizenship?. TWO: Being Wounded or Injured or becoming Disabled, or developing health condition or becoming Chronic illnesses, because of military service and requiring long term medical care, treatment and/or medication. For example: How many Commonwealth, Allied Nations Servicemen and Women plus Gurkha’s, were given Free British Citizenship for Being Wounded or Injured or becoming Disabled, or developing health condition or becoming Chronic illnesses?, or has none be awarded Free British Citizenship?. THREE: For Exemplary Long Military Service and Good Conducted, in the service of HM Forces, the British Crown, Parliament and People of the United Kingdom. For example: How many Commonwealth, Allied Nations Servicemen and Women plus Gurkha’s, were given Free British Citizenship for Exemplary Long Military Service and Good Conducted, in the service of HM Forces?, or has none be awarded Free British Citizenship?. Along with should not these Three Rules over Free British Citizenship being awarded to Commonwealth, Allied Nations Servicemen and Women plus Gurkha’s, be properly in Forced by the Home Office and MoD as well as the Coalition Government NOW?. Even if their military family members, are still subjected to Home Office ILR and Citizenship Charges and Fees. Though these charges and fees should be reduced, in light of their husbands or wives or partners years of military service and them paying UK Taxes, NI contributions etc out of their military pay already too. However, many feel if a Commonwealth, Allied Nations Servicemen and Women plus Gurkha’s, serve more than 10 years they are given Free British Citizenship, as well as if they serve more than 20 years then their military family members, should be given Free British Citizenship too. Or the cost of paying for ILR and Citizenship, is taken out of their military pay from the start of their HM Forces Service, once they have paid this deduction from service pay it is stopped. If they do not take up British Citizenship, this money is returned to them on leaving the UK!. The point made by the Veteran’s Ministers, Gurkha’s have to remain Nepali citizen during their service in the Brigade of Gurkha’s. Though if a Gurkha after 4 years service transfers to a non-Gurkha Regiment or unit or out of the Brigade of Gurkha’s they can claim both British ILR first then after 5 more years claim full citizenship. This double standard is unfair, also only being wrongfully enforce by the Brigade of Gurkha’s against Gurkha soldiers and families within Royal Gurkha Rifles, Queen’s Gurkha Engineer’s, Queen’s Gurkha Signal’s, Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic, Band of the Brigade of Gurkha’s and Headquarters Brigade of Gurkha’s. In fact there is nothing to stop the British Government granting or giving British ILR or Citizenship to Gurkha’s still serving, that is under the Tripartite Agreement. Also British Government has made changes to the Term and Conditions of Service for Gurkha’s before, without having to change or update or modify the Tripartite Agreement between Nepalese, Indian and British Government. For example; Gurkha soldiers after 4 years military service, can transfer to NON-GURKHA UNIT’s, also claim British ILR and Citizenship at the same time too. The point that ALL Gurkha’s were discharged back to Nepal, the Veteran Minister wrongfully makes in her letter. When thousands of Gurkha’s discharged since 1947, were in fact Indian “GURKHA’s” Citizens from North East Indian formerly known as “Greater Nepal”. So were in fact Indian and Commonwealth citizens not Nepalese, also these Indian “GURKHA’s” Citizens and their families, were all Commonwealth citizens entitled to apply and claim British Citizenship before 1997 and from 1947. However, were wrongfully stopped this legal rights as Commonwealth Citizens, by the Brigade of Gurkha’s, MoD and Home Office, on the grounds they served as Gurkha’s in the British armed Forces. Then there is the question of some Gurkha soldiers and veteran’s as well as some Gurkha children, were actually born in the UK and therefore British Citizens, other were born in Commonwealth Countries, British Dependency (i.e. Hong Kong) or in British Overseas Sovereign territory / Military Bases too, but were wrongfully listed by the Brigade of Gurkha’s as “Born in Nepal” in military records. Or Gurkha’s and their families who served, worked and lived in Hong Kong for more than 8 years, were legally entitled to apply for and claim Hong Kong Citizenship. Though again were again wrongfully stopped this legal right by the Brigade of Gurkha’s, MoD and British Government even though Hong Kong Civil Authorities were willing to grant this right. So basically the Veteran Ministers statement and claims over Gurkha Citizenship and Immigration rights, are to say incorrect as best or at worst totally wrong or false. As to the Veteran’s Minister claim, “At no point has there been any suggestion that British Citizenship would be awarded for their service in the Army”. This statement is untrue, Gurkha’s have for years been calling for this and fighting for this right too, including the very public Joanne Lumley Gurkha Justice Campaign and the Court Action in the High Court too. Let alone all the debates and votes in Parliament and the House of Lords over many years, which Conservative and Liberal Democrats MP’s and Lords all supported at one point or time too. As for the statement, “Standard Army enlistment papers were used for Gurkha personnel, and there was no statement about British Citizenship nor did there need to be”. These were used for Commonwealth and Allied Nation’s servicemen and women too, joining HM Forces too but they were allowed to claim British Citizenship. Unless they were Indian Commonwealth Citizens servicing in the Brigade of Gurkha’s as Gurkha Soldiers. If Standard Army enlistment papers were used for Gurkha personnel, this raises the question why then was not standard British Army Terms and Conditions of Service, plus Army Pay and Pensions or Benefit schemes not similarly used too for Gurkha personnel. It seems the MoD used normal British Army standards when they wanted too, but when they wanted to discriminate against Gurkha personnel, they ignored the Standard Rules, Queen’s Regulations and British Laws to suit themselves, including over immigration too. As for the Veteran Ministers statement, “On the suggestion that some Gurkha’s have been deported without Consular assistance, this is really a matter for the Home Office to comment on. It is not a matter that I recognise, but I have been told that the Headquarters of Brigade of Gurkha’s has a very close relationship with the Nepali Embassy in London, and if any servicing Gurkha had reason to need Consular assistance they would ensure that the Embassy was in formed.” First it is not a suggestion it is a fact Gurkha’s and Gurkha Family members, have been not just deported, but have been wrongfully arrested and imprisoned before deportation, denied access to lawyers and family members, also moved from prison to prison far away from their UK family too. With neither the Nepalese Embassy Attaché’s and/or the Nepalese Ambassador, with the last case in 2012 of Nepalese “Gurkha Family” Citizens been deported, arrested and imprison (i.e. last case was 2012), being legally informed by the Police, UKBA, MoD and/or Home officially or by Government Ministers at all. let alone Indian High Commissioner or Indian Government Attaché’s in the case of Indian “Gurkha Family” Citizens have equally been deported, arrested and imprison (i.e. last case was October/November 2013) being legally informed by the Police, UKBA, MoD and/or Home officially or by Government Ministers at all. In both of these two above cases, it was us who directly informed the Nepalese Ambassador and Military Attaché, equally informed the Indian High Commissioner and Indian Attaché too. The fact our MP, Paul Maynard took this issue on our behalf to the present Veteran Minister, last October and November 2013, while in fact Stephen Rai a Indian “Gurkha Family” Citizens was arrested and imprisoned then deported. But the Minister took to 28th of February 2014 or months later to answer, then try’s to claims she has or says, “It is not a matter that I recognise”, is disgraceful. When the Rai Indian Family in question Brothers, Father’s Uncles, Cousin’s or wives husbands and their families male members, have served and are servicing in both the British and Indian Army’s as Gurkha, with one family member is a current servicing Indian Army General in fact. Would the Veteran’s Minister, actually like to meet Stephen Rai Family from Liverpool and Chatham, I know they would only be to willing to meet the Minister and MP@s over their brother’s case and the mistreatment their family has been subjected too. Though the second part of the Veteran’s Ministers statement, this being as follows. “but I have been told that the Headquarters of Brigade of Gurkha’s has a very close relationship with the Nepali Embassy in London, and if any servicing Gurkha had reason to need Consular assistance they would ensure that the Embassy was in formed.” Is we are sorry to say basically incorrect at best and based on false information the Ministers has been given, or worst out and out lies which the Minister need straightaway to check up on with MoD Senior Civil Servants and Senior Army Officers. As only in the last few months we have been at the Nepalese Embassy, for a official function as guests of the Nepalese Ambassador and Military Attaché. While Wendy was with all the Nepalese Embassy Attaché children, but especially the Ambassador daughters who were all afternoon playing with our Gurkha Assistance Dog “JKALI” and having photos, taken all the time by official Nepalese Government photographer’s, plus Gurkha and Nepalese families. I was having deep and length discussions and talks, with both the Nepalese Ambassador and Military Attaché too, first thanking Wendy and myself for all we do for the Gurkha’s and Nepalese Community in the UK and Nepal, also for all the help and assistance we have given the Nepalese Embassy and Government, keeping them inform when Brigade of Gurkha’s do not!. Both the Nepalese Ambassador and present Military Attaché, also the last Military Attaché before too. They have all told us the Nepalese Embassy is never informed about Gurkha Welfare Issues, involving Gurkha current serving and/or their families, or about Gurkha Veteran’s and their families by QHBG, BGA’s and/or GWT. The only time the Nepalese Embassy are officially informed, by HQBG, BGA’s and/or GWT with regards a Gurkha welfare issue, is when it suites Brigade of Gurkha Officers for their own self interest!. For example; Nepalese Embassy not informed when Gurkha were Killed and/or allowed to offer Consular Assistance to the Gurkha Families of Killed Gurkha’s, not being informed of Repatriations, or Funeral’s and/or Memorial Services, or Coroner’s Hearing or receiving Coroners written Verdict on Killed Gurkha’s etc. We and again Gurkha Veteran’s, have been too informing the Nepalese Embassy and keeping them informed the best we can, including the Murder and Rape of a current serving Gurkha NCO wife in 2013. The Nepalese Embassy not told about Gurkha soldiers being wounded and/or becoming ill from illnesses and diseases from military service, or being hospitalised, or the Embassy being allowed to offer Consular Assistance to the Gurkha Families of and/or the wounded Gurkha’s. Not being told of Gurkha Veteran’s or Gurkha Family member’s, either being Killed or Dying, or being wounded and/or becoming ill from illnesses and diseases while in the UK. Or being hospitalised, or the Embassy being allowed to offer Consular Assistance to the Gurkha veteran and/or Gurkha Families of and/or the wounded or ill individual’s. Also with the latest incident in Derby, the disappearance and death of a young Nepalese man in Derby, whose body was found weeks after he disappeared in the river that runs through City of Derby just a few weeks ago. With Derbyshire Police Officer, only a few days ago thanks us for our assistance in supporting the Kunwar Family and offer all help and assistance to the Police and Coroner Court, also putting the Police in direct contact with the Nepalese Embassy too, we actually informed GWT and HQBG as well. The Nepalese Embassy not being told about Gurkha family immigration problems, or other types of legal issues, maybe tribunal and court hearings, or Gurkha families being the victims of crime and/or accidents, or ethnic discrimination and hatred etc, or having dealing with police and British justice system, or Gurkha Family members arrested or imprisoned. Or Gurkha families health and medical problems, or problems Gurkha families have with local regional and national government officials, or Gurkha families having problems over employment, education and/or accessing benefits in the UK. Basically every kind of welfare issues the Gurkha’s and Gurkha Families or the Nepalese Community in the UK, may have need of the Nepalese Embassy Consular Assistance or support, HQBG, BGA’s and/or GWT are informing the Nepalese Embassy over. Though neither are the British National, Regional and Local Authorities Official’s and/or Politician’s or Minister’s, are not officially informing the Nepalese Embassy of Issues affecting the Gurkha and Nepalese Communities in the UK. Senior Nepalese Embassy Official have told us, as well as the Nepalese Ambassador and Military Attaché has told us. Put it this way our Assistance Dog JKALI, is better known in Nepal than the Deputy Prime Nick Clegg is by sight or photographic in Nepal. This is why we are asking and officially requesting, for a Face to Face Meeting’s with Ministers and Shadow Ministers plus Select Committee Members. That is with Gurkha veteran’s and Families Representative & Ourselves, along with Nepalese Embassy Officials Present too. Over Gurkha Immigration and Welfare Issues, also before the London Gurkha Rally & March in early July 2014. That is with Immigration and Security Minister James Brokenshire MP and Defence Personnel Welfare and Veterans Minister Anna Soubry MP too. Equally separate meeting’s with Labour Shadow Home Office and Defence Minister’s, as well as a third meeting with members of for Defence Committee and Home Affairs Committee too. We now wait for an official response for Ministers and Shadow Ministers, also Select Committee Members too, hoping not to wait six months for replies. UBIQUE, Gurkha Mum / Wendy M.Harbon (disabled and RBL Yateley & Hawley Branch member) and former Independent Councillor, Now Military and Civilian Disabled Welfare Rights Campaigner and Advisor. Gurkha Veteran’s and their families plus some civilian and military disabled people, are still requesting I be appointed to the House of Lords, as a Cross Bencher as Baroness Gurkha.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 22:45:00 +0000

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