------WHAT MAKES A CHAMPION?------- Most people blame - TopicsExpress


------WHAT MAKES A CHAMPION?------- Most people blame everything or everyone around them for their lack of success in life. There is only one rule. Honesty with one self. Theres a difference between a champion and the rest. A champion does things they do not have to do. They do the little things that others cant be bothered doing. Champions care about everything they leave their mark on. They take pride in their work. And they give every task or interaction they are involved in effort. They understand after the race is run theirs no second chances. They have two ears one mouth. They respect their elders or those who have earnt the right. Champions shake hands tightly. They look you in the eye. They love to compete (fairly) and use every bit of energy in their tank and leave nothing in reserve. They play hard but fair. They help those who need it but dont suffer tools. They talk and let others do so to. They remember little things and let fine details to. They know that tomorrows result means now is crucial to. They dont think how can I but rather why not. They respect others and their honest about themselves and things they can improve on. They also have an ability to keep believing in themselves and keep going when others want to give up. Guess what. We all are champions. But some people do not honour themselves and are happy to not be true to themselves. Natural ability ends when you exit your old man. Its what you do with what you are gifted that counts! Dont sit and cry for what may have been or what they have done. If you dont get what I mean and you think your hand was badly dealt unfairly then Read THE BOY CALLED IT Youll soon luv what you have and had. Remember your the author of your book and your books not past chapter 3. REMEMBER if its meant to be then its up to me. Dont say what you think others think you should say whats right and think before you do. Remember to be nice takes effort and it takes longer than to be nasty.... thats why these days we remeber nice people... because there are not many around. Take time to smell the air and marvel at that view. Smell your girlfriend (or boyfriend) and tell him or her they are hot. Remember lifes awesome and not about you aint got but rather what you do. And remember that every dream does indeed start with just one step. And what happened yesterday did happen but tomorrow hasnt yet. When you start to doubt yourself keep saying in your head! I know how much it hurts right now ....but Im forging straight ahead! Because im giving all I have and not making excuses instead. Believe in things and dream big to and be happy just to be. And remeber the world was built by everyone and I believe in me! Believe in you we do! Ryen Racing Solutions we will get you racing! Patrick Ryen 1/1/15 Ryen Racing Solutions - Strive to be your best. Believe In You! We do! Ryen Racing Solutions, we build champion teams !
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:27:39 +0000

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