-----5 Coffee Concoction - A Guide In Ordering The - TopicsExpress


-----5 Coffee Concoction - A Guide In Ordering The Beverage----- Years ago, coffee is only a choice between the brewed and the instant - the black or with cream. It is noticeable that today, there exist so many types of coffee available in cafe making it difficult to choose which of them suits your taste. Statistics disclosed that about 75% of Americans consume at least a cup of coffee a day. It only proves that coffee is still the leading beverage. And additional evidence is the proliferation of many coffee establishments all over the globe. What if you want to try new coffee concoctions, would you not be misled by the names? Here are five of the common concoctions you might come across when you visit a coffee shop. Caffe espresso or just plain espresso This is a brewed concentrated coffee beverage. Compared to other brewed coffee, the espresso has a thicker consistency which is characterized by dissolved solids and crema foam. The flavor rests on the pressurized brewing method making all the flavors and chemical fully concentrated on the drink. Espresso is the base of other coffee drinks such as the latte, cappuccino, mocha, macchiato and americanos. Cappucino This is of Italian origin whose name is taken from the Capuchin friars, possibly due to the color of the habits of this group of priests. Traditionally, cappuccino is served on a porcelain cup which has better heat retention than the glass or paper cup. It is prepared with espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam. It has foam on top of the concoction which acts as insulator to keep the beverage hot for a longer time. Some preparations will have cocoa, cinnamon or nutmeg powder sprinkled on top of the foam. Latte This originated from the Italian caffelatte which means "coffee and milk". This coffee drink is made with espresso and steamed milk. Caffe au lait This is a French coffee drink which also means coffee with milk. The milk which is added is hot. It differs and contrasts with white coffee in that the latter has room temperature added milk. In some American coffee houses this cafe au lait is a drink of strong drip brewed coffee with added steamed milk. The main difference between this coffee concoction and caffe latte is the use of espresso as base for the latte. Caffe mocha This is a variant of cafe latte and it is a mix of one third espresso, two thirds steamed milk with portion of chocolate. The chocolate can be sweet cocoa powder or variety of chocolate syrup. Mochas can contain either white or dark chocolates. When white chocolate is added, it is white cafe mocha. A mixture of the two kinds of chocolates can also be added to come up with cafe zebra mocha. Like the cappuccino, the cafe mocha has the froth on top but there are times that whipped cream is added on top. For additional flavor, cinnamon and marshmallows can be sprinkled on top. There are still many other coffee variations and different flavors are also added. These coffee blends are available in almost all coffee shops and to taste each every time you visit a cafe will be a great experience.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:34:17 +0000

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