-----Entrepreneurship: Past, Present and Beyond---- Courtesy: - TopicsExpress


-----Entrepreneurship: Past, Present and Beyond---- Courtesy: Mr. Md. Sabur Khan (Honorable Chairman, BoT, Daffodil International University). Entrepreneurship: Past, Present and Beyond Two hundred years ago, men even could not imagine to study in medical science and set their career as a Doctor. Hundreds of years ago, higher study in Engineering was innovative. Fifty year ago no one could think of studying in Hotel & Tourism, or even in MBA, Forty years ago none could think of having higher study in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Real State, Disaster Management, Nutrition and Food, Physiotherapy or even in Computer Science. Thirty years ago, it was unthinkable to decorate offices professionally, now we call Interior Designers or anyone who studied this subject. We look see many popular journalists but they didn’t study in particular subject, Journalism and Mass Communication. Subjects like Telecommunication, Information Technology, Genetics, Graphics Design, Aeronautical Engineering, or Chemical Engineering, cyber security, cloud computing are also very new. Now IT is the biggest project in any country. MBBS doctors have many branches now with specific expertise, (legs, bones, heart, and so on). Was it thinkable around 10-15 decades ago? Once in a village scenario, the way to carry goods from one place to another was called ‍Supply Chain Management (SCM); but presently it has become a popular Subject in Business Study. Expertise education in Executive MBA in business and Banking or in Textile Engineering can equip anyone well enough for a bright career. Employers or investors also like to see extra quality in a candidate. A statistics study shows that there are now 40 percent more international students studying at U.S. colleges and universities than a decade ago, and the rate of increase has risen steadily for the past three years. It is the same scenario on the ever changing world. This trend indicates that one after another, new concept or ideas are being generated and new subjects are coming in demand consequently. Before, people did not think of a foreign degree and the concept has changed dramatically. Expertise higher education on a particular subject has come to lime light. The world is changing very frequently. Alike everything, the concept of ‘Business’ is also changing each day all over the world. So who will think that the backdated are lagging behind? Concepts like: Business Incubator, start up, Angel Investor, Venture Capital, outsourcing, etc. are very recent, and no doubt, these will dominate the business world in no time. Once upon a time business was conceptual. People used to make deal, exchange, trade and commerce in a straight-cut way. The art and style of personal and business communication and other inter-personal skills were not so significant. There weren’t many competitors. Those who had dedication, merit and ability to work hard could succeed. The scenario has rapidly and greatly changed. Now, business is an art, a science, a technology, a grammar, a mechanism, a chemical reaction. Whoever is fit for the competitive market will go ahead. We must keep the pace within the era. We must be fit through competition. From failure, an entrepreneur extracts power and spirit of success, wherever we find some people who have no farsightedness or vision to create, and only go back, think backward and drag other from behind. The wiser and smarter people always seriousness in taking the right decisions on the right time.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:41:45 +0000

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