-----PAKISTAN , THE SOFT TARGET FOR TERRORISM - WHY ?----- The present brutal attack of Islamic terrorists on a school in Peshawar taking more than 100 lives of innocent students ranging between 6-16 years of age and the teachers performing profithood duties of imparting education should be an eye opener for indigenous religious scholars that what sacred duty they are performing by supporting the master minds , who claim themselves to be the real leaders of Islamic ummah, of these brutal activities, who always quote Quranic versions after such barbaric activities on electronic media to justify their act of terrorism. Our political / religious leaders like those belonging to ruling party and other religious parties claiming also to be political and newly emerged political part known for its dharnas, instead of condemning the forces behind such brutal acts like Taliban, relate it to the conspiracies of external forces like India and America. These sympathisers of Islamic terrorists actually try to divert the attention of the forces fighting against terrorism in particular and nation in general from such terrorists busy in subversive activities in our homeland to provide them the opportunity to continue their barbaric activities on the hope of getting the reign of state in their hand. The short memories of these sympathisers from our political parties do not remind them that once, God forbid, the terrorist forces in their ulterior motives, they will not led their local sympathisers to come into power, instead would become threat to their own survival as we are seeing that Al-Qaida once established by Saudi Arabia to destabilize govts. in Syria, Iraq , Afghanistan , Libya and other Islamic states has now become threat to its own Kingdom. Instead of blaming foreign forces, our political leaders should realize that these terrorists do not come from across the border, but they are lodged among us and move from these places to their targets for subversive activities. We, the neighbors , provide them all facilities from safe lodging , racky of their targets before execution and facilitate their communication to places of their choice. Our religious families feel proud in presenting their daughter to them to marry on the hope of getting heaven on our resurrection . Our religiopolitical leaders deliver speeches in public gatherings organized after gat tin permission from govt. to prepare for Qatlfee-Sabillah as the only way of bringing Islamic revolution in Pakistan . Present reports on Peshawar attack reveal the truth of above submission where internal support for attack has been revealed by investigating agencies. With the exception of Pakistan Peoples Party, Awami National Party and Muttahidda Quomi Movement no other party is ready to blame Taliban on their involvement in these subversive activities. Till the time all political parties do not join hands to declare Taliban as the sole terrorists using name of Islam for their barbarism, Pakistan will remain the safe target for the Islamic terrorists. So, the danger is from ourselves and not from others on threatening the survival of the country. We have to correct ourselves and need to induct the sense of humanity in our minds to save our homeland , as respect to HUMANITY is the core ideology not only of Islam but of all religions. People have to rise sitting in public gatherings to shut mouths of such leaders who relate the prevalent wave of terrorism to others and make them realize that to fight against such terrorists is our war and we all should stand jointly at the back of our forces engaged in eradicating terrorism from this region without any ifs and buts. God may help us to understand Islam in its true spirit and on the versions presented by self made religious leaders, who believe only in brutal slaughtering of innocent people, according to them, to please God.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:14:26 +0000

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