-----POLITICIANS ! PLEASE TAKE PITY ON THIS POOR NATION OF NATURALLY ENRICHED BUT UNEXPLORED PAKISTAN - JOIN HANDS FOR ONE POINT AGENDA----- The irony of the nation has been that its leadership remained in the hands of feudals, the product of British rule, since the day of independence of Pakistan. Britishers purchased loyalties of a bit influentials on the perk of large landholdings and psychologically trained them to become sadist so as to curb any movement against the then government and established relationships with vassals similar to those prevailing in Europe upto 12th century where vassals had no more social status than a slave. Education changed the entire social scenario from master- slave relationship to equality in human population and now enjoying a respectable status in the international community. But this region especially wester India was kept deprive of education and remained under the influence of Muslim clergy, who opposed acquiring of modern education and few like Sir Syed Ahmad Khan were even declared as Kafir in reaction to his motivation to Muslims to enlighten them with modern education to live respectable life. Feudals took advantage of this clergy movement, facilitated them by providing all facilities, used to send their children abroad for education but kept deprived local people of getting education. In this way they pleased the clergy on one hand by not opening educational institutions and on the other strengthened their grip over poor vassals (tenants), used to treat them like slaves and kept them hand to mouth regarding their livelihood. After independence , as Qaid-e-Azam announced Karachi as the capital of Pakistan, these opportunist feudals, who were opposing independence movement, immediately joined Quaids Muslim League and started planning to clinch power of the state realizing Qaid-e-Azam as the main hurdle in their way in fulfilling of their vicious desires. Their attitude was very well reflected when establishment, mostly under the influence of these feudals, showed cold response in receiving ailing Qaid, the first Governor General and Head of the Stateof Pakistan at Karachi international airport. The ambulance sent to receive him failed on the road and later the nation lost its founder and nobody took the responsibility of this negligence. They believed that if Qaid survived he would give blow to feudalism. Next hurdle of Liaqat Ali Khan was removed by his assassination in Rawalpindi and again establishment remained unnoticed. After the departure of these two leaders, now democratic people of East Pakistan were the bone of contention in safeguarding feudalism. These feudal politicians of West Pakistan started making conspiracies by offering perks to establishment and judiciary and succeeded in dethroning the governments led by political leaders of East Pakistan on one hand and created sense of hatred among the people of East and West Pakistan. To further nullify any democratic move running their vicious desires, these opportunist feudal politicians succeeded in getting constitutional protection by introducing the concept of parity in 1956 constitution. This concept of parity was against the spirit of democracy. If this concept of parity is according to the spirit of democracy then why it is not given constitutional status ie the present feed rating units- Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa? All these steps were actually to get rid of East Pakistan so that these feudal lords may become the sole rulers of Pakistan and may continue enjoy power with sadist mentality, and they succeeded when East Pakistan was separated from us in 1971. On this breakup no voice of sorrow was heard from any corner, instead stakeholders of remaining Pakistan justified that separation by saying that East and West Pakistan were unrealistic union. The dictatorship of Ayub Khan led the business community to emerge. Unluckily this business community run their industries with feudal mentality and removed labour leaders coming on the front for the rights of labors by burning them into ashes in their klins. Stories are on every tongue about melting of steel railway engines in the klins of steel industry. Since 1977 from the era of another dictator Zia ul Haq alongwith feudals, business tycoon having feudal mentality also emerged on the political scene to share state power. From that day till today these both are playing with the fate of the nation with the main objective in their minds to loot as much as one can but camouflaged under the slogan of service to poor people. They protect interests of each other in a way that land reforms could not be implemted till today to ensure landholdings of feudal lords intact . Moreover, agricultural tax could not be made mandatory so that feudal lords may not be put under any financial burden to pay something from their earnings to government treasury. The interests of business tycoon having feudal mentality are protected by declaring state commercial assets as sick units to put them for sale and provide the business feudals an opportunity to purchase them at worthless prices and then run their business. Our rulers are obstinate and not ready to learn any lesson from their past wrong doings, which has taken the country at the brim of disaster and pushing majority of population below poverty line. The unwise but self centered policies have taken the country at the top of these countries known for every evil and latest that Pakistan is the country from polio is disseminated. Our rulers did not feel any shame on the sad demise of people of all ages of huger and diseases in Thar. Instead of taking any measures to protect lives of poor people, rulers are busy in blame game on one hand and launching policies involving heavy govt. exchequer to get their share in the form of commissions and kick backs. Present rulers believe in cosmetic development and are not ready to mend themselves to cope with development at grass root level. They have again launched yellow cab scheme in which the same rulers had caused loss of billions of rupees in similar scheme in 1992 when National Bank of Pakistan was going to be bankrupt. Now they have proposed to release 115 billion rupees from govt. exchequer to launch yellow cab scheme to provide business opportunity to poor and laptops to Martin/ Intermediate/ graduate students. Though their is some resistance form concerned treasury officers, but no matter, they will pressurize or replace them with their likeminded and get the relaes of funds. Who tell them that bringing of so much vehicles on road will produce unimaginable burden on already scanty energy ( petrol/CNG) resources ?In developing nations energy conservation projects should be launched and these are to run more buses to carry more people with little use of fuel/gas. For this, need of the time is to construct extensive network of roads bot in rural and urban areas rather to introduce metro transport and construct unnecessary overhead bridges and under passes in few towns of the country. In big towns, even today, transport problem can be solved merely by strictly implementing traffic discipline. Similarly by distributing laptops to Matric/inter/graduate students, what govt. is going to achieve? It will produce simply clerks which our rulers want? To satisfy their vicious desires, the rulers just go on appointing people of their choices, give undue promotions and violate merit, throw rulings of superior courts and keep concerned decision makers under their obligation to keep their business(running of state) according to their wishes. Education has been made business and one can get any degree he wants provided he has money and now attempts are in away to even issue certified specialization degrees in professional subjects like medical and engineering by bringing their monitoring policies under provincial control by exploiting the slogan of provincial autonomy. What will happen that besides natural calamity, people will die of treatments given by doctors comingg from these commercial technical institutes and newly constructed buildings will not sustain even first sower of rains as we have seen in the newly constructed National Assembly building or demolishing of part of Lyari expressway just after its inauguration? But ruling elite is not worried about these out coming of their policies because they go abroad even for minor ailments. The ruling elite is not ready to explore the natural resource in Thar and Baluchistan because it may change the economic status of poor, however, they are ready to give rights of exploration to foreign masters. The ruling elite has psychologically made this nation impotent and have successfully induced in their mind that these sufferings are their fate and no one can bring glory in your life and that is why we do not see any protest against dearness, joblessness or poverty. Yes there are protests but in favoured or against the same feudal lords led by same feudals in one or other shape. ------------RULING ELITE MUST REMEMBER THAT THEIR LOOTKHASOOT IS LINKED WITH THE EXISTENCE OF THIS COUNTRY. If you cannot leave of habit of favouratism and foul practices then at least join hands on one point agenda and that is to make part of education as federal subject. MAKE IT MADATORY THAT (1)ADMISSION AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL AND IN PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS ( MEDICAL & ENGINEERING) SHALL BE ONLY ON MERIT (2) EXAMINING BODY OF ALL PUBLIC /PRIVATE SECTOR UNIVERSITIES & PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS ( MEDICAL & ENGINEERING) WILL BE FEDERAL GOVT. Rest of the matters leave at the mercy of ruling elite. This one point agenda does not put any bar on continuing your vicious desires on one hand but on the other would help further disaster of the country from non competent actors placed at the helm of affairs.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:50:15 +0000

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