---- SAVE ELECTED OFFICIALS – “WITH TERM LIMITS”. ARGUMENTS FOR TERM LIMITS With term limits in place, Elected Officials could be more responsible toward their constituents because they will soon be constituents themselves. They will have to live under the laws and regulations they have created while in office. They will have less time in office to develop much in personal financial gains with their positions, financially beneficial commitments to fellow politicians, lobbyists and other special interest groups, thereby undermining the threat of money being a primary influence on their jobs. And less powerful to be attempted commit crime, destroy public trust, etc. Since the time of the Founding Fathers, a general consensus states that people, when given power, will eventually be corrupted by it. If there was term limits in place, their power will also be limited. Candidates will be more likely to run for the purpose of serving the people, and they would have to leave office before corruption dominates their decisions. Foe example: Congress is heavily entrenched in partisan politics, resulting in gridlock when trying to pass any legislation. If term limits were enacted, toeing the party line would be less important, as the need for re-election and holding onto party seats would no longer be the driving force behind most legislative decisions. Congress would have an easier time passing the legislation that would make a positive difference for the nation. Money is a major factor in who will win an election. Incumbents have the benefit of the profits they made while in power – plus the backing of their party, contributing organizations and special interests – to get re-elected. However, these wealthy incumbents are often not the best person for the job, as they are so far-removed from the daily realities of the American people. A middle class person who better understands the problems facing the average citizen is highly unlikely to get elected over a wealthy incumbent. Term limits will help to eliminate the shady, profitable relationships between fellow political leaders, and therefore reduce the wealth gap between candidates. In turn, more qualified people will have a real opportunity to win elections. And in many cases, they will have less State, County, or City tax dollars to bribe unwitting voters prior to going to the polls. West Virginia will remain at the very bottom when it comes to voter turnout, unless these governmental bodies are stopped from controlling County Elections with Taxpayers Money.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:58:22 +0000

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