--- A FRIENDLY APPEAL TO ALL MY BANK OFFICER BROTHERS AND SISTERS --- In many banks officer employees have to submit original petrol bills for claiming their monthly conveyance. Almost 99% officers claim full conveyance by submitting petrol bills, of which at least 50% are fake. Is it not the right time in India for the Bank Officers Community (many people are raising hue and cry against the present corruption levels in our country) to desist from such practices of submitting fake petrol bills for pocketing just one or two thousands of rupees a month. How can these officers, who are habituated to submit fake bills every month can question the fraudulent / corrupt / selfish motives of certain vested interests in the management at branch and controlling office level of their respective banks? When people at Delhi have shown their anguish against the opportunistic / corrupt / vote-bank politics of the present rulers by overwhelmingly supporting parties like AAP, who have fought against these bad policies, how the Bank Officers Community, without improving their ethical standards, join hands with the people who are fighting against these bad policies. Whether it is one thousand rupees or one lac rupees, corruption is corruption. Hitherto our above practices are taken lightly by everybody. But in the changed environment, we may be compelled to explain for these wrong practices, if a right person fighting against corruption questions us through the RTI Act-2005, etc. I appeal to all bank officers to stop immediately submission of fake petrol bills and claim conveyance only to the extent of what they have incurred actually during the month. Likewise with other benefits like leased accommodation, medical claim, entertainment expenses, TA bills, etc., where they are forced to submit original bills / declarations for the amounts claimed. *** TAKE A BOLD DECISION IN THE NEW YEAR AND LET US CONTRIBUTE OUR MITE IN THE PRESENT FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IN INDIA *** Kindly go through the page “Andhra Bank should believe in Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah” (https://facebook/pages/Andhra-Bank-should-believe-in-Dharmo-Rakshati-Rakshitah/619206628127291?ref=hl) on Face Book to understand for yourself the dangers awaiting your careers in the Banking Industry in the near future. The irregularities that I have mentioned in my above Face Book Page are only a small sample of events that have happened in the branches of Andhra Bank-Mahabubnagar Zone for years together and are conveniently ignored by all who are supposed to notice and record them in a reasonable time. It is very difficult to believe that such serious irregularities have not come to any one’s notice for so many years. Had these irregularities are taken care of by the concerned controlling and inspecting authorities at the right time, many existing NPAs would not have been added in Andhra Bank and the careers of so many innocent officers would not have been in danger. My intention in making this appeal is that day by day number of supporters in favour of good things and against the atrocities being committed by certain vested interests on the ethical values of our society and country is getting reduced drastically and many are becoming silent spectators for all unwanted things that are happening around them. This may be due to the fact that they are habituated to live in untruth and are fearing to question others misdeeds. If I am not mistaken, earlier misbehaviour of minor nature with women is taken not so seriously. Only the cases of serious offences against them are being handles toughly. But after “NIRBHAYA” episode, things have been changed dramatically. Even a small misbehaviour is costing very heavily, even to the Supreme Court judges. It is because the present situation in the country and the peoples’ anguish against the raising offences against the women. Similar is the case with corruption in Govt. offices in India. Law breakers are seems to be more happy rather than the law abiders. Have you seen earlier in banks such a vast number of crop loans against fake pattadar pass books. It is high time for us to introspect ourselves and to convince ourselves for, how can we as a highly secured, civilised, highly admired bank officers community, who are habituated to claim our perks every month on false declarations/fake bills, can question an illiterate farmer who has availed a crop loan on a fake pattadar passbook. Now the peoples’ anger against government servants as well as politicians is very high due to the prevailing corruption levels in India. If we compare between a politician and a govt. servant, public expect values more from the latter as he is more secure than the former. The former’s position is only for 5 years (even 5 years is no guaranty) where as the latter is highly secured for his entire life time. Then why should a govt. servant disobey the law of the land and become a very bad example for others in the society. During earlier times the situation is not that bad and there are no powerful laws like RTI and LOKPAL. At that time it is like practice becomes law. But now these practices are not being taken lightly by the common man as well as by the new Acts enacted and also by the courts. Accordingly we have to change ourselves to suit the need of the hour. *** LET US ALL RESPECT THE TRUTH – ONE WHO CANNOT RESPECT TRUTH CAN’T RESIST UNTRUTH – AFTER ALL CORRUPTION IS THE BY-PRODUCT OF UNTRUTH. LET US ALL RAISE TO THE PRESSING DEMAND OF OUR NATION, i.e., “CHARACTER BUILDING” *** (The above observations are from a well wisher of the “Banking Industry” and its family members. He is compelled to put the above harsh facts on record after experiencing for himself the ground realities at Andhra Bank) (... saaibabak@gmail) “THE DETERMINED FEW CAN TRANSFORM THINGS FAVOURABLY FOR MANY” :::!!!Universal Prayer!!!::: May the wicked turn good; May the good attain peace; May the peaceful be freed from all bondage and May the liberated redeem others. May everybody be happy; May everybody be free from disease; May everybody have good luck; May none fall on evil days. May everybody surmount difficulties; May everybody have good fortune; May everybody realise his ambitions; May everybody rejoice everywhere. (- Sri Saaipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:03:35 +0000

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