--- CRENSHAW CHRONICLE --- Time to Stem the Tide of Executive - TopicsExpress


--- CRENSHAW CHRONICLE --- Time to Stem the Tide of Executive Branch Overreach The Constitution is pretty clear: Congress makes laws, the Judiciary interprets the laws, and the President makes sure the laws are executed. Yet, there is no end in sight to President Obama circumventing Congress and the Constitution to get what he wants. It’s got to stop, and two bill passed by the House this week with my support send a reminder that we live in a Democracy with a Constitution. That means one person doesn’t get to decide how to execute the law of the land and when. The ENFORCE the Law Act requires the President to report directly to Congress when making a policy decision not to enforce a law; no more picking and choosing what parts of a law you want to carry out. One of the most egregious examples of overreach we’ve seen is with Obamacare. The Faithful Executive of the Law Act tackles this problem head on by formally disapproving the President’s failure to fulfill his duty to execute the law. More information about President Obama’s actions to undermine the rule of the law: majorityleader.gov/TheImperialPresidency Defense Department Must Maintain Robust Navy Fleet When it comes to national security, budget decisions must be made based on strategic need, not how many dollars the Administration thinks should be cut to fund its own priorities. Fewer forces mean higher risk, and now is not the time to cut back our military. I questioned Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel about the Defense Department fiscal year 2015 budget request on Thursday, focusing on plans for Cruisers and the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) fleet. Despite reports stating that the Navy will buy 20 fewer LCSs, Secretary Hagel told the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee that there are no current plans to cut LCS production. He has only asked the Navy to report back on ways to make the LCS more capable and efficient. I’ll take him at his word, but as I mentioned, the world is not a safer place and the Navy will continually be asked to do more. We can’t afford one ship that can do it all. With a wide presence around the globe that includes the largest carrier fleet in the world; our Navy is a central player, protecting the nation against changing and ever-present threats. We need ships like the Cruisers and a full LCS fleet to meet those needs. Questioning Secretary of State Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey on Thursday.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 19:12:04 +0000

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