----Chapter 12 part 1---- The last thing I remember is Hunter - TopicsExpress


----Chapter 12 part 1---- The last thing I remember is Hunter singing me to sleep last night. He apparently fell asleep right here because were still holding hands in my bed. He wakes up a minute or 2 after I do and he just smiles this big dumb grin and we start kissing again. Everything seems almost perfect in the world, and then life does that little thing called pulling you back to reality and I realize were almost to the Capitol on our way to be publicly slaughtered on tv. We should probably get up. Im hungry. Yeah me too. He leaves my room and I rummage in one of the drawers for something to wear. I pick sweatpants and a soft blue tank top. I walk out of my room just as Hunter swings me around and pins me against the wall and kisses me. Lets go eat I say with a huge uncontrolable smile. We walk down to the dining car holding hands. We arrive at the table and Zena has already served herself a dainty breakfast. Theres a man sitting in the chair next to her whos piling food on his plate. We sit down next to each other and take some food. Good, good, good, good morning you two! We will be in the Capitol soon, so I would like to introduce you to your mentor, Darren McDanel. He looks at me and says. Hi. Your shirt doesnt go with those pants. Ok, great first impression dude. So your chances of surviving this thing are miniscule. There are 22 other tributes in there and 4 of them are careers, so you will most likely die. This makes both of us drop our jaws and it even startles Zena a little. My job as a mentor is to help decrease the chances of your imminent death. This conversation is making my appetite ebb away. Ok. So what now? When we get to the Capitol, you need to smile. Make a good first impression. His eyes flick down to our entwined hands. Are yall a thing? I give a shy smile. Yeah, kinda. Good. Use it. Frankly it makes me sick, but the romantic suckers in the Capitol will eat it up. Not liking this guy so far. Alright then. Since this is a totally new soirèe to you, heres whats gonna go down. When we get to the Capitol, the festivities begin. We will take you to your prep team and stylist, who are the ones who make you pretty by the way, first thing since you obviously cant be seen looking like that. He gestures up and down my whole body. Then he goes back to shoving food in his mouth without another word. Thats ok, because what happens next needs no words. We come out of a dark mountain tunnel into the side of the mountain; and the Capitol is in front of us. And it is amazing. Tall buildings, lavish decorations. A dome in the middle of the crystal pristine lake. Then comes the train station. ~Peeta, my love~
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:22:59 +0000

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