--- GOOGLE TRANSLATE --- Puerto Rican Passport Fufi Santori - TopicsExpress


--- GOOGLE TRANSLATE --- Puerto Rican Passport Fufi Santori 25 A A Print Views: 1018 times February 2, 2014 C.E.L.A.C. elnuevodia/blog-celac-1702807.html This is the Community of Latin American and Caribbean and Puerto Ricans, it is a disgrace for not having been invited to share Puerto Rico with three brothers thirty countries gathered this week in Havana, Cuba. The absence of Puerto Rico in the third regional summit, the first was held in Venezuela and the other in Chile, is explained in some news media that our government as not interested to be part of this organization that obviously meant to be an alternative to the Organization of American States, as discredited by the control on it, have had the United States. The peel and lironda truth is that the Commonwealth does not establish us as a sovereign country and makes it impossible, by regulation, our membership. In CELAC, the United States are excluded by definition. - The efforts of our Secretary of State David Bernier to internationalize economically culturally related nations not only have not gone unnoticed but have been favorably considered by the vast majority of Puerto Ricans. And it has not been easy to implement your project with the limitations imposed on us by the territoriality policy did not attend Law 600 and not remedied or the constitution of the Commonwealth or the notorious 1952 partnership agreement. Of course youll want to Puerto Rico to be part of CELAC. It would be ignorant and unintelligent to think otherwise. The same would apply to not think that we should accept the offer of cheap oil sales that make us Venezuela. It is in such situations that crops and crippling shame of our colonial reality. Some Anglophiles, whether or superdemócratas pitiyankis, resent the fact that this third CELAC summit has been held in Cuba. They use this argument to try to vitiate the true pure politicking great purpose of this concert of Latin American nations. However, nothing said the yankistas when the second summit was made in Chile where the United States liquidated promoting Salvador Allende and Pinochet dictatorship where for the past years has prevailed a right wing government, it has just been defeated in the last elections in the republic. If any country has sponsored dictatorships in Latin America with angels as Somoza, Stroessner, Perez Jimenez Rojas, Trujillo, Duvalier etc. that has been the United States. And, as I have repeated many times in my writings, one thing is the American people and another that Yankee government run by the monstrous military industrial complex, that it evokes and pays homage to freedom for imperialist purposes. Clothed with the mantle of Freedom and Democracy imperialists unleash their greed and military force to multiply their wealth and maintain its global hegemony. The United States boast of being champions of freedom and democracy but its history of violent interventions in Latin American countries (and in half the world) debunk these claims and no better proof of his mendacity that have invaded Puerto Rico in 1898 the sole purpose of becoming a colony to serve its geopolitical interests. Similarly, have outraged the sovereignty of dozens of Latin American countries, always under the guise of protecting anti democratic and dictatorial regimes. So led overthrows of democratically constituted governments as Bosch in the Dominican and Allende in Chile and will follow you out there reaching the height of abuse when invaded tiny Grenada. And of course, in Cuba, not only Fidel Castro but their puppets as Batista. maintained and kept there enclave Guantánamo, made in USA. In protest of imperialist crap and all that under the leadership of the Latin American left CELAC is organized in what might be described as a second stage of the struggle for the independence of 58 million South Americans and Caribbean, men and women who call for the right to live in peace under the economic system and form of government that best suits their interests and not that of Washington. Latin America can no longer be the yard Uncle Sam. CELAC all that concerned. As a Latin American and Puerto Rican, I am ashamed that Puerto Rico can not be an integral part of this liberation movement. Translation posted by Robert Davis PUERTO RICO ECONOMY SOLUTIONS Tel: (787) 988-1387
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 15:29:11 +0000

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