----QURAN & TAFSEER COURSE---- ----ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM---- The - TopicsExpress


----QURAN & TAFSEER COURSE---- ----ASSALAAMU ALAYKUM---- The Highlands Waqaf Trust (HWT) Sunday Morning Sharee’ah Class will be hosting a four day (4 day) course on the subject: QURAN, TAFSEER & TAJWEED. The Course will be presented via Power-Point Presentation at the HWT Lecture Room in Highlands Estate during OCTOBER 2013. INTRODUCTION TO UNDERSTANDING THE SCIENCES OF THE QURAN, ITS TAFSEER, AND ITS TAJWEED RULES (OCTOBER 2013) MAIN OUTCOMES The attendee will (at the end of the course) have a basic understanding of the Sciences of the Quran, its explanation (Tafseer) and its rules (Tajweed). MAIN CONTENT The Main content will include an overview of how the Quran was revealed, how it is interpreted, and the rules that should be applied when reciting the Quran. COURSE DETAILS Name: INTRODUCTION TO UNDERSTANDING THE SCIENCES OF THE QURAN, ITS TAFSEER, AND ITS TAJWEED RULES Dates: 06, 13, 20, 27 OCTOBER 2013 Time: 10:00AM—12:00PM Venue: HIGHLANDS WAQAF TRUST (HWT) LECTURE ROOM Cost: R150.00 (Includes Registration cost, Notes and Certificate) PRESENTERS Our presenters include: Sh. Muneer Abduroaf: Practicing Attorney of the High Court of RSA (Abduroaf Attorneys) (LL.B Islamic Law/ LL.B South African Law / LL.M International Law / LL.D Current) Sh. Khalid Abduroaf (LL.B Islamic Law) Sh. M Soliegh Ceres (LL.B Islamic Law) REGISTRATION Secure a seat at the course by calling or sending a message to 081 270 7585 (c) or sending an email to hwt.shariah@gmail or visit our website at hwt.org.za CONTACT DETAILS 021 823 7572 (l) / 081 270 7585(c) / hwt.shariah@gmail (e)279556D5 (bb)/Madrasatur-Raoof (fb) / S: 3400.838 E: 1832
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 18:41:11 +0000

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