---> SPECIAL NEWS ALERT ! REPUBLICANS ARE USING FOX NEWS, RIGHT NOW, ON Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo TO GRUBERIZE the AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS into giving away ALL of their TAX DEDUCTIONS in favor of either a low FLAT TAX or a NATIONAL SALES TAX. THE DIRTY LITTLE SECRET is that the REPUBLICANS HAVE TO SKYROCKET the FLAT TAX to raise enough money to pay for the INTEREST and PRINCIPAL on the PUBLIC DEBT within a year or two at the most. The REPUBLICANS know that soon the owners of THE FEDERAL Reserve System will have to skyrocket INTEREST RATES in the attempt to prevent inflation and HYPERINFLATION. When that happens they will need FAR MORE TAXES then they do today. The rise in the interest rates will give the REPUBLICANS cover to say, in a year or so, that they HAVE TO raise the Tax Rate on the American Middle Class. AND THAT WILL BE THE TRUTH! IF THEY do not use the FLAT TAX they are going to GRUBERIZE us into the NATIONAL SALES TAX which is where the REPUBLICANS put sales taxes on every single thing you need to buy to LIVE, clothes, energy, vehicles, you name it. After they implement it their PLAN IN THE CAN, when Interest Rates skyrocket, is to change the National Sales TAX into a Value Added Tax, also know as a V.A.T. Tax where EVERY SINGLE THING is taxed at EVERY LEVEL OF PRODUCTION from the natural resource to the final sale to the consumer. YOU, as the Average American Middle Class citizen will be hardly able to ever afford ANYTHING for the rest of your lives. BOTH OF THESE GRUBERS, by the REPUBLICANS, are a trick to transfer Income Taxes from THE KRONIES (look it up) to the American Middle Class, to BROADEN OUT THE TAX BASE. Either of these GRUBERS will be the final nail in the coffin of the American Middle Class and The Republic as we know it. The question becomes, are the AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS so stupid as to fall for either one of these GRUBERS which are every bit as bad as ObamaCare. THE SOLUTION is for the AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS to join US in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION which will incrementally nearly DOUBLE the size of our current weekly paychecks, without even a raise or the printing of money outta thin air. We ARE joining together in SOLIDARITY TO compel and force, by means of highly coordinated, highly organized, well briefed, and well orchestrated local hometown political pressure on our local hometown State Assemblyman and State Senator, in each State Assembly voting District by as little as 20 knowledgeable Constitutionalists, to sponsor and facilitate the passage of our highly and strictly Constitutional State Joint Sovereignty Resolution with Arrest Provision, as drafted by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, FOR THIS SPECIFIC PURPOSE. That purpose is to create a transitional period of incremental State nullification of ALL unlawful Federal spending, Acts, and usurpation by Congress and/or the Executive branch that exceed the EIGHTEEN limited powers and spending delegated to them under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution, PURSUANT TO the Supremacy clauses of Article VI clauses 2 and 3, as well pursuant to our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws. To join US in SOLIDARITY, unless you want to get GRUBERED by the REPUBLICANS again, For Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/?source=1 ======================================================== Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article VI clauses 2 & 3: This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which -->shall be made in PURSUANCE THEREOFshall be the supreme Law of the Land THIS IS NO TIME TO GET GRUBERED!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:11:27 +0000

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