:-) !! BULLetin Board trivia time!! :-) Its been said that most - TopicsExpress


:-) !! BULLetin Board trivia time!! :-) Its been said that most people tend to pick a breed of dog that matches their personality. If thats true, what would be the BEST description of a bulldog OWNER? (FYI - while the descriptions are similar, one is better) :-) A) Stubborn and brave, often acting as if invincible. When they want something, they don’t give up until they get it. They love gardening and, just like the dogs, digging up things. They can sometimes be bossy and often dislike not getting their own way. B) A strong desire to please and will do anything for their family or friends. Courageous, full of vitality, and are constantly looking out for those they love. They enjoy being around children and make excellent parents and grandparents and babysitters. C) Determined, persistent, and do not give up easily. Silly and love to laugh but can be viewed as stubborn at times. They are extremely efficient and methodical in completing tasks. May come across to others as gruff but are gentle and loving members in a family. Known for being hopeless romantics with sentimental streaks. D) Determined and are often described as intense. Commanding a certain amount of respect and is considered to be courageous. Confident and loyal, and devoted to their friends and loved ones. They are laid back but quick to react if someone rubs them the wrong way.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:06:37 +0000

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