---EPISODE 3---- ----IT HAPPENED, SHE DIED IN MY ROOM---- It - TopicsExpress


---EPISODE 3---- ----IT HAPPENED, SHE DIED IN MY ROOM---- It was very easy to find a burning refuse dump site when i got there. I quickly disposed everything and headed back to my lodge a bit relieved. All that was left was to sit and wait for the poor girl to be discovered. I kept to myself, acting cool and trying hard not to behave in a way that could draw suspicion. It wasnt easy, i couldnt eat, sleep nor do anything. I was conscious of everything, plus i began seeing things. Strange weird things. Perhaps it was my imagination, perhaps it was guilt and fear but i truly wasnt myself anymore. I didnt kill the girl but i wronged her spirit. I felt she was everywhere i went, staring at me with her dark eyes. Then she was discovered.................An early monday cry from one of the cleaners ripped the whole lodge apart. The sharp cry shook the entire lodge, frightening me tremendously. My heart furiously pounded. The day of reckoning finally has arrived. I waited for few minutes in my room as i tried so hard to compose myself. Just like other students, i had to check out the cause of the cry and noise coming from downstairs. I wished i had travelled, but truly it was very bright of me to stay put in the lodge instead of travelling, because i had to be around in order to follow events and plan ahead. Moreover the hostel was a large one but it never stopped students who lived in it from knowing each others habit and as i hardly travelled. Who knows i could be suspected. Yes i was so scared that i felt every step i took could lead anyone to suspect me even though i was far from being one of the hostel terrors nor cultists who could easily be suspected as the hand behind such a deadly act. I drank a glass of water before heading out of my room. I slowly headed downstairs, towards where i dumped Nmekas body days ago. You cant imagine how nervous and scared i was as i slowly made my way to that place. Hundreds of students were already at the staircase when i got there. Students from the neighboring hostels alike. I greeted some of my neighbors who told me of the terrific discovery. I pretended to be shocked and forced my way to the front of the crowd. After a little struggle, i succeeded in getting close to Nmekas body which was already pulled out from the staircase. The poor girl was now lying just some steps away from where she was originally dumped, looking pale as ever. I drew a bit close as if i was very concerned. do you know her? a girl quickly asked me. I turned to see almost everyone staring curiously at me. I swallowed hard with tension. My guilty conscience shook me like an earthquake. what? i stammered. do you know her? the hostel president asked, before the girl could repeat her question. hell no. Thats exactly what i came to check i managed to reply, dashing all their hopes. nobody knows her. She has no I.d or anything the girl who asked the first question explained, while i shrugged, saying nothing. The relief i felt as i heard the girls explanation was quite enormous. I really had feared the question was asked with suspicion. However i still feared the worst was yet to come. I knew there must surely be a scapegoat. A sacrificial lamb who will be blamed for such a horrible crime. Who will it be??. The school SUG president soon showed up with the school authorities and the police, quickly dispersing everyone. you can now go on with your various activities, we are here to take charge of the situation. Be rest assured that the person behind this outrageous crime will be caught. If you have any information to share please dont hesitate to bring it to our knowledge. Mind how you talk to the press or better still leave us to do the talking. You are warned the Dean of students addressed us before we were dispersed. I returned to my room extremely scared and afraid. I couldnt imagine what the outcome of their investigation will be. I didnt leave my room all through the rest of that day. I simply stayed indoors with my conscience punishing me. I was ready to do anything for my fears to go away. Nmekas body was taken away later in the afternoon. I couldnt help but peep through my window as an ambulance carried the poor thing away. Yes the time was precisely 3:15pm. I really couldnt imagine what caused the delay in moving a body discovered very early in the morning. However some minutes after her body was taken away. A strange kind of dizziness took over my entire body. It was as if my room was spinning round with me in the center. I lost balance and collapsed on my bed, breathing heavily while sweat drenched my body. I couldnt believe nor understand what was happening. I never experienced such a thing before, but luckily i regained myself some minutes after. I tried hard to think what could have happened, but just couldnt figure out anything. Not only was my eyes now seeing things that never was, the rest of my body has equally joined in the game. Could Nmekas spirit be behind this? i wondered Miserably. but i didnt kill nobody. It was just an accident. I did what i had to do to save face i kind of spoke aloud before realising myself. A sharp knock of my door, quickly notified me of a visitor waiting outside. Is it the police? i nervously asked myself as i sluggishly went to my door.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:35:31 +0000

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