-- Ibn Umar reported: the Prophet (s) said: Do not prevent women - TopicsExpress


-- Ibn Umar reported: the Prophet (s) said: Do not prevent women from going to the mosque when they seek your permission. Bilal b. Abdullah said: By Allah, we shall certainly prevent them. On this Ibn Umar (r) turned towards him and reprimanded him [in another version, thumped the speakers chest] so harshly as I have never hear him do before. Abdullah ibn Umar (r) said: I am narrating to you that which comes from the Prophet (s) and you (dare) say: By Allah we shall certainly prevent them. [Sahih Muslim, Vol. I, #885] -- Women used to live in the Masjid! Aisha narrated: A (previously mistreated) but freed slave girl came to Rasulullah and embraced Islam. She had a tent or a small room with a low roof in the mosque.. . [Sahih al-Bukhari: Vol. 1, #430] -- Womens attachment to the Masjid (one wife of the Prophet had so much attachment) Anas: Once Rasulullah came to the Mosque, he noticed a rope strung between two columns. He inquired as to why that rope was so fastened between two columns. The Companions said: Hazrat Zainab had tied this rope only to take rest when tired in the course of her prayers. Rasulullah said: Untie it. You should pray so long as you feel pleasant. When you feel tired you should go to rest. [Bukhari and Muslim as reported in Riyadus Saleheen, Vol. I, #146]. -- Womens participation in Juma prayer (a women memorizes one whole sura just by regularly attending Juma prayer) Umm Hisham narrated: ... I learnt surah al-Qahf, By the Glorious Quran, from no other source than the tongue of Rasulullah (s) who used to recite it every Friday on the pulpit ... [Sahih Muslim, Vol. I, #1894] -- Women had programs and activities in the masjid. Asma bint Yazid (r): Rasulullah (once) passed through the mosque, when a group of women was seated in the Masjid, he made a sign of greeting to them by raising his hand. [Sunan Abu Dawood and Sunan at-Tirmizi as reported in Riyadus Saleheen, #865] As Salaamun Alaikum We only have 133 signatures to date. We need to step up our game and get more signatures to stop the abuse against women, children and the elderly. We are trying to get the Masajids to develop programs from grant funds that can make the Masjid more effective in the community. I am not trying to see Masajids closed or embarrassed. I am trying to raise the bar so that we can lead people who need help out of harm’s way. Many people are returning home from incarceration and have nowhere to go and no one to help them. Many elderly are being exploited for their money and are being neglected in nursing homes. Many children are victims of abuse from living in verbally abusive homes and have no one to intervene for them. Many women are being abused and exploited and there is no means of help for them. It is not the government’s responsibility to help those who are right in front of our eyes…it is the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad’s responsibility to help. I a trying to help all people, but my main focus is on the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad. Many feel as though that we should keep our business to ourselves…my problem is that we may not have the means to deal with this particular business and many people are suffering due to negligence, ignorance and arrogance. This is unacceptable! His problem existed during the time of the Prophet, during the revelations of the Quran and after the revelations stopped and the Prophet Muhamad was called back. The women did not stop fighting for their rights…it was just the men who increased their terroristic behavior. This is the Jihad that is ordained for us in the Quran and in the life of Prophet Muhammad. O ye who believe! Stand our firmly for justice…even against yourselves. We do not have the legal means to govern and override the arrogance of some. So we have to use the means and tools we have to stop the abuse to the best of our ability. gopetition/petitions/prosecution-for-faith-based-organizations-not-against-domestic-violence.html
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 16:36:57 +0000

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