-- Meditation is NOT Concentration -- People have a wrong - TopicsExpress


-- Meditation is NOT Concentration -- People have a wrong notion that all meditations are right; It is not so. Meditations can be wrong. For example, any meditation that leads you deep into concentration is wrong. You will become more and more closed rather than becoming open. If you narrow down your Consciousness concentrate on something, and you exclude the whole of existence and become one-pointed, it will create more and more tension in you. Hence the word attention. It means at-tension. Concentration, the very sound of the word, gives you a feeling of tenseness. Concentration has its uses but it is not meditation. In scientific work, in scientific research, in the science lab, you need concentration. You have to concentrate on one problem and exclude everything else -- so much so that you almost become unmindful of the remaining world. The only problem that you are concentrating upon is your world. Thats why scientists become absent-minded. People who concentrate too much always become absent-minded because they dont know how to remain open to the whole world. I was reading an anecdote. I have brought a frog, said a scientist, a professor of zoology, beaming at his class, fresh from the pond, in order that we might study its outer appearance and later dissect it. He carefully unwrapped the package he carried and inside was a neatly prepared ham sandwich. The good professor looked at it with astonishment. Odd! he said, I distinctly remember having eaten my lunch. That goes on happening to scientists. They become one-pointed and their whole mind becomes narrow. Of course, a narrow mind has its use: it becomes more penetrating, it becomes like a sharp needle, it hits exactly the right point, but it misses the great life that surrounds it. A Buddha is not a man of concentration, he is a man of awareness. He has not been trying to narrow down his consciousness; on the contrary, he has been trying to drop all barriers so that he becomes totally available to existence. ~~ OSHO ~~
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 02:36:35 +0000

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