-- Seal #5 (of 7) Speed & Power of Thought Theory (similar to - TopicsExpress


-- Seal #5 (of 7) Speed & Power of Thought Theory (similar to Quantum Entanglement) -- Quantum entanglement has been known since 1935. Einstein called it spooky action at a distance. Information can be transmitted over billions of light years spontaneously; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Entanglement . Thought has no mass, therefore, it is not held to the speed limit of light according to general relativity. Thought can travel faster-than-light, thus going backwards in time creating a new event that spawns a new series of causes-and-effects that then appear in the present as a coincidence. This is a very real form of time travel. This is similar to the parallel universes theory which states that every possible decision we have is in fact made and creates another universe. For example, that high school girlfriend/boyfriend that you broke up with; in another universe you never separated and have been married for years and have children. This is not reality, for when we are faced with a decision between A or B, at that time both possibilities exist like Schrodingers Cat. But once we make the decision - once we open the box and see the cat is either alive or dead - the other possibility dissolves; it does NOT continue to exist in a parallel universe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrödinger%27s_cat -- Experiment of Monday morning 3/17/14 -- I emailed President Obama at whitehouse.gov/ . I said that the Russians are being unfairly pressured by a Cold War where the European Union and NATO were now at their western border and US troops have been at their southern border in Afghanistan since 2001. I wrote that NATO was formed in response to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact and since they dissolved in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down, NATO needed to be disbanded, Ukraine and Western Russia need to be part of the EU, the EU has to have a functioning Congress, and all European countries needed to be on the Euro. Right afterwards, I posted a copy of my message to the WH on my FB page and on my FB 7 Seals revealed as beyond Einstein theories. I then saw on the ticker at the bottom of the screen on CNN that on Saturday, there had been a cyber attack at NATO; cnn/2014/03/15/world/europe/nato-computers-cyberattack/. Also, I tried to call the White House (212-456-1414) to leave the same message on the Comments Line and they - like all Federal Govt. offices - were closed due to a snowstorm that dropped 7 inches of snow and a second storm was predicted to drop as much as 4 inches. . Synchronism 3/20/14 09:39 If you could travel back in time to cover any golf tournament... 09:49 Quantum leap - Golf Channel. 10:00 Lincoln and his best friend Joshua Speed on History Channel
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:38:11 +0000

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