★-★ TODAY IN SEA HISTORY - 5 NOVEMBER 1966: KLAUSE KLAUS J 1LT 480 TFS 1 66/11/05 P MIG 21 F 4C AIM-9 LATHAM WILBUR J JR 1LT 480 TFS 1 66/11/05 AC MIG 21 F 4C AIM-9 TUCK JAMES E MAJ 480 TFS 1 66/11/05 AC MIG 21 F 4C AIM-7 RABENI JOHN J JR 1LT 480 TFS 1 66/11/05 P MIG 21 F 4C AIM-7 The aggressiveness of VPAF MiG pilots continued unabated in late 1966 and into 1967. Between 4 September 1966 and January 1967, with the exception of 4 days, the MiGs ascended each day. This marked the first continuous use of these aircraft for active air defense purposes. North Vietnam’s intention to employ as fully as possible its MiG force to reduce U.S. strike effectiveness resulted in the loss of several American aircraft. The kill ratio was still favorable for the U.S., but the MiG threat clearly demanded special attention. During December MiG activity further increased, particularly against Thunderchief strike aircraft, although-as earlier-the MiG pilots generally broke off engagements once the American aircraft dumped their ordnance and prepared for offensive action. Three MiGs were destroyed by Air Force crews during the last quarter of 1966, and one of these was credited to an F-105 pilot. Four F-4Cs of the 366th TFW were providing escort for an EB-66 on 5 November 1966 when they were attacked by two or more MiG-21s in the northeast section of North Vietnam, near Hanoi and Haiphong. The EB-66 was making its final orbit of the area and all of the escorting Phantoms were near the minimum fuel level for a safe return to their home station. The MiGs were first detected on radar at a range of 18 miles. Shortly after the EB-66 executed a left turn, Maj. James E. Tuck, flying the lead F-4, saw the MiGs visually and called them out to his flight. The first MIG launched a missile at the EB-66 just as that aircraft broke into a diving spiral. The missile missed. The F-4s and MiGs also spiraled down, and Tuck and his pilot, 1st Lt. John J. Rabeni, Jr., launched three Sparrow missiles. The explosion from the third Sparrow caused the MiG to flame out, and the pilot ejected. Meanwhile, a second MiG got on the tail of Major Tuck’s Phantom, and his wingman, 1st Lts. Wilbur J. Latham, Jr., and Klaus J. Klause, maneuvered to fire on it. During the execution of this maneuver, Latham saw a MiG (possibly a third one, not previously observed) pull up in front of him, and he launched a Sidewinder. The missile exploded near the MiGs tailpipe and the pilot ejected. The entire air battle lasted less than 3 minutes. That night there was a celebration in the “Doom Club” at Da Nang’s officers’ open mess. These MiG kills gave the 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron its fifth aerial victory. [Credit] ACES and AERIAL VICTORIES, United States Air Force in Southeast Asia, 1965 - 1973, Office of Air Force History (page 100-101)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 22:22:02 +0000

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