---This is a Must Read... about us and our Government--- Please - TopicsExpress


---This is a Must Read... about us and our Government--- Please Share--- 4____SILENCE____ IS NOT the same as quiet. Quiet can be many things such as a leisure afternoon spent sitting on a porch swing, eyes closed, the warmth of the sun on your face and a cool breeze whisping the hairs on your arm. Quiet can be the sudden time-out of all things as you thought you heard a child cry out from pain or needing help. Quiet can be the stillness you keep as to not be noticed or observed and this could be for hours, to the point inaudible noises become voices because your mind cant make the distinction. Quiet is the calm before the storm. Just because all seems quiet, it doesnt mean we should let down our guard. Quiet is a way of infiltration. A stealth operation to hide among the masses obscured by blending into the populus. Secracy is their tact. Secretly they find a hole and build a nest like rats. Quietly, secretly increasing their numbers. Buying land and learning our freedoms and making them work to their best advantage is steadly manipulting and bypassing the laws that serve and protect the American citizen. I am refering to the Muslim. Declared as the worlds most friendly of religions yet the cause of the most conflict and wars in the history of our earth.They are not quiet about their religion. They are not quiet about their prayers. They are not quiet about recruiting more people to denouce a natural yearning for God to worship a so-called diety that calls for bathing in the blood of thy enemy. Who IS the enemy? ANY NON-Muslim that is not willing to convert and even those that do, upon capture, are killed in the name of Allah. Now who is the Muslim.....there are many. Shiite, Suni, Sharia... the list goes on. ISIS, ISIL, The Sons of Islam are all bad news. The children are culted and brainwashed since birth to hate Americans, yes even Muslim Americans. They have an aganda to rid the world of all Jews, Christians, Catholics, Native Peoples and so on to have a one-world religion. Yet they still believe they are the most friendly people on earth even while beheading, mutilating and implementing haneous acts unto men, women and children. What is a normal 5 year old child guilty of to require his/her head and personals to be hacked away from the body?!?!? Unless its a 5 year old muslim, building strength to carry an AK 47 and taught to shoot, kill, hack and hate by age 10. We see it on the news and we are silent because it isnt happening to us. Or hoping it isnt happening to us. Why do we have to not care until it happens to us?!? Muslims are here!!! All across America. Silence... is not speaking up when we hear of these attrocities. Silence is doing nothing but condoning these actions by NOT speaking up! Look at our government... allowing immigrants, disease, convics, murderers, drug dealers and traffickers, human traffickers and kidnappers into this country unscathed by protocols or police. Why??? We are being demised by a Muslim sympathiser if he isnt Muslim himself or a closet Muslim. Just recently, he started saluting our military and wearing a flag pin and yet still havent seen him put his hand over his heart for the National Anthem. Why recently? Because Veterans Spoke Out! True American Patriots that fought and served the duty of protecting this country and our freedoms. Silence is why our Constitution is being changed. Silence has condoned this Political Correctness that has had devasting results for all of us. Silence has let the government reject God. Silence has allowed Our American Flag to be offensive in schools, neighborhoods and private businesses. Silence has allowed this country as a whole to be on its way to socialist conversion which means a land of extremely rich and extremely poor peoples. Silence is not using our two eyes that need to be open to see the bigger picture. Silence is not using our two ears that need to hasten to the quiet so we may hear words of wisdom and the cries of suffering. Silence is not using our mind to think for ourselves and with common sense conclude we are under attack from both inside and outside our borders, and our freedoms along with our existance are being challenged. Now is NOT the time to be SILENT. There are many among us who are sheep, who refuse to see, who refuse to listen and who refuse to open their mouth. King Obeyme says ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs. The/that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign This is what SILENCE has gotten us. https://facebook/video.php?v=10203750893706686 Silence needs to be interrupted. Our Government needs to be interrupted. Can you believe the audacity and the arrogance? Our voice should be the deliverer. Our voice needs to be heard. Our voice can stop the gears of this madness that has befallen us. Our voice can bring back the black and white of right and wrong. Our voice can destroy the injustices that are bought and sold by money and greed. Our voice can bring back the integrity and pride of a once great nation. We must be SILENT NO MORE. Now is the Time To Speak. Now is the Time To Act! Dont stand alone, Join us and be heard. Help us to create a voice that trembles their bones and thunders across our great nation. There is a Patriot in all of us. One small act by the many can move mountains. Speak up, be heard and join us. Please like and share this message. Myne Lesdoodle - Patriot
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 02:02:22 +0000

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