-- Understanding Solar versus Fuel and Power -- As Sandy - TopicsExpress


-- Understanding Solar versus Fuel and Power -- As Sandy LeonVest, whose passion and heart I respect, discovered and printed below as what seemed like some sort of attempt to discredit me, I am an insider from within the military-industrial complex, but Im actually a deeper insider than she suspected. Obviously, I cant divulge items of national security to which I was exposed when I had a security clearance at United Technologies Research Center where I performed research for just under a decade. I can share an interesting sequence of information that, without foreknowledge, would take quite a bit of digging into public records to uncover. When President Eisenhower warned in his departure speech about what he called the military-industrial complex, he surrounded his famous term with a very particular set of words. We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. There was a period of time, before I was hired by UT, when Harry Gray was chairman of its board and led the corporation away from being a solely military conglomerate funded by the DOD. Gray grew up poor, but he rose to be a brilliant businessman and managed to bring in not only a bunch of commercial corporations such as Carrier Air Conditioning under the UT fold, but also a very particular and influential set of individuals. One of them was Alexander Haig. Haig was a West Point grad and led offensives in Vietnam. Leaving the battlefield with a plethora of awards and commendations, Haig rose quickly in the Pentagon, later became White House Chief of Staff under Nixon, and then moved up to NATO Supreme Commander. He left government and was hired by Harry Gray as President of United Technologies for a little while until he moved on to the role of U.S. Secretary of State. Do you think United Technologies had great difficulty bidding on military contracts during that period? I came into the corporation later. With a work history that included multiple high tech military contractors and friends in UT senior management, I was hired after a single one-hour interview. Haig and Gray were gone, and I began work on Reagans star wars programs and many other advanced technologies. As I said, I cant provide details, even today, and you couldnt torture them out of me. I have no regrets, and I am not a traitor. Back to Eisenhower. Notice the words, acquisition ... influence ... misplaced power ... will persist. Let me ask you a few questions. Do you think there are people who strategically design where military deployments will be placed? Do you think they might take into account the location of petroleum and natural gas plays? Do you think such people have acquired enough influence (to use Eisenhowers words) to have some say in the content presented by the remaining few mainstream media corporations? Given that military dominance requires petroleum and that within a few decades petroleum will require military dominance, what do you think those that Eisenhower spoke of would like to see consumers buy and increase in dependence upon in 2014, just in case we have to invade another OPEC country in a decade or two? Did you guess cars? In the Superbowl media sequence tonight, an event as important to the industrial complex as Christmas or 9-11, there were TWENTY car commercials (including car-promoting movie commercials and car insurance) sprinkled like only a public relations expert could do in between beer, erotic innuendo, heroic dramas, some plastic products (also petroleum based), and violent athletics. Do you think it is a coincidence that everyones lives are arranged so that their kids schools would call the Department of Children and Families if the family tried to drop from a two-car-family to zero-car-family? (I love those new hyphenated words. Great propaganda.) The current state of culture is the best examples of social engineering in human history, and it began long before Eisenhower noted the threat to liberty and democratic processes. I will give credit where credit is due, however. Ford actually promoted fuel efficiency in their Superbowl commercial. Notice that they said they are doing what no commercial has ever done before. They said it TWICE too, a statement for which they were criticized online. In a very important sense they are correct. An MPG of 47/47 for a Ford is indeed record-breaking fuel efficiency from Americas prototypical industrialization corporation. Fords hybrid, like Toyotas from the previous decade, uses something called regenerative breaking to store the kinetic energy wasted by traditional breaks to gain ten or so of those MPG. Does anyone know when regenerative breaking was invented? Did you guess 1930? You can see it on the US Patent Office web site. Its patent 1766533A. Can you guess why it took seventy years to make it work for a car, why it was a Japanese company that did it, and why Ford took another ten years to bring the product of 1930 American train engineering to American automotive engineering? Ill stop here. :)
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:12:49 +0000

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