---WHY IS HE A GREAT MAN??? AND WHY MOST PEOPLE ARE UNFORTUNATE FOOLS--- My this post is not pro PTI, i am just going to express my thoughts and feelings about this could-have-been happily ever after Family and why that didnt happen. The beautiful couple tied the knot out of love ignoring the cultural and religious contrasts in 1995. But bad luck struck, pakistani self-righteous nation came into action in order to make their lives miserable. How? Ill tell you how! Imran Khan, in his fervor and avidity to serve his nation..established a political party of his own for which he was highly ridiculed at that time by political circles. Thats when Jemimas origin began to be a problem for both of them..it raised questions on Khans wife regarding her citizenship, demands were made to cancel her Pakistani citizenship. As this was not enough, Jemima, who had never lived a life like this before and was already adapting to radically different life in Pakistan was charged of smuggling antique tiles of Islamic era. During this time she moved back to U.K. One year later the charges were proved false in court and nothing but a fabrication to demoralize and damage her husband by his political opponents. She was an Anglican before she converted to Islam but her half Jewish Ancestry was being brought in by the conspiracy theorists and hence more attacks on Khans credibility as well as on his family life. All in all, there lives were made difficult. Khan didnt lose hope, continued working his ass off just for the sake of his people who he wanted to help and serve. Therefore, it also compromised the time he could spend with his family. Jemima asked Khan to move out of Pakistan to U.K but he said he was not ready to leave his country. All this added up-to their marriage crisis and they finally divorced in 2004 after 9 years. They have 2 beautiful sons, as everyone knows. Its always sad when a love story ends likes this isnt it??? Imran Khan expressed his agonizing marriage ending in these words, I almost lost the will to live. Also he stated, six months leading to the divorce and the six months after was the hardest year of my life. I loved fatherhood more than anything I had ever experienced in life...now not having them around was the hardest thing to come to terms with. These words resonate the sacrifice and pain he had to endure, for what? I wonder for what!!? I mean family is one thing dearest to everybody. What would you put prime to your own family??? If i ask myself, or anyone else to put your homeland and its people prior to you family, i bet youd find it pretty hard. Because i find it unimaginable, that id give up true love of my life for my country. If Allah blesses you with everything..money power fame!! why would one give a damn about people? Can someone be so patriot? Mostly no, but then theres Imran Khan. I do not know how to describe this, but i see people abusing him on internet and it breaks my heart, while they themselves are no good at all to their country. All theyre good at are abusing. People dont realize what IK is doing is for the majority of the unfortunate people. Fortunate ones like you and I dont get affected and if we get bothered we are blessed enough to go live wherever we want.. IK is a great man that he has given up his luxuries for the sake of those unfortunate fools. He really loves them enough to compromise and not give up and continue to try to bring in change despite all the hopelessness and negativity. Only if i were you IK, id have given up on this dead nation a long time ago.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 06:16:55 +0000

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