++---YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A FREE 30 MINUTE READING WITH MATTHEW JAMES (WORTH $80) .This is an EXCLUSIVE offer to FACEBOOK only---++ OK. This is the list of nominees for the FREE READING. Remember the stipulation was to say in less than 50 words why you should be the winner of the reading. Plus you could nominate a person for the reading. These are the people who abided by the -competition- rules. Therefore, I will now use a number generator to choose 10 people who will go into the final draw for the reading ... 1 Kelly Druce Hi James first of all thankyou for giving everyone the opportunity to entry your competition for one of your readings.The reason i would like to enter is because i have had two people very close to me pass over and on both occasions i did not get to talk to them and i really need to know why they did what they did i just dont understand and i would/need to have this answered Once again thank you from everyone. 2 Indigo Lee i would also like to nominate my friend Sharon davis as well please matthew 3 Jan Overholt I nominate Sharon Davis, she really needs to hear from some loved ones xx 4 Annie Flynn Ive had a really awful few years and Id love to know if Im the right path and if Im in the right relationship. Im feeling a tad lost at the moment and Id love some insight to what my future holds!! X 5 Tracy Cook Id so love to have a reading just to know if things in my life are going to improve or if they are going to stay the same. Thank you. 6 Karina Curwain Id love a reading. Ive lost so much in my life, my grandmother recently passed over, and Id really like to know that shes no longer in pain, and that shes with my grandfather and also with my mum xx 7 Tarn Brandes I would love a reading as I only go to psychics that are REALLY good. Ive been to you multiple times and you tell the truth but also dont upset people in the way you say it. Xx 8 Julie Pemberton I would like to win a reading... To see where my lifes going and i want to contact my dad, who i miss deeply. I know hes with me, i feel him all the time..i just want to know for sure if he really is... Thanx Matt & Chris 9 Cheryl Clarke You did a reading for me a couple of years ago and it was truly amazing. Some of the things you predicted really happened! Id love to be able to do it all over again! Im wanting more answers! 10 Cheryl Booth Im feeling a bit stuck at the moment and cant seem to move forward would love some guidance thank you xx 11 Kathy Haynes I would love a reading, my life has became very confusing these last few weeks and im ready the run again, but not sure where im running too.... 12 Olivia Stefek My mum could really use a reading. She had a tough time on all fronts of late and a message or two from my brother would really help I am sure. 13 Radha May It is my birthday today and i am assessing my life and would like some direction please, on career, relationships and health. 14 Amy Backhouse There are so many things in my life that are unanswered. I feel like Im going around in circles and i cant stop. Guidance from you would be lovely. 15 Kristy Dawson Id love a bit of peace after almost 14 years. Yes please MJ 16 Mandy McDermott In the past year there have been four deaths in my life. I deserve for life to be lighter to feel happier to be in love. I would appreciate some light some guidandance reassurance my true love is on yhe way and that everything will be ok 17 Michelle McManaway Gosh there are so many deserving people here....I would like to nominate my partner Neil...he has lost all his family and is the only surviving member. He has always felt his brother died under suspicous circumstances. I would love a little bit of hope for him 18 Lisa Kenworth-Girl Maree I am at a crossroads and could use some guidance in making some big decisions.. it would be be awesome... 😊 19 Pat Jeffery I would like to nominate someone Matthew please, Rebecca Ramsay, she lost her 13 year old son by accident (I wont go into detail) she is campaigning tirelessly for ***** ******( again no details)but she visits schools and is working with the Fire & Rescue at Manchester. His loss to the family is beyond words. 20 Gracie Balzan I would love a reading with you Matt simply because I think ur straight up honest with people and u tell it like it is. And ur so good at what u do 21 Julie Kern Better still I would love a reading for my brother Jon he is going through a rough time. 22 Tania Eslick I would love a to win the half hr reading with u Matthew James.my son died in August last year and the cause of his death is still unknown.it will take the coroner a further 12mths to find the cause.i need closure as I think I could have prevented it.i feel to blame. Xx 23 Louise Russell I lost my parents in a horrific car crash on November 11, 2011 and we are still going through court proceedings for the at-fault driver with a guilty verdict to dangerous driving being found just last week. Its been a horrible 2.5 years and it would be a blessing to hear about or possibly hear from my parents 24 Leonie Lonni Taylor-Ford I would love to hear a message and thank you for such a beautiful offer. I would love to hear from my brother. I made a very,incredibly difficult, choice today. Am I supported with my decisions and actions? Thank you. Leonie, with love and light. 25 Sasha Keppie I have recently left my husband and have 4 children, I would really like some guidance on which paths I should be taking for my future and whether I am making the right decisions in regards to my children. 26 Rebekah Jones Christie Brown, As a friend I think this would do her the world of good and maybe just maybe a little bit of closure with the love she has been longing for for a very long time, help her on her way a bit if I could say that. 27 Cassie Fraser Hmm. This part is difficult as there are so many reasons youd know what gifts I hold, Id like a reading to give some insight on them and where to begin with them. 28 Anne Rankin Because simply your so good at it 29 Lenna Reinhard I nominate Bec with all the stuff she going thru with health issues I think she needs to see and hear how shes got angels helping and how things going to go in future 30 Clair Riley Id really love a reading please, I like to know if my nana is at peace she has only recently passed and Im Id like to know if she is ok that I wasnt with her when she passed? 31 Lenna Reinhard I am so lost ATM and so much family issues I dont know how much I can take and I need to know if its going to improve because at the moment Im just seeing the hole getting a million times deeper everyday 32 Michelle Conti I feel like stuck at this stage in my life and have for a while ,it feels like nothing I want ever happens for me...plus some issues regarding a family member ...some much needed guidence for my self and what is to come in my future would make my day ! 33 Rosie Anne Miller After the horrible time I have had with my sons health the last 7mths I just need to know will it get any easier for my son and myself xo 34 Carralyn Gaia Im just feeling lost . My daughter had a dream that her grandma came to her but who waits for me ? I feel almost directionless in life 35 Vicki Elizabeth Starcevic For my friend who lost someone vey close 36 Janelle Hams Smith Yes please your guidance and knowledge would make a world of difference 37 Matt Zonca Would be honoured to Matt. 38 Michelle McManaway I would be honoured to have a reading from you Mathew 39 Simone Reeves I have a friend who lost her husband and another who lost her brother in law. I would love to nominate either one. 40 Loretta Lyn Hargrove I would love it. My son drowned 26 days ago in Dallas at White Rock Lake....Im beside myself and just need this. Please.... 41 Julieanne Campbell I would appreciate a reading from you Matthew. Your generosity has made my day! 42 Diane Wood Dianes Nailz Yes I good do with a little direction right now thank u 43 Louise Casella Id love one on behalf of my neice matthew who is struggling with life issues at the moment and would benefit from your guidance and insight xx 44 Kylie Phillips Am at a loss for which direction to take.....would love some clarity MJ 45 Tracy Hansen just need a little guidance on lifes path please Mathew 46 Louise Russell I could really use a little reassurance from my parents on the other side 47 David Barrett Give it to Amanda Keeley as she needs it 48 Twinkle Thompson NEED some guidance if possible : ( thank you 49 Olivia Stefek Could use some guidance from the other side at the moment. 50 Martina Taliano Considering I just saw you on Saturday I will nominate my friends Debra Thompson and Jill Kelly who I was telling about your wonderful reading just today! 51 Kelly ODwyer How uncanny Im looking for direction at this very point in my life and asked my guides for a sign I would love one
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:40:05 +0000

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