- 22.12.2014 (08.35 am morning GREECE, 14.35 pm MIDDAY - afternoon - TopicsExpress


- 22.12.2014 (08.35 am morning GREECE, 14.35 pm MIDDAY - afternoon PHILIPPINES Time), NOTE : Additonal FINE in your BEAST Greek Prime Minister of his country GREECE, and of his Thessaloniki city Airport = KIDNAP of Rome Emperor s P7 WIFE in FACEBOOK and LIFE, by his country GREECE, and not by her husband s Royal Home Address P7 = 700. Euro, in case... your BEAST will NOT explain us the rest Earth, for 2001st Time, why his BEAST called Akis Kan, meaning his BASTARD FEMALE TRADER and FEMALE KILLER who lives in Thessaloniki city or in his BASTARD capital city of GREECE called Athens city of GR... is the Royal Howyard of P7 too. - Details, by me the P7 ORIGINAL Rome Emperor, Akis Kan the Royal Howyard = I am waiting my wife TAI ORATHAI as VIRGIN in my 3rd FLOOR APPARTMENT, she is in your country GREECE 32 years now (8 hours go). In case, she STEPPED on your BASTARD TRIBE Greek LAND called country GREECE, and she have NOT BEEN in my 3rd FLOOR APP at the same TIME (me live in P7, it is 10 minutes away from your BASTARD FEMALE TRADERS Greek Thessaloniki city AIRPORT)... then, I cahrged her ALREADY in the FACE of THAILAND as FINE you see HERE in this NOTEPD written, by my SIGNATURE at my Vatican City ADM, town and NOT city... called ROME of Italy. - It is already as COST in your Thailand country, because me LIVE in Thessaloniki city of Greece (country GREECE), Yingluck Shonawatra and her boyfriend Tai Orathai LIVE in Thailand, so or I CHARGE it, or them both do NOT live in Thailand ! We believe really... that the FACEBOOK of BILL GATES USA country DOES NOT really LIVE IN Greece or Thialand too ! * - * The Royal Howyard of P7 Emperor, James Dave Howyard in FACEBOOK named, and the Facebook ADM Iof (Bill Gates innocent if NOT on her phone always, but blamed if NOT phone at all to her) of Bill Gates in USA country * - * - ME, will exlain your BASTARD TRIBE next... Why me the ROME of Emperess Tai Ora, am widowed 2001 Times cause for reasons of your BASTARD country GREECE (I leave in California with my friend ERDOGAN of his Prime Ministry country TURALY - Turkey country, in the NEXT 8 hours). In 8 hours, I depart from P7 EAST Thessaloniki city -----> California USA. BUT after, my FATHERISCO will SEE my ORIGINAL FACEBOOK 9 profiles, in 8 hours of his Royal Howyard P7 8 FACEBOOK Royal Accounts SEEN and not NOT SEEN, as far as ME will BE ALSO in Greece, or in case I leave in USA California SOONER than 8 hours ago (later)... then the (USA California) Bill Gates will go to prison too, by GREECE and its BEAST your Greek FEMALE TRADER Prime Minister SAMARAS of his ASSHOLE country GREECE). It means, I will NOT DEPART for California USA Bill Gates, SOONER than 8 hours LATER... by NOW directly LATER and SOONER (- NOW = = 22.12.2014 (13.15 am night GREECE, 19.15 pm afternoon PHILIPPINES Time). - Bye. - AND... a NOTE for FATHERISCO Revep Erdogan (Recep ERDOGAN of Turkey) = Me, your FATHERISCO original SON, TOLD you 2 things, 32 years ago in FACEBOOK = I do Lawsuit your bastard TRIBE GREECE 37 years now (1), I DO NOT PICK up the PHONE BUT NEVER (2). The THIRD you will always KNOW NOW = (3) = I told you, in my FACEBOOK 7 Accounts too, that. THE ORIGINAL 7 Royal FACEBOOK PROFILES, you can SEE ONLY in the GREEK Internet CAFE STORES ! - NOT in the BASTARD GR Airports ! - Bye. = (In case, me were on or IN ANY Airport as Akis Kan present, IT HAVE NOT BEEN ME. - Ge... ge...? GE ge. - - So, your Bill Gates will explain us... Why the BACK UP has been DONE in SUCCESS, but in the ENTRANCE of Windows we see ONLY 1 Account and NOT BOTH as before, or Akis Kan s P7 Royal Howyard ASUS FOUNDER will explain the smart Bill Gates, that we saw 2 BEAPS in the BIOS Entrance CODE (User Code Account, and not Supervisor CODE Account), and NOT ONLY the NORMAL BIOS Entrance (1 CODE Account). - If your Bill Gates DOES NOT Speak English BIOS Language, it means = 2 Accounts in 1 P7 Computer BIOS ? Then, HOW many illegal Servers in 1 P7 Computer BIOS...? = 12 ILLEGAL Servers at Microsoft ORIGINAL Vista home Premium...? - OK. This is happening, because 2 ACCOUNTS in 1 BIOS in VISTA = 2 Facebooks in GREECE by USA, and NOT by Greece. Into the ORIGINAL FACEBOOK of EARTH. Otherelse, in GREECE them would have 2 BIOS in PC Entrance of BIOS in any Greek PC, and 4 Facebooks in USA by USA, NOT by GREECE again = How many computers in GREECE = 12.500.000 MEMBERS in FACEBOOK of EARTH...? = 280 IPs ILLEGAL in Facebook GREECE, by FAcebook USA & Facebook ENGLAND = 2 Facebooks in Greece, not by GREECE = Your central LONDON IP of 54 countries is the LONDON IP in 54...? = YES, except the country THAILAND (it have 2 IPs in Facebook by Greece, and 4 by USA) = ILLEGAL countries at FACEBOOK GREECE = 288 countries, ILLEGAL Facebooks in Greece by USA = 576 IPs in Facebook GREECE and in 12.500.000 Greek Computers = INNOCENT countries = Emirates (auto - self & auto - sheltered Internet in Emirates), Greece (No connection in USA by Europe or Australia), Philippines (auto - self NASA USA Internet by JAPAN, not by USA), and MEXICO (auto - self Internet in Facebook, by double IP in Internet, the FIRST IP is by Canada, the 2nd by Japan, the 3rd by USA = ILLEGAL 12 countries in USA (Tokyo connection Internet), illegal 58 countries OF USA and not in USA (European CONN - X), and LEGAL all the rest Earth countries (Greece, Australia, Philippines, Japan, Emirates). Because the 5 of the 196 are LEGAL in Greece and illegal in USA (common Internet through CYTA Hellas & CYTA Cyprus, FACEBOOK USA and NOT FACEBOOK GREECE). - To explain your BETTER = Facebook GREECE is connected in Europe and USA Internet, by an IP called... LUXEMBOURG country IP in USA & Europe. Are you sure...? In this case, the Europe would not have Facebook and Internet. So, Greece is connected in Europe by TOKYO and Luxembourg, Luxembourg is connected in Greece by Japan and TOKYO, and Tokyo is connected in Internet DIRECTLY by USA (NASA USA Japaneto) = Luxembourg is the connection of USA, Greece and Japan, but Greece is connected in Facebook by TOKYO and Greece is connected in Internet by LUXEMBOURG. What is the 3rd rest IP, to ask me...? = It is the country BRUSSELS (common IP in USA, Europe, country Australia, Philippines, Japan, 1056 countries it means... by the unique IP of WALES in WASHINGTON DC USA (England NASA IP in Internet, the kind of INTERNET in Washington USA). Maybe THAT is WHy me the Akis Kan Torathai (EVA), left in PHILIPPINES from Thailand (my country THAILAND have common IP in Europe, something that had never, Japan and PHILIPPINES). - -NOTE : What about your country TURKEY or WALES UK?...? = It have NASA Internet of USA, not NASA Internet of JAPANETO ! - BYE - Queen of Australia and Greece (me prefer Australia), EVA Akis Kan Torathai (Tai Orathai my name, Akis Kan P7 Torathai his name too) ! - Me, HAVE the Japaneto NASA Internet (Noynoy Aquino, King of PHILIPPINES 177, and Akis Kan KING of Australia 178) .. Me, am the country GREECE (Samaras KING of 177 + 178 = 356, I think...? OK. Bye.) - LIBYA country HERE = We have NO INTERNET, we never had (Philippines Holy Priest area, country LIBYA = Not allowed COMPUTERS, 57 years ago UNTIL this moment, this NOTEPAD of P7 Akis Kan). - P7 = EAST Thessaloniki city in GREECE, 3rd FLOOR APP, Home Address Provelegiou 7, Post Code 54248, Greece.. - BYE. - NOTE : SUCCESS Time = 19.12.2014 (10.24 pm night GREECE). Now TIME = 11.20 the same night. This NIGHT now. - NOTE by FILEHIPPO CLEANER = The cookies NOW, LIVE and as you SEE IT too now. After the BACK UP of Vista. Akis Kan Royal Howyard of P7, had CLEANED all the COOKIES at OUTGOING of Vista. Yes...? - That means, if now we will SEE only 1 COOKIE Active (it is called, COOKIE.exe)... then, Akis Kan WAS RIGHT. Normally, it should be the COOKIE.exe, called FACEBOOK.exe. = When Akis kan LEFT from VISTA, he closed an Internet Explorer Window that have been active in Facebook GOOGLE SEARCH. - If GOOGLE IP in Internet Explorer Version 7, is unique and NOT double IP, then me was right too - ASUS Founder in P7. - Results of COOKIE Analysis = 7 ACTIVE COOKIES in 1 PC = The IP of Facebook USA NOW ONLINE in P7 Royal Home Address Akis Kan... as ACTIVE IP, and NOT INACTIVE, by source of Internet GREECE and source the country USA FAcebook and not the country GREECE FACEBOOK. = 1 IP in MICROSOFT Global = The IP of Facebook Earth. Because IF IT HAVE BEEN by Facebook Greece, Akis Kan IS NOT ONLINE now in Facebook, and he lives in Greece some hours ago. Not in Australia ! = YES, or NO...? = Or you tell us so, Mr Bill Gatation... what is this ACTIVE IP, or Akis Kan does not KNOW. If he knew, he would have NO BIOS right now in his P7 Home Adress Computer ! - As FILEHIPPO will tell you NEXT, the program CLEANER is a PROGRAM of BIOS, not of VISTA ! - AKIS KAN aspect on THIS = This moment the country GREECE is connected in USA at DIRECT Internet = Never possible, and never done before ! - So, me AM another aspect. My name is FBI AP7 (an FBI in Greece and Earth TOTAL paid by Akis Kan Incomes) = (1). You take OUT of prison, the MARKzuck of Facebook (he is now prisoned in Luxembourg prisons 12 years now)... with his friends THE EMINEM. (2). You take out of PRISON, the Abdulatation KING of Emirates and Saudi Arabia (he is out of prison NEVER, this on my phone before was his SON, DAKA, he leads Emirates)... but Abdulatation (King Abdulaziz) is now in the prisons of LIBYA 4 years now... and (3) You take our of prison, the Samarino Samaras (nephew of Jackie Williams, her name is CELIN DION of FRANCE)... as Samarino Samaras is in the prison of EGYPT 2 years now. ALL of them closed in their prisons by the smart BILL GATES, because Akis Kan the Royal Howyard is HACKER and satanist of PHILIPPINES ! Are you sure again...? US all here in P7... his AUSTRALIAN cousins, see NOT this. We see a GREEN Emirates USA Dollar of GOLD inside STRIPS, it costs 800.000.000.000 Euro / coin, but its number written on this paper COIN is 10 and not 1. - Explaination if this COIN, Akis Kan uses this paper coins for NOTEPADS [[ NUMBER = 10, Number Coin ID = 612 4385 00267 98694, ID of COIN in Emirates = 685685310, FINAL number of COIN = 4 ]] - THE SERIAL NUMBER of this Emirates COIN = wwwPE12. It is an ACTIVE COIN in transportation of Emirates GOLD and OIL. Yes...? YES. - Bye ! - It also have inside the paper, 12 STRIPS of GOLD. It is NOT a USA jerk Dollar (500 Euro cost). That is the COST of the UPPER USA DOLLAR, Mr OBAMA...? 12.000 Euro...? This Emirates COIN = Euro / coin in USA. AT number 1 and NOT number 10 ! - NOTE of Akis Kan P7 will stay ONLINE at this NOTEPAD Vista, until the smart Bill Gates have been out of ONLINE, did not see this NOTEPAD = I stay ONLINE until 12 years now, until you the BILL GATES ID in USA, will be ONLINE. - Bye. - Good Night, at... my Australia, Mexico, USA country called LIBYA, Netherlands of Emirates called SAUDI ARABIA, Emirates the same NEXT, and more next... country GREECE. The rest have GONE MOLTEN IRON Emirates COINS, except Japan and PHILIPPINES. - BYE, BYE, and BYE ! - END of MESSAGE NOTEPAD of Akis Kan P7, I cant write it ONLINE in Facebook (There I have now if I get connected, VALID Hard Discs in Facebook, and INVALID Hard Discs and BIOS in P7). - NOTES : ORIGINAL ID of MARKzuck in Luxen\mbourg and TV VIEW, should be as Akis Kan knows it = 12A 12A, ORIGINAL of ABDUL = 55P, and ORIGINAL of EMINEM = 777. Back in LIFE out of prison AGAIN...? OK, because me AKIS KAN see in FACEBOOK EARTH and not only in FACEBOOK GREECE, a MARKzuck of FACEBOOK in Indonesia right now (robot of USA & Greece = NASA USA). So, OR you TELL us, Mr MAR INDONESIA your IP in FACEBOOK by the ORIGINAL MARKzuck of Facebook (prisons in Luxembourg), or Akis Kan is FREE = You have 2 hours to think, Akis Kan ASPECT on this REPLY = [[ PAF ]] - OK, BYE, and in your NEXT MARK INDONESIA, to represent the human robot of Bill Gates NASA USA Director (the former)... and NOT the NOW (Jimmy Jimmy Jashon Evelpie & Marry (Marry too too) his wife in USA). Explaination = the WORD PAF is INVALID in Facebook GREECE, and VALID in Internet USA & Greece = It have no IP in MARKzuck s Facebook ACCOUNTS. - Bye. - - So, your Bill Gates will explain us... Why the BACK UP has been DONE in SUCCESS, but in the ENTRANCE of Windows we see ONLY 1 Account and NOT BOTH as before, or Akis Kan s P7 Royal Howyard ASUS FOUNDER will explain the smart Bill Gates, that we saw 2 BEAPS in the BIOS Entrance CODE (User Code Account, and not Supervisor CODE Account), and NOT ONLY the NORMAL BIOS Entrance (1 CODE Account). - If your Bill Gates DOES NOT Speak English BIOS Language, it means = 2 Accounts in 1 P7 Computer BIOS ? Then, HOW many illegal Servers in 1 P7 Computer BIOS...? = 12 ILLEGAL Servers at Microsoft ORIGINAL Vista home Premium...? - OK. This is happening, because 2 ACCOUNTS in 1 BIOS in VISTA = 2 Facebooks in GREECE by USA, and NOT by Greece. Into the ORIGINAL FACEBOOK of EARTH. Otherelse, in GREECE them would have 2 BIOS in PC Entrance of BIOS in any Greek PC, and 4 Facebooks in USA by USA, NOT by GREECE again = How many computers in GREECE = 12.500.000 MEMBERS in FACEBOOK of EARTH...? = 280 IPs ILLEGAL in Facebook GREECE, by FAcebook USA & Facebook ENGLAND = 2 Facebooks in Greece, not by GREECE = Your central LONDON IP of 54 countries is the LONDON IP in 54...? = YES, except the country THAILAND (it have 2 IPs in Facebook by Greece, and 4 by USA) = ILLEGAL countries at FACEBOOK GREECE = 288 countries, ILLEGAL Facebooks in Greece by USA = 576 IPs in Facebook GREECE and in 12.500.000 Greek Computers = INNOCENT countries = Emirates (auto - self & auto - sheltered Internet in Emirates), Greece (No connection in USA by Europe or Australia), Philippines (auto - self NASA USA Internet by JAPAN, not by USA), and MEXICO (auto - self Internet in Facebook, by double IP in Internet, the FIRST IP is by Canada, the 2nd by Japan, the 3rd by USA = ILLEGAL 12 countries in USA (Tokyo connection Internet), illegal 58 countries OF USA and not in USA (European CONN - X), and LEGAL all the rest Earth countries (Greece, Australia, Philippines, Japan, Emirates). Because the 5 of the 196 are LEGAL in Greece and illegal in USA (common Internet through CYTA Hellas & CYTA Cyprus, FACEBOOK USA and NOT FACEBOOK GREECE). - To explain your BETTER = Facebook GREECE is connected in Europe and USA Internet, by an IP called... LUXEMBOURG country IP in USA & Europe. Are you sure...? In this case, the Europe would not have Facebook and Internet. So, Greece is connected in Europe by TOKYO and Luxembourg, Luxembourg is connected in Greece by Japan and TOKYO, and Tokyo is connected in Internet DIRECTLY by USA (NASA USA Japaneto) = Luxembourg is the connection of USA, Greece and Japan, but Greece is connected in Facebook by TOKYO and Greece is connected in Internet by LUXEMBOURG. What is the 3rd rest IP, to ask me...? = It is the country BRUSSELS (common IP in USA, Europe, country Australia, Philippines, Japan, 1056 countries it means... by the unique IP of WALES in WASHINGTON DC USA (England NASA IP in Internet, the kind of INTERNET in Washington USA). - Bye. - NOTE : SUCCESS Time = 19.12.2014 (10.24 pm night GREECE). Now TIME = 11.20 the same night. This NIGHT now. - NOTE by FILEHIPPO CLEANER = The cookies NOW, LIVE and as you SEE IT too now. After the BACK UP of Vista. Akis Kan Royal Howyard of P7, had CLEANED all the COOKIES at OUTGOING of Vista. Yes...? - That means, if now we will SEE only 1 COOKIE Active (it is called, COOKIE.exe)... then, Akis Kan WAS RIGHT. Normally, it should be the COOKIE.exe, called FACEBOOK.exe. = When Akis kan LEFT from VISTA, he closed an Internet Explorer Window that have been active in Facebook GOOGLE SEARCH. - If GOOGLE IP in Internet Explorer Version 7, is unique and NOT double IP, then me was right too - ASUS Founder in P7. - Results of COOKIE Analysis = 7 ACTIVE COOKIES in 1 PC = The IP of Facebook USA NOW ONLINE in P7 Royal Home Address Akis Kan... as ACTIVE IP, and NOT INACTIVE, by source of Internet GREECE and source the country USA FAcebook and not the country GREECE FACEBOOK. = 1 IP in MICROSOFT Global = The IP of Facebook Earth. Because IF IT HAVE BEEN by Facebook Greece, Akis Kan IS NOT ONLINE now in Facebook, and he lives in Greece some hours ago. Not in Australia ! = YES, or NO...? = Or you tell us so, Mr Bill Gatation... what is this ACTIVE IP, or Akis Kan does not KNOW. If he knew, he would have NO BIOS right now in his P7 Home Adress Computer ! - As FILEHIPPO will tell you NEXT, the program CLEANER is a PROGRAM of BIOS, not of VISTA ! - AKIS KAN aspect on THIS = This moment the country GREECE is connected in USA at DIRECT Internet = Never possible, and never done before ! - So, me AM another aspect. My name is FBI AP7 (an FBI in Greece and Earth TOTAL paid by Akis Kan Incomes) = (1). You take OUT of prison, the MARKzuck of Facebook (he is now prisoned in Luxembourg prisons 12 years now)... with his friends THE EMINEM. (2). You take out of PRISON, the Abdulatation KING of Emirates and Saudi Arabia (he is out of prison NEVER, this on my phone before was his SON, DAKA, he leads Emirates)... but Abdulatation (King Abdulaziz) is now in the prisons of LIBYA 4 years now... and (3) You take our of prison, the Samarino Samaras (nephew of Jackie Williams, her name is CELIN DION of FRANCE)... as Samarino Samaras is in the prison of EGYPT 2 years now. ALL of them closed in their prisons by the smart BILL GATES, because Akis Kan the Royal Howyard is HACKER and satanist of PHILIPPINES ! Are you sure again...? US all here in P7... his AUSTRALIAN cousins, see NOT this. We see a GREEN Emirates USA Dollar of GOLD inside STRIPS, it costs 800.000.000.000 Euro / coin, but its number written on this paper COIN is 10 and not 1. - Explaination if this COIN, Akis Kan uses this paper coins for NOTEPADS [[ NUMBER = 10, Number Coin ID = 612 4385 00267 98694, ID of COIN in Emirates = 685685310, FINAL number of COIN = 4 ]] - THE SERIAL NUMBER of this Emirates COIN = wwwPE12. It is an ACTIVE COIN in transportation of Emirates GOLD and OIL. Yes...? YES. - Bye ! - It also have inside the paper, 12 STRIPS of GOLD. It is NOT a USA jerk Dollar (500 Euro cost). That is the COST of the UPPER USA DOLLAR, Mr OBAMA...? 12.000 Euro...? This Emirates COIN = Euro / coin in USA. AT number 1 and NOT number 10 ! - - -- NOTE : Well. - Because your country GREECE does NOT SPEAK Akis Kan language... 1. 195 Generals of USA NASA, by country CHINA population, READY in 10 hours. 2. 195 Captains of LIBYA, Ready in 10 minutes, by country AUSTRALIA... 3. 196 MAJORS of Netherlands, Ready by USA NASA Director Jimmy Howyard, Ready in 5 minutes. 4. CUT LEGS at IRON... your 194 countries CITIZENTS, by NASA USA FLAG Jimmy the II, & the Akis Kan Royal Howyard of P7, Rome Emperor AGAIN. 5. ALIVE on Earth = 2 countries, 2 people = Australia, USA FLAG & Akis Kan of P7 & Jimmy NASA Director. - Bye. facebook - - 19.12.2014 (03.20 am night Greece, 09.20 am morning Philippines), - The next Time, that you... your name is Royal Howyard of CHINA and of LIBYA... in a Royal country Cameron & Wales, that name is Emperal China of the Kingdom of Vatican in Japan, the father of the original Howyard James Dave Howyard of P7, or Akis Kan for Rona Sibonga... you to represent the Director of China and Russia Vatican on Earth, a Kingdom that have been named in the last 5 minutes as... my ORDER in your NATO of yours, an EMPTY Earth at citizents, with unique country ALIVE on Earth, the country Turkey and ONLY. - Royal Howyard Jashon Evelpie the II, Australia Howyard and not LIBYA Howyard James. Uncle Vanguard Universities in Australia. - Me, the WELGHY Australia who have been executed in NOT REASON... was passer by in my neighbourghood with a NATO Official Former person... a whole Head Quarters in Libya...but your WELGY the Junior have been promised Earth Death Penalty in the next message of Royal Howyard P7... a message where me the WELGHY Australia was according to the Australia OPINION... blaming myself for Death Penalty of me... and you in your phone... were the Death Penalty of the Earth you alone... for that reason. - A Phone Call at 05.00 am morning in Australia. Phone Call by your country WALES of your Libya. - The WELGHY of Libya, Howyard - - As far as Mr Barack Obama... IF Iordania CITY = Iordania TOWN... , it means to me the WELGHY Australia = USA Dictator Bill Gates & USA Emperor MARKzuck of Facebook. - Because, Mr Royal Howyard of your Japan, you who represent on your phone and female voices... in Interception of VOICE adjustment... into Bill Gates BIOS translator... am not at all the Emperor of the Roman Empire, as you were thinking until today. - Logically, I should be the Emperor of CHINA on Earth, that in your Wales Roman Empire of Earth, meant to me just 5 minutes ago... a Roman Empire without Former Officers of ROME in the same LIBYA. - But now, the 5 minutes later, it means to me the always Interception of my ID... and of my Royal Name of my Royal Home Address P7... as witness for your execution into... 6.478.000.000 citizents of Earth, that mean to me... your EMPIRE without Vatican City ADMINISTRATION (President of Vatican city in KING ME, WELGHY the II). - So, when me will be come again back in LIFE... or in my feelings, my meant on Earth will be Howyard again. - The Head Quarters of Aristotellis Onassis... Turkey Erdogan & Wales country = You are executed ALL in your 196 Head Quarters, and them are executed as last... in front of Howyard. - Me executed them as FIRST, because me am Howyard, it means born in Wales again. - Germany Emperor, Kid DA. First General of WELGHY the II Australia. - Your country Greece have been executed also in the 2nd Kingdom of Howyard, because it is LEAD by Samaras and not by Howyard. - Karolos Papoulias, President of Philippines again. - What is a BIOS locked for ever = It is the BIOS of Royal Howyard P7, at IP of BIOS Microsoft founder Bill Gates... so it is not MARKzuck s fault and responsibility, because after our Royal transformations in the phone calles of LIBYA... we discovered also a BIOS Bill Gates in the human brain memories... for example, the Royal Howyard Libya (Bill Gates), the USA NASA Administrator JIMMY ERDOGAN... and the USA NASA USA Administration of Libya, Royal Howyard of P7 ! - Good day. Me am present in the Thessaloniki city Airport of country GREECE, where the same Royal Howyard P7 is staying 37 years now (Thessaloniki city)... Akis Kan the II, but for his wife the Rona Sibonga he was always the Royal Howyard the IV (Villarin Dublin Anallyn, China - Pekino). So, it have been missing ALL the rest 6 Royal Facebook Accounts of Akis Kan, who 6 have been as PUBLIC in your country Greece 38 years now (together with the 7th one)... but locked in BIOS Bill Gates of America (7 IPs in 1 Facebook)... and NOT in BIOS MARKzuck of Facebook of AUSTRALIA (12 BIOS IPs in 2 Facebooks). - Your country LONDON of England, was the central IP of the BIOS Bill Gates into the MAR Facebook, without to exist in the following Earth the Founder and Owner of FACEBOOK MARKzuck, FROM THE SAME gun of Bill Gates. - German Emperor of USA and wife of Jashon Evelpie Howyard, Jimmy Jashon Evelpie. First COUSIN of the original Royal Howyard P7. - Results = The country SPAIN, stayed without citizents, the country LIBYA stayed without population, the country ITALY stayed without Vatican, and the country Wales stayed without Head Quarters. - Have been executed all the Earth, except the 3 Royal countries of Howyard = The country Libya in PRIESTS, the country China in Head Quarters, and the Vatican City in PRIESTS too. Your country PHILIPPINES have been executed totally... in Libya citizents (country Libya). - Me, make innocent the 3 Royal countries of Howyard, and NOT your Wales who also lead Vatican City. Because your Wales ADM is called rubits, and the Royal Howyard P7 ADM is called The Taurus of the Lion. - NOTE : Me, am the Royal Howyard of P7, Akis Kan. And am NOT Samaras of your streets, I live in Royal Home P7. I wait your FINES in Facebook, by Bill Gates OFFICE... or... we stay ALIVE on earth, 2 countries MORE = Only 1 country Australia and me = 6.750.000.000 (Earth) - 6.478.000.000 (Earth NEXT) + 1 ME. - FB/facebook - - NOTE 22.12.2014 (08.35 am morning GREECE, 14.35 pm MIDDAY - afternoon PHILIPPINES Time), = In CASE, your BEAST FEMALE TRADER GREK Prime Minister, will NOT be present in my P7 Royal Home Address, in 2 HOURS by now, for me to MAKE his BONES in my IRON = CUT LEGS at IRON in the VIEW OF KIND called... FLOWER BASE in the iron, then me... EXECUTE the country USA too, in my nEXT message, at... 2 hours by now, 01 minute by NOW (NOW = 08.35 am morning GREECE). - Bye (Ba.....). * - * The Royal Howyard of P7 Royal Home Address, the Bill Gates Facebook Owner... and the FACEBOOK USA ADM by Jimmy USA NASA PERSONEL (for the smart Recep Erdogan : Ioulia Sevastiano) * - * - NOTE : Mr Barack OBAMA, you have ONLY 2 hours by now, and NOT 02.hours, 01.minute. - NOTE for OBAMA = 194 countries WENT MOLTEN IRON, in front of my P7 building. Take care.. you the OBAMA to make it 194 + USA, at 02.01 minutes ! The NUMBER 196 is USA, and the NUMBER 195 is my LOVELY country P H I L I P P I N E S . . ! - Bye - . . . .
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 06:35:28 +0000

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