- A NEW DAY HAS COME! The answer to our nations problems is not - TopicsExpress


- A NEW DAY HAS COME! The answer to our nations problems is not to continue billing future generation with infrastructure and development needed for today or in the election year just to swing votes! Instead, we need to deal with the plague that has haunted us for far too long and stalled our progress as a Nation far too often. We need to end the coup, its culture, its mentality and those who think that they can be rewarded for doing that! We need to send a message that coups aint cool! As one people, we need to be sure that in this election, we speak with one voice that you cannot expect to pull wool over peoples eyes with election gimmicks and get away with it! The Fiji of 2014 is more educated than that! We need to eliminate waste in existing government programs, generate revenue not only by selling Fiji made brands but by selling Fiji as the Brand, the Ideal - a land truly that gives freedom,advances hope and full of glory, where peoples ideals can be voiced and displayed in the media, through the streets and on our public parks without the fear of a police car parked outside your home or sloppy intel agents poking around your daily activities! We need to send a message that tells the special interest corporate lobbyist that their time of dictating the direction of the land of my grandfathers pride is over...and we will and retake our destiny by consensus, shape our future by collective hands, rebuild this nation as one people block by block and plead with the international communities with a one voice and make our island nation what one of out founding fathers prophetically said it should become - Fiji, the way, the world should be! -FORWARD-
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 03:26:43 +0000

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