- Beautiful lines from the Nūniyyah of Ibn al-Qayyim (rh) - TopicsExpress


- Beautiful lines from the Nūniyyah of Ibn al-Qayyim (rh) - وهو الحيي فليس يفضح عبده *** عند التجاهر منه بالعصيان "He is Al-Ḥayī (the Modest), so does not expose His slave when he disobeys Him openly. لـكنه يـلـقي عليه ستره *** فهو الستير وصاحب الغفران Instead He throws over him His concealment, for He is Al-Sittīr (the Concealer [of sins]) and the Owner of forgiveness. وهو الحكيم فلو يعاجل عبده *** بعقوبة ليتوب من عصيان And He is Al-Ḥakīm (the All-Wise), so does not hasten with His punishment to His slave, so that he may repent from disobedience. وهو العفو فعفوه وسع الورى *** لولاه غار الارض بالسكان And He is Al-ʿAfuw (the Pardoner); His pardoning extends over all of mankind. If not for Him, the earth with its inhabitants would have sunk [into damnation]. وهو الصبور على اذى اعدائه *** شتموه بل نسبو له البهتان And He Al-Ṣabūr (the Patient) over His enemies’ wickedness. They insult Him, and even ascribe to Him slanderous falsehood. قالو له ولد وليس يعيدنا *** شتما وتكذيبا من الإنسان They said, in a state of denial and curse: “For Him there is a son from mankind, and He does not resurrect us.” هذا وذاك بسمعه وبعلمه *** لو شاء عاجلهم بكل هوان They said this and that with His hearing and His knowledge [encompassing them]. If He wished, He would have hastened [His punishment over] them with such humiliation! لكن يعافيهم ويرزقهم وهم *** يؤذونه بالشرك والكفران But [instead] He gives them well-being and provides for them, and they insult Him by associating partners [to Him] and ingratitude [for His blessings]." May Allāh reward abundantly the dear brother who translated these wonderful couplets. There is always hope and the door of Tawbah is still wide-open. Don’t ever give up on Allāh. Be sincere in your aim and He (swt) shall pave the way for you to success.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 00:46:48 +0000

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