- PASSPORT “Ironically this is an area--foreign policy is - TopicsExpress


- PASSPORT “Ironically this is an area--foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain…….. So when I speak about having lived in Indonesia for four years, having family that is impoverished in small villages in Africa--knowing the leaders is not important--what I know is the people. . . ….. I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college--I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. . . .”, A passport is a travel document issued by a govt to certify identity and nationality of its holder. They normally have the holder’s name, place and date of birth, photograph, and signature at the minimum. On April 6, 2008 Barack Obama spoke of his knowing the world better than other candidate while declaring his international experience. abcnews.go/blogs/politics/2008/04/obamas-college/ In 1981 Obama apparently went to India, visited a friend from college in Pakistan during Ramadan, and went to Indonesia to visit his family. Ramadan began July 3, 1981 and lasted a month. Q: What passport did Obama use? Three State Dept contract employees breached the passport files of McCain, Clinton, and Obama. Obama’s file was breached three times. Was Obama’s file scrubbed? The State Dept says it was just curiosity that motivated these employees. A 104 page report was released as “sensitive but unclassified”. “The report was so heavily redacted, it was virtually useless to the public. Scores of passages were blacked out entirely, including one sequence of 29 consecutive pages that were each obliterated by a solid black box that made it impossible even to determine paragraph structures”. Investigative reporter Kenneth Timmerman said a well-placed but unnamed source told him that the real point of the passport breach incidents was to cauterize the Obama file, removing from it any information that could prove damaging to his eligibility to be president. Was James Brennan involved? Read more at wnd/2013/01/did-cia-pick-sanitize-obamas-passport-records/#c0j0U23w0W1ZPJKC.99 beforeitsnews/obama-birthplace-controversy/2014/01/dr-corsi-my-guess-obama-had-indonesian-passport-talks-subud-cult-2473438.html The bottom line is that a US citizen apparently could visit Pakistan in 1981. But what passport Obama used has never been answered. His file was breached three times, why? Only curiosity? Was his records sanitized? When it comes to questions about Obama’s identity documents, there never seems to be clear answers. beforeitsnews/obama-birthplace-controversy/2014/06/attention-questions-about-obamas-unexplained-pakistan-trip-got-passport-records-2479106.html Obama did get a passport after he became President. whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/08/13/west-wing-week-mailbag-day-summer-edition Also, other records have problems. Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. are missing records for the week of President Obamas birth, including the dates Aug. 1, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961. How convenient. americanthinker/2012/03/time_for_new_look_at_2008_obama_passport_breach.html#ixzz3CBgP8yEz
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:20:29 +0000

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