- Power Struggles, Harsh Realities, Poor Health and Frustrations - - TopicsExpress


- Power Struggles, Harsh Realities, Poor Health and Frustrations - On Saturday we have a couple different rough transits happening. The first is Mars opposing Pluto. This will probably be felt first (as early as today), because Mars is quick to act, so watch for this over the next few days. This combo usually relates to power struggles, fights, military action and criminal activity. Energy level is usually increased around this time, but this can create a false confidence about power and strength, which is why it’s easy to go head-to-head with others. Avoid shady and dangerous areas if at all possible. Fevers, fires, burns and dangers with machinery are all more likely around this time. The Sun will also square Saturn on Saturday. This is a frustrating transit. Reality, responsibilities and work creep up and cause a damper to our energy and confidence. This is also a time of poor health and many people may be dealing with an illness of some sort that takes you out for some time. Some may have to work on Saturday, grudgingly, or have some other responsibility that wears you out or frustrates you. I would avoid doing any strenuous work on this day because it may seem harder or more labor-intensive. It’s also possible that an authority figure or someone older than you is placing some sort of burden or responsibility on you. With all of these transits it’s not the most fun or happy of weekends, unfortunately. A lot of people may be ill, tired, overworked, or working when you normally wouldn’t be. It may be best to lay low until the energy clears some. Aries and Scorpio’s may feel the Mars/Pluto energy more and Leo’s and Capricorn’s may feel the Sun/Saturn energy more.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 22:09:50 +0000

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