--SCUM IS AS SCUM IS RAISED------- The Labor party had a very - TopicsExpress


--SCUM IS AS SCUM IS RAISED------- The Labor party had a very successful launch today at the Dolphin Leagues Club. The Labor Party had signs set up on the corner of Klinger & Ashmole. 30 min .later a horde of Liberal descended & tried to take over from 2 senior people , who were looking after the Labor signs. One of them 75 & the other 84.Not yielding to the Liberal thugs being monitored by Dooley the Liberal candidate, the old Labor stalwarts held their ground . One Liberal on being told that he was nothing but a bit of scum ,replied he was working for his mother ( Dooley)On hearing that he was told ,it figures. These are the same tactics which were used by Driscoll, so the same people who were pulling Driscolls strings are pulling Dooleys strings. The LNP Faceless men who for $50,000 were happy to ignore what everyone knew about Driscoll. This Dooley is just another Driscoll in skirts, who like Driscoll is prepared to use any Bullyboy tactics to try & get elected . Anyone voting for Dooley is condoning the disgraceful way the LNP & Judas Newman have treated Redcliffe & the continuing Lies which they feed us & a vote for an Independent is a vote for Newman as well . One & only one way forward for Redcliffe is to give your No 1 to Yvette DAth . A person who has already shown by her integrity & hard work that she is the person to take Redcliffe forward & not backwards as the LNP have done so successfully
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:42:15 +0000

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