-*...STORYTIME!...*- ~Title: The Doubtful Huntress ~Summary: - TopicsExpress


-*...STORYTIME!...*- ~Title: The Doubtful Huntress ~Summary: Weiss is having doubts about becoming a huntress. Looking at her teammates skills she just didnt think she could compare anymore. She doubted her skills. It also didnt help that she heard her father inside her head telling her the same thing after his visit to Beacon. Can Ruby, Blake and Yang help Weiss see that shes worthy of being a huntress? That she got accepted for a reason? ~Chapter 3: The Sun’s comfort and Ice Queen’s Pain xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Weiss was the first one up and out of the dorm. Being as quiet as she could be she shut the door behind her. It was no use when Ruby, Yang and Blake were already up and waiting for her to leave in the first place. She left. Blake announced, jumping out of bed fully clothed in her uniform. About time, dang. For trying to avoid us, she sure can spend a long time here in the dorm changing. Yang complained. Once all the girls were out of bed and standing in front of each other they all reviewed the plan. They were going to spend one-on-one with Weiss Schnee. So, Yang, youre first ok? Ruby told her. Got it, Im going to unfreeze the Ice Queen- I mean Weiss. As of now until the end of school, we stay away from her. Let her have her space and no questions. All right?? The two girls nodded and were going to play the part of not noticing Weiss today; not until school was over and it was Yang’s time to shine. Yang was going to take her into Vale for the first day of operation Schnee. Since they were always here 24/7 Yang thought itd be fun to take her to go see the new stores that opened up, go eat, and take a walk through the park. Shed hope it would take whatever troubles Weiss had and throw them in the back of her mind. Not only was Yang trying to get something out of her, she wanted Weiss to have a day where good memories came out of it. She didnt know exactly what Weiss was going through or what is was that made her so upset but it must be something painful if it caused her to cry in her sleep. One thing Yang could relate to so far was the crying at night. Since her mom disappeared without a word, leaving Yang and her father behind with questions, she could relate to the nightmares that visited her on long nights. I hope I can help you out in someway, Weiss. I just hope you dont shut me out.... ----------------------- Weiss sat in her seat distracted. She couldn’t seem to pay attention in any class. Her mind wanted to take her back to the fight she had yesterday with the Schnee guards. No matter how many times she replayed it, she ended up with the same question: Did she really lose? In reality; no. To her father; yes. Her fight didnt last long but he did have her fight four guards every time he came. Each one coming up with tricks to take her down. Its like her father studied her fights, analyzed every move and mistake she made, taking it back home and showing the new four how to take her down. And each time she proved herself victorious. Was he deliberately trying to ruin her? Have her believe that she wasnt worthy? Youre not worthy, Weiss. Of course I’m not father….not when you keep reminding me I’m not perfect. Weiss reflected on her abilities, the ones she didn’t think she had. Ruby was so excellent when she wielded her scythe, combined with her speed, she was incredible. It looked effortless every time she brought down an enemy. She was a little envious of Ruby, Blake, and Yang. Blake was great at coming at enemies from the shadows; like she was never even there. She had the element of surprise. Blake had a talent...a talent Weiss could never achieve. It wounded her pride to see her teammates top her. She was proud of them, completely proud but...she just wished she were on the same level. Yang...well...what COULDNT Yang do? She had that confident attitude that Weiss didnt have anymore. She went at enemies as if it were a game to her. And maybe it was... These traits...these traits made her feel bitter. Weiss rested her cheek on her palm, doodling in her notebook. Since today was just a review day she really didn’t need to pay attention, not like she could anyway. How does someone just tell you, you don’t mean anything? That you are no good? If it hurt coming from strangers, can you imagine the hell it would bring coming from a family member? She wanted to make her father happy, but...she had tried so many times that she was done trying. She wanted to make him proud and happy of her but not to the extent of her giving up so much of herself to satisfy his. Im sorry, Dad. About half way through the day Weiss noticed that her team mates didn’t decide to bug her about last night. Did they give up trying so fast? Why would she care? Didnt she want that? Kind of. Maybe. I dont know... The last bell rang signaling the end of school until tomorrow. Weiss packed up all her things heading for her dorm. She was just going to set her things inside and then leave. She still wanted to be alone. She would probably stay the rest of the day in the library reading. The second she reached for her dorm keys was the moment her body hurled itself at the door. Weiss slide to the floor dumbfounded at what just happened to her. Did someone push her?! She sat there staring at the door for what seemed like an hour. Oops. Sorry, Weiss. I forgot you were tiny. Yang. The flames of the beast were now ablaze. Did Yang WANT to die today? Where in the right mind did Yang get the idea to smack Weiss into a door? Well...she was trying to pat her back but Yang had quite the strength that she ended up smacking her too hard. Yang! What in the world is WRONG with you? Weiss pulled herself up, dusting her skirt off. She was pissed, no, correction, beyond pissed. She was in no mood to handle whatever Yang had in her corrupted mind. She liked it better when her teammates were far away from her. I didnt mean for that to happen, sorry. Yang apologized. She really meant it; she didnt know shed have send Weiss flying towards the door face first. Weiss glared in her direction hissing the next set of words. Of course you didnt... Weiss picked up the keys that laid on the ground as she turned her whole body towards the door. Just when she thought today was actually going to be a good day, Yang had to send her hurling for the door. It hurt terribly but she just wasnt in the mood to fight with Yang, not that Yang was looking for a fight. Wait, Weiss, I actually want to ask you something... Ask me something? What do you want, Yang? You better not ask for answers, because I will slam this door in your face. Want to...accompany me into town? Weiss looked puzzled. Yang never- ok she has invited Weiss places in the past but she has always declined. By declining so many times youd think someone would get the hint, but Yang was the kind of person who would always invite someone even if she knew theyd say no just to be nice. You want ME to accompany YOU? She repeated. Did she hear right? Yang invited her places but that was only when the whole team was going or either Ruby or Blake were with her, but never was it a one-on-one kind of thing with the two. They just...werent as close. They knew nothing of each others past, secrets, or favorite flavor of ice cream. Alone? The two of us? Where are Ruby and Blake? She needed to ask. Ruby and Blake told me that they wanted to go, uh, well, hmm, oh! train. Yeah, thats it, train! Yup! She sounds so proud of her little white lie. In reality, Ruby and Blake were taking naps in Team JNPRs room. They wanted the room empty just in case Weiss and Yang were still having their moment. Really... Weiss was skeptical. Just by the way Yang presented the reason made it so....unconvincing. Did she really think Weiss would believe her? She shook her head, she was just about to tell Yang no but...the thing Yang said next made Weiss change her mind. Please, Weiss. Weve been teammates for a while now and we know NOTHING about each other. I honestly really do want to get to know you. I want to know Weiss. At least the basics, if you dont want to go in too deep with it. I want to be able to tell people youre a friend, not just a teammate. Did she mean that? Did she really want to get to know Weiss? Thats what she said, but...would Weiss believe it? She sounded in earnest. No one has ever begged Weiss to tag along just to get to know her. It warmed her heart. Maybe she should go. She tried to hide that smile that was creeping up on her lips. Ok. Just let me change out of my uniform. Yang beamed. She was thrilled that Weiss had accepted her offer. She didnt think that itd have made her this happy coming from Weiss but it did. Maybe because Weiss had always turned her down before? Oh, sweet! A strip tease! Yang followed behind keeping the mood up. Weiss shook her head at the comment. Oh no... ----------------------- From Beacon to town was a very quiet journey. Neither one of the girls spoke to each other. Yang tried to bring up subjects to talk about but there was a problem with that; what was Weiss into that Yang could bring up to start up a conversation? Should she ask about what her family are like? No, Weiss would surely blow up in Yangs face about asking something as personal as that. To other people it would be no problem to answer a simple question, but to Weiss it was a huge deal. She was hiding something from them and Yang wasnt sure if she liked that. What was so bad? Maybe she should start with her childhood? Perhaps not. If family was out of the question then surely childhood was just as personal. Weiss had it all, so, why was she the way she was? She had money, the clothes, a title, whatever else her heart desired, yet she seemed like she didnt like having all that, like it was a curse. Shed stand up for her family name but she didnt seem too proud of it. Maybe she could- Well? Where to, Yang? ....... Yang was too caught up in her thought to have heard what Weiss just asked. Yyyaaannng. Yang? Weiss waved her hand in front of Yang to see if that would bring her back. Surely, it didnt. Yang! Huh? What? Oh, whats up, Weiss? Whats up? You blanked out on me! I was talking to you. Ah, sorry, sorry. Weiss rolled her eyes at her apology. So, What were you saying? I asked you what did you have planned? Damn, she knew what she wanted to do but now she wasnt so sure if Weiss would be up for it. Well.... Yang started off. I was thinking of getting something to eat and then head to the park. They said there was suppose to be some kind of performance. But if you dont want to then thats- Fine. Huh? I said thats fine. Sounds like fun. Weiss stared at yang, waiting for her to say something else. Well then...awesome! Come on. Yang locked arms with Weiss as they headed for a restaurant. It was so strange to have this form of...affection. Most of the time people tried to stay a safe distance from the Ice Queen. What a nickname. To always be known as a heartless heiress. When, in fact, she was the opposite. Well, she use to be. It broke her heart knowing that the girl Weiss once was would never be known. She was buried in a pile of lies and rules from her father, and to keep her from being hurt, this was the result. The Ice Queen. They ended up just getting a quick meal; they didnt want to wait in line for a table. So, they went across the street and grab some burgers before heading towards the park. The park was gorgeous this time of the year; you could see the trees so vibrant and full as they danced with the wind. They found an empty bench that had a fine view of the pond that was centered in the middle of the park. To Yang it seemed like the tension had lowered itself a little bit. Maybe she could sneak her questions in if she was lucky enough. Oh, how lucky she needed to be for this mission. Weiss? Yes? Thank you for actually coming...it means a lot to me. No problem. It’s nice to get out. I had nothing better to do. Except hide from your teammates. The day went well, they stayed at the park the whole time. They talked, laughed and really got to know each other. They found out things that no one else knew, but, of course Weiss didnt go too deep into her history but it was a start. Maybe Yang could trick Weiss into telling her more about her father, or whatever she could find out. What is your family like? Just the thought of them made Weiss’ skin crawl. She loved them but family was not a word shed use to associate with them. Shed defend the company name and hers but only because thats who she was and a company shed maybe take over if being a huntress didnt work out. Her father was never the heartwarming type....business ALWAYS came first. Her mother drowned herself with pretty clothes and jewels, never being there for her and her sister because her husband barely looked at her when he would return. Her sister...well...they were all they had and they were close. If they couldnt seek the attention they needed from their parents, they sought it out from one another. Opening up would only make her want to break down. She was a Schnee and Schnee’s NEVER break down. Weakness. She liked keeping her home life and her school life separate. Nothing good would come out of it if she let people know what her life was like. How….imperfect it was. “My family...they’re great. Perfect family.” Weiss lied. How could she not? Yang was asking her about her FAMILY….people she BARELY knew….and who barely knew HER, except for her sister, Winter. “ I wouldn’t trade them-” “My mom left me.” Wow; that was one way to cut someone off. Did Weiss hear clearly? Yang’s mom left her? Why would she tell her that? Weiss would never be open like that to anyone. It just wasn’t who she was, but Yang...well...she was a very open person when she needed to be or when the situation called for it. “Why...why would you tell me that?” “I thought it’d be something to share with you.” “Isn’t that something people keep to themselves?” Yang faced Weiss, sending her a heartwarming smile. “To those who can’t accept things, yes. I, on the other hand, have accepted the fact I was abandoned by a mother I never knew. I’m not going to lie; it hurts. Knowing that my mother...didn’t want to take the chance to know me. Maybe she had a good reason, maybe she didn’t. But like I told Blake; I’m not going to stop. I’m going to find her and the reason why she left. I need answers and it would give me closure.” Yang opened herself to Weiss, letting Weiss take a peek into her world. It wasn’t much but it was something to start with. Baby steps. Baby steps. The winds picked up, making Weiss’ ponytail whip in the wind and Yang’s hair dance along her body. If you were looking at them from afar, you’d swear it were a beautiful animated scene to an alluring painting. It was a perfect scene. “I know your father is not...a very nice man, Weiss. He shows that through the company. And; it’s ok. You don’t have to put up with perfect image of your father or your family….You don’t NEED to be perfect, Weiss.” You don’t need to be perfect, Weiss. How could she say that? Only an imperfect person would say perfection meant nothing. She didn’t know her family like she did. If you didn’t hold yourself the way they did, you were lower than them. They brought anyone down who didn’t see their ways. Perfection was everything in the Schnee family. It was the only way to be noticed. Weiss hated when people uttered those words to her when they had no idea that….for a Schnee...perfection was something they needed to hold onto. Their name brought so much hate that being a NORMAL person was a luxury they didn’t have. “Lies. Don’t say that to me.” She tilted her head lower, shadowing her eyes. “I am perfect. I NEED to be perfect. My family is perfect.” Even if she didn’t believe the words she vocalized, they just slipped out like it were second nature. She’s convinced herself that this was what she was suppose to be. “It’s not a lie, Weiss. I mean it. You don’t-” “Stop it! You know what it’s LIKE to be me?! Everywhere you go, you are ALWAYS being judged because of the Schnee name! Because I have the name attracted to me, I am treated like a villain or some royal person. I am never just seen as Weiss! Do you have any idea what that does to a person? To know that someone could hate you without even getting to know you or want to be friends with you because of your social status.” The lump in Weiss’ throat grew, making it harder for her to speak. It was like her body wanted her to stop. Like it were trying to save her from the pain she had bottled up for years. She didn’t know how she would react in letting everything out; it was all so new to her. She started to shed some tears on the matter of her life. Now that she was letting it out; the words just kept pouring out like a waterfall. “I’d give anything to have a normal life. A life where people didn’t care about who I am or who I am related to. Yang….I’d give anything.” She stood up from their bench, fists clenched by her skirt. “I wish I HAD a dad who cared for me and a mom who wanted to do things with me and my sister. I don’t have that. Is that what you want to hear? That Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company is a failure and is an imperfect girl with an imperfect family?! If that’s what you want then you got it, Yang! There!” Yang watched as Weiss let all that pain just escape her lips to be heard. She wanted her to let her in but now she felt bad that she caused Weiss to shed some ACTUAL tears. She has never seen the Ice Queen cry before. It felt so...weird. Unnatural. How in the heavens was she suppose to respond now? Weiss didn’t let her say anything. She clicked her heels and walked in the other direction. How stupid could she be, letting Yang see her cry. How pathetic. “Weiss, wait!” Yang rung out, running up to catch up to her. “.....” “Why do you ALWAYS run from your feelings? Why do you ALWAYS keep us in the dark? We are teammates. Didn’t you tell Blake to come to us if anything big came up in her life to tell us? Why can’t you take those words and use them yourself?” Weiss crossed her arms, turning her body the other way. “You don’t have to act big and tough in front of us, Weiss. We want to know the real you, not a mirror of who people want you to be. We want nothing from you, Weiss. We never did. We never will.” Yang stepped closer, extending her hand towards Weiss’ shoulder. The Sun wanted the rays to hit the Ice Queen’s heart and melt the ice that sheltered her heart. If she couldn’t break through then there was no hope for the Ice Queen to ever be happy. “Please, Weiss, please…” “I don’t know how. I’ve never had anyone care about me to let them in.” Weiss rotated herself, still hanging her head low, refusing to make eye contact. The words came out in a low whisper. Yang’s smile and eyes were a lot softer now. She could understand where she was coming from. But it wasn’t like she was alone anymore, she had her team who would gladly stick by her. She pulled Weiss into a bear hug, keeping the hug going for more than it needed to. And slowly, but surely, Weiss’ arms found their way around Yang, gripping tighter than Yang. “You’re not alone, Weiss. You never have to be anymore. As long as you have us, we’ll be the family that you never had.” Yang pulled Weiss back only to see a single tear roll down her cheek. With her thumb, Yang wiped it away, sending a warm smile her way. “Ahem, yeah, well...uh…” Weiss turned around, hugging herself. “....Thank you, Yang. Really, thank you.” “Anytime, Weiss.” Yang patted her back. “Well, I see a crowd in the middle of the park; I think the performance has started. Let’s go.” The two girls watched the performance with joyful glee. The atmosphere between the two lightened. Weiss still had a wall guarding her but the pressure of being perfect and being a “Schnee” wasn’t a burden anymore. She felt like a weight was lifted off her chest. She could breathe again and not feel the air choking her. By the time they got back to their dorm, Ruby and Blake were asleep on their beds. The two changed into their sleepwear and headed for bed. “Goodnight, Weiss.” Yang pulled herself under the covers. “Goodnight, Yang.” It wasn’t long before you could hear Yang mumbling in her sleep about bears and having them cut her hair. Weiss rolled her eyes, turning her body to look out the window to see the moon shine bright tonight. Weiss left out a sigh. It had been getting harder for her to sleep every night. So she would stay awake and just watch the moon for the longest time as she counted sheep. After one hundred sheeps, Weiss finally fell asleep. And entered a nightmarish dream. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This one is longer because I didnt want to rush it, but I still feel like it was rushed. Ugh. My mind has been blanking out on me and I hate it. I hope you still enjoyed it. Hopefully the next one will be better.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 07:05:12 +0000

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