--Self-Love Writing Challenge-- Day Twenty-Two: The Power of - TopicsExpress


--Self-Love Writing Challenge-- Day Twenty-Two: The Power of Nature - Sunsets, Sunrises and Transcendent Turtles by, Shannon Elsom Nature is my sanctuary. I find the holy in misty shores, silent woods, and secret groves. It is when I am in nature that I feel the most me. There is something about connecting with the earth and I mean, intimately... taking off my shoes, letting my bare feet kiss the dirt... that reminds me of a home once known that I long to return to. Nature is the ultimate mirror. Macrocosm is reflected in microcosm. Ill tell ya, if you ever want to understand yourself better all you have to do is go outside, pick a spot, and make it your power place. Go to this place everyday. Build up your presence there. Drink in its manna and offer it some of yours. Give thanks for your time there. Show your appreciation by being a caretaker of this place. Keep it clean. Protect it from harm. Synthesize with this natural spot. Become the soul of this place. Sit, be still, and watch as the seasons unfold with each passing day, one into the other. Notice how there is no separation between these natural cycles and your internal rhythms. No separation. You are that. There is no clearer mirror. I have been spending time in nature everyday over this past week meditating on the sunset out at Ragle Ranch, pondering the great questions of life while drifting, lost in a sea of stars, breathing, releasing, and putting down roots with a 125 year old oak tree that has branches so broad they look like arms ready to scoop you up. In such a short time, I have experienced a major shift in how I am feeling in comparison to only seven days ago. Time seems to speed up the older I get. Days go by in a blur but when I am connected with nature, I access the portal to the timeless. Ever notice there is only this moment when you are in nature? Nothing else exists. There is no past, no future, only the eternal present. Mother Nature has a way of stripping things down to the bare essentials. There is just no room for fuss there. There is no complication. There is no resistance. Everything in nature goes about its business with such ease and grace. The natural world helps us untie the knots we work ourselves into by reminding us of the simplicity of letting go and allowing ourselves to be carried by lifes current. Nature is a source of renewable energy. It always reciprocates. When I feed nature with my presence, appreciation, and support, nature in turn, nourishes me. The answers come. They arrive without effort. They slip in between the quiet spaces. They come on the wing of a hawk spiraling on the wind. All manner of synchronicity finds me when I make time to nurture my relationship with Gaia because in doing so, I synchronize with the pulse of life. I match that rhythm. I enter the flow where the road opens and the way is made clear because Im in harmony with the world around me. I dont believe we can be whole without being mindful of our connection with nature because to divorce ourselves from the natural world is to cut away a piece of us. We come from stardust. Our bones will return to the earth. This is our ultimate relationship and when we tend it with loving care, we are truly loving ourselves. *I captured these moments at a few of my power spots.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:15:19 +0000

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