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- The Post & Email - thepostemail - Monroe County, TN Prosecutes Innocent Man Who Uncovered Forgery of His Father’s Will Posted By Sharon Rondeau On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 @ 10:52 PM In States | 1 Comment Tweet COULD GET 40 YEARS IN STATE PRISON FROM LOCAL CORRUPTION by Sharon Rondeau Monroe County, TN is well-known for its systemic corruption, which has been a way of life, particularly among “public servants,” for decades. Juries are rigged, law enforcers participate in corrupt activities, and judges choose grand jury foremen who serve for years, if not decades. (Apr. 2, 2014) — Last week, The Post & Email spoke for two hours with Marvin Young, who in 2011 discovered that his father’s alleged Last Will and Testament was forged and later attempted to obtain justice for his father’s subsequently misplaced estate. After Young showed the person who absconded with his father’s estate the documentation proving that the document purported to be his father’s will bore a false signature, the inheritor, David Godwin, charged Young with “Especial aggravated kidnapping” and “Especial aggravated burglary,” for which Young is facing trial on June 26 of this year. In order for Young to be facing criminal charges, the Monroe County grand jury must have issued indictments. Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III and others have demonstrated that grand juries in East Tennessee are manipulated and completely controlled by judges and their deputies, the grand jury foremen, who are chosen by means of an unknown vetting process. Grand juries throughout the country have been co-opted by the government. A well-respected expert on the history and function of the grand jury recently stated on a radio broacast that Tennessee is by far the worst example of how grand juries have become tools of prosecutors and not the people. Young says in a video he released in February that if convicted, he could “go to prison for the rest of my natural life.” Young believes in the U.S. Constitution and the concept of a government run by “We the People” and is asking for the public’s help in fighting the false criminal charges. Without knowing of the systemic local corruption, he approached Tennessee’s Tenth Judicial District Attorney General R. Steven Bebb and Monroe County, TN Sheriff Bill Bivens, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), the FBI in both Tennessee and Washington, DC, and several attorneys. Young has not been able to work substantially for several years since discovering the forgery. He has exhausted his savings and is prepared to sacrifice additional personal possessions if he can find an attorney or private person willing to assist him in combating the corruption in Monroe County which has allowed the false charges to go forward. For more than four years, The Post & Email has reported on graft, public corruption and an unsolved murder in Monroe County known to be “a government hit.” Corruption in East Tennessee is so deep that FBI agents have stated that they “wouldn’t know where to start” in order to begin the process of eliminating it. Judges, court clerks, sheriffs’ deputies, attorneys, prosecutors and the boards which oversee them work in concert to protect one another and “keep the money flowing” to fund illicit and, at times, deadly purposes. At the close of his hour-long presentation, Young asks that anyone in his audience post a link to the video on Facebook, Twitter, other social media, websites, and blogs. He encourages people to circulate it through email contacts in the hope of raising awareness of his situation prior to the trial date. ————————– Update, April 9, 2014: The Post & Email had mistakenly stated in the second paragraph that Young faced a charge of “trespassing,” which was incorrect. The two counts on which the Monroe County grand jury has charged him are now correctly stated as “especial aggravated kidnapping” and “especial aggravated burglary.” Young said he has committed no crime and seeks to expose the criminality of the grand jury and judiciary in Monroe County, TN. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved. Article printed from The Post & Email: thepostemail URL to article: thepostemail/2014/04/02/monroe-county-tn-prosecutes-innocent-man-who-uncovered-forgery-of-his-fathers-will/ Attachments area Preview YouTube video Marvin Young, Victim of Corruption in Monroe County. Tn. Marvin Young, Victim of Corruption in Monroe County. Tn.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:00:12 +0000

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