- This was the last article written by prolific futurist writer, - TopicsExpress


- This was the last article written by prolific futurist writer, Dick Pelletier, before he died on July 22nd of this year, just 3 weeks after submitting the article. He was 83. >>In 1964, astronomer Nikolai Kardashev devised a method to categorize advanced civilizations based on energy consumption. Type-I utilizes all solar energy that strikes its planet, Type-II, controls all energy in its solar system, and Type-III harnesses power from every star in its galaxy. Others have since added Type-IV, which masters the entire energy output of a universe. Physicists rate today’s humans at Type-0.7. In The Runaway Universe, author Don Goldsmith reminds us that Earth receives only one billionth of the Sun’s energy, and that we utilize just one millionth of that; but with nanotech and strong AI advances expected by mid-century, forward-thinkers predict we could reach Type I by 2100. The following list estimates the times humanity could reach each new civilization level: Type I, 2100. At this level, we will capture all solar energy striking our planet, which will increase today’s energy supply by 100 billion times. Molecular nanotech and warp-drive propulsion will trigger a rush to space and create an affluent, peaceful society where it is no longer viable to waste energy on intra-global conflicts. Say goodbye to crime and wars. Type II, 2200. Exponentially advancing technologies could help achieve this level within one century. We will mine all solar energy, increasing power by 100 billion again. We will establish space colonies throughout our solar system and on planets orbiting nearby stars. Type III, 3000. We again increase energy supply by 100 billion. In his book, Parallel Worlds, Michio Kaku says Type-III’s will derive power from every star in their galaxy and could learn to control unstable time and space. We will traverse wormholes through vast distances in space and begin time travel excursions. Type-III will join other species in a Star Trek-like federation to “boldly go where no man has gone before.” Move over, Captain Picard. Type IV, 12000. Wild dreams are now possible as we approach the ultimate limits of our journey. We control all power in the universe, and can visit our “other selves” in parallel universes; or roam throughout the “multiverse” in a never-ending quest to acquire more intelligence.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 21:34:22 +0000

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