- To say that the military are the party Altalt Invisible Elly - TopicsExpress


- To say that the military are the party Altalt Invisible Elly Biharb January revolution from the first day to Mubarak stepped down and Coltwa Brotherhood are traitors Elly hands and landed in the hands of the military .. and Lahu Seif Yazal Bicol tongue army to pay millions of activists jasmine tea to abort the revolution ... as stated also the first editor of the Sunday one national newspaper that Sisi met with them after Mubarak stepped down just two days to instruct them of bad faith ÇáÇÎć That the Islamic trend, because they are the current most organized and the power of the rebels .. - To say that the Marina View on Hamadayn vice president and Ayman Nour ministry and Antoa Coltwa speech de CDP and Brotherhood Bastatheroa to the authority ... and Lahu came Ayman Nour Baokd this conversation the other day and two days Hamadayn said out loud that the Marina View high position of vice president, and I refused ... - To say he was a military coup of the first day and that Alaatsamin were peaceful and Ankoa Abietwa blood Egyptian fourth and Renaissance ... and Coltwa it revolution mesh coup and sit-ins were armed and that the Brotherhood Istahluwa because they Kdboa the rebels and sold them in Mohamed Mahmoud .... and Lahu Delwaty whole world Bicol military coup and sit-ins were peaceful and Ahmed Maher, founder of the April 6 decoding of God was captured, he and all the detainees came himself made a statement today Baakd to the world that they conspired to Anchorage and were aware of the coup and kept silent on the Damaaaa did not move except to object to the law on demonstrations only .. - To say that Sisi contract with Glover Park Judaism to improve the image of the coup in America and pay billions of peoples money and Egyptian Antoa Rvdtwa this conversation .. Oahu yesterday, Sameh Seif Yazal Abieterv tongue validity of this contract .. - To say from the first day that Sisi Baiqtl innocent in Sina and Coltwa not the guy innocent de Biharb terrorism .. Oahu Sisi reply to you with his tongue and admitted that Baiqtl and Bejrv farms and Bahedm houses of innocent people and uncovered pictures Al-Jazeera .. - To say Henzah for the presidency and Coltwa to Alalala Hanaguib civilian president and Hannzel field editing if neither aspire military for the presidency and Lahu Fadel 10 days and be getting prime Mhovenash extent you down even under his mesh Tahrir Square .. - To say that Elly friendly country in the artful than 60 years of military rule and corruption and Coltwa not de revolution mesh coup and Sisi same Milyana Even if JH head Haiharb corruption and cleanse the country ... Oahu came out with his tongue, say the editors of the coup that Mafish corruption and Ptoa National Party people are honest, and even if the Qetwa corruption Balash Tfdhoh and say to the official in spandex mesh on Jeraad for the sake of Maaaaasr ... To say that nobody Hayaterv Číßă after the referendum, the Constitution of blood When we say that the numbers Elly began to no more than 4 million and only one and it was a scandal, to complement the sight of the world Vcoltwa for applicat Elly claimed the referendum 20 million and the whole world Hayaterv Pena .... Oahu came out # dog Amr Adib than two days with his tongue to announce that preparations Elly began in the referendum was a scandal before the whole world, and Aho referendum been Mafish one country increase confessed Číßă for Elly confessed Číßă from the first day of the coup ... - To say it is a war on Islam mesh on the Brotherhood Coltwa not de war on the Brotherhood Ahan failed to rule and they were Baokhonowa country ... Oahu out tongue says Mesh be getting in any existence of so-called political Islam or the so-called religious authority Tani Start and he is Elly be getting an official religion and values in the country ... To say he spy and agent of America and the coup dollars privilege Coltwa for applicat de footmen national Sharif concluded Maaasr of occupation Muslim Brotherhood ... Oahu came out with his tongue admits plotting with the Americans for the coup since the first day Mubarak stepped down a day to throw statement coup .. To say that the military delegation Egyptian visited Israel for a week before the return of Apache helicopters and we say that the delegation Deh made concessions that only God knows Ahan Flyers back and Coltwa words mesh properly and rumors Bitalaa Brotherhood terrorists on the national leadership of our military great ... I went # Nawal to announce the authenticity of the news of the visit, then after 20 days almost freed America from the Apache helicopters .. To say he was a Zionist agent and that the heart of one man with the Jews Coltwa that Mohamed Morsy Petkhabr with America and Israel .. up to what Ehud Barak came from two days to say he was happy to imprison Marina and the innocence of Mubarak and demanding the Americans with the support of their ally Sisi in the presidential election . لايك وتعليق علشان خاطر مااااااااااااسر #ابناااااااء_الثورة #مصر_الاسلام_الايمان الاتحاد قوة فلنتحد الايام_الحاسمة
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 21:56:28 +0000

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