- WARNING eyes of Paris cast! - France yesterday, the EU has - TopicsExpress


- WARNING eyes of Paris cast! - France yesterday, the EU has begun the practical disintegration Posted on 08/26/2014 by Nifadmin French Minister of Economy EU flag after EU statement criticizing the president, Dutch Prime Minister called Valls shaping a new government, which the Prime Minister announced the governments resignation [i]. Of course, part of a process the French government yesterday canceled. Direct antecedent of this years two elections in which the National Front anti-globalist avalanche devastation. The municipal elections only reached the second place, the MEP elections, however, were on the EP as Frances greatest strength. The French are tired of the austerity politics of Prussia, irreversible left and right-liberal capitalists lesöprése. As the will of Justice started the French political leadership. The French governments resignation and EU will result in [ii] solidary new government, which in turn means the governments parliamentary majority to run out. As a direct consequence, the two constraints are to be expected: - Political bankruptcy occurs, that the French parliament will not be able to convert the majority-supported government, therefore, to be issued special municipal election, which - in this years two elections as a direct continuation - will be reported to the National Front a majority victory. This may even lead to the exit of France from EU (the Lisbon Treaty, which gives the opportunity). This shorter trip. - If the government majority that does not degrade under fifty percent, they will be forced by the French parliament in the electorate of intent released (., See Obama back dimension of Syrian interference pressure from the electorate) of EU membership to maintain a referendum to settle - like Great Britains. If this alternative occurs, then the referendum will be expected to write the nearby island nation referendum on time, no later than 2015 or 2016. With the crisis in France for storage - with its social and economic consequences - for years longer. _____________________________________ The cause of the crisis is clearly a federal social and economic policy paradigm, followed by the western civilization. Typical of the tube viewing remedy: no alternative, think in politics, but that caused the crisis mindset patterns they want to change, because without any constraint or a counterpart of apparent consumption and domestic investment policy are inadequate to eliminate the crisis, as the cause of the budget deficit elimination of the consequences of not corrected. The constraints caused by a reduction of the budget deficit, the spending (primarily social in nature) items reducing to multinational investors favorable conditions seem. This overall vulnerability of a country to completion of the shortest path. The increase in domestic investment and consumption will increase the budget deficit, as the revenue resulting from growth of spending will lead to higher growth. Accordingly, the countrys external debt increases (do not be fooled by anyone in government bonds, as they are for anyone free purchase), and therefore the total vulnerability of the country occurs more slowly than in the constraints. _____________________________________ In all countries of the budget deficit over the cause of interests of states, namely federalism, which ensures the effectiveness of four liberal principle (capital, goods, services and free movement of labor). Do not be left Russia ignored this connection, the built four liberal principles Eurasian Economic Association, and the various nations living in the area has created - not just economic - exchange values (ie, advocacy coordination) on BRICS was like föderativitásból steps of konföderativitásba changing world system. When the watchful eye France is the EUs termination process of the practice component matching, be responsible to know that if the EU terminated its disintegration - and confederate Europe of transformation - is due to the vulnerability of the Member States inevitably a clearly implement the austerity economy-centered - formal results in the formation of the federal state - or aformális. Hungary and the vital interest of all EU member states, rather than the transformation of the disintegration of the EU - according to the ancient civilization of values - the national coordinating érdekérvényesítéseket, Europe of confederation. To do this, we have every chance, you just live with it. Done in Szeged, 2014, the 25th day of the new month of Bread. dr. fisherman Joseph [i] Benoit Hamon Education and Arnaud Montebourg Minister for Economic Affairs at the weekend criticized the austerity measures adopted by the government, and called for more to promote the consumption and investment instead advocated by the German fiscal discipline. I do not think you should punish a banker who engage in collegial discussions and proposals raised by the French - stressed the minister Montebourg economic Germany has fallen and it forces all over Europe ... France was not the task of the German right wing ideological tenet of the trap connected to the austerity policy Berlin did not support the request Hollande European economic policy for growth and jobs focusing reorientation regarding France while the economic situation is not improving. Resigned from the French government We know nothing of effort, achieved without courage and resignation - Holland The resisters want a fair society, which translates to overcome all the power of fanaticism. A society in which businesses offset the legitimate aspirations of social guarantees. Today we have to concentrate all our efforts for this purpose: Frances competitiveness and to provide independence, and in order to overcome the inequalities in order to maintain social cohesion there is no risk, there is no difficulty that we can not overcome if we have the will and the cooperation Hollande defended his economic policies in the Paris celebrations (Economy minister Montebourg), this time the deficit reduction policy absurd and unjust, he called. Montebourg is not the first time openly criticized the European Unions economic policy. However, for the first time called on the Head of State to change direction, and Raise your voice against Germany, which has fallen across Europe and forcing the austerity policy trap. The government majority seems increasingly fragile since April Manuel Valls took over the post of prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault from, after the municipal elections, the center-right opposition won, and the far-right National Front behind the left side was pushed into third place. Over the past two years, Hollande has lost the support of the Greens and the far left, and within the Socialist Party is becoming more open to criticism because of the announced deficit reduction savings and reduce the tax burden on businesses, which is intended to stimulate job creation. Benoit Hamon education minister Montebourg next tried the most pressure on the Head of State in order to make more concessions to keep the business, but for households. According to press reports, he will not be a member of the new government. Aurélie Filippetti culture minister has indicated this afternoon that no candidate for a second ministerial post because it is more convictions remain loyal to the government rather than solidarity. Greatest risk reduction in the governments parliamentary majority with a minimum of government transformation. Claude Bartolone, a Socialist President of the National Assembly, therefore, warned the government majority colossal responsibility. Among the active population is 10 percent unemployment, the number of job seekers close to half a million, increased by 3.3 million since Hollandes election. The former economic minister is not a member of the new French government [ii] the restrictive economic policy minister Montebourg Arnaud critical economic position was a banker, the 36-year-old Emmanuel Macron take over. Appointment of the remains of the government led by Manuel Valls centrist and liberal economic policies to strengthen the line. Hollande Monday it is consistent with the approach set out in the shaping a new government called on the Prime Minister Formation of the new French government The government fired three socialist rebel literally, Minister of Culture and Education Aurélie Arnaud Montebourg Filippetti economic minister Benoit Hamon. Arnaud Montebourg ... Financial absurd called for a curtailment in public spending in the euro zone. Hollande and Valls was accused of refusing to moderate and balanced alternative stance to migrate. Purely domestic economy, eurozone and domestic problems should be given also to sanctions against Russia France, like other countries, millions of dollars in losses suffered due to both its own sanctions, and because the response of Russia Hollande decided to get rid of critics National Internet Monitor (NIF)
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 02:18:26 +0000

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