- WHY AS BRITISH, I WOULD AND WILL SUPPORT THE SNP ~ The SNP have brought a revival to politics, which has not been seen in this country since the early 1950s. In Britain today we have a tired, dishonet, old and decrepit three party system, which has long, long lost its saltiness and is well past its sell by date. In effect it is not only dead, but to be completely honest also in a state of rampant decomposition. In other words it stinks. Our politicians have sold democracy to the Markets, the banks and big business and that includes all Parties in the UK including Labour, save for the Greens, who actually represent a modern day face of Socialism. However unlike the Greens as yet, the SNP have accomplished a great deal, the Scots have their own Parliament, although albeit it has limited powers as yet. But what has happened is that there has been a gradual but exponential grass roots rebellion against the National parties in the UK in Scotland which has almost? brought them to a state of Independence. This breath of fresh air must not be stamped out, there must not be a return to the old dank, stale, flawed and tired system which Whitehall has been the epitome of in recent years. Untrustworthy, deceitful, imbalanced and worse yet this atrocious and disgusting Government, backed by the Liberal Democrats, have brought out the most draconian policies since the days of the slums. This should not be allowed to continue. However, sadly backing these cheap and shoddy fraudsters, who claim to be representative, - (and Labour is no different in this aspect), are the right wing Newspapers, coupled with the right wing media, the BBC included. Therefore, in order to achieve, their goal, those who supported Scottish Independence and SNP have to first convince the doubters, then they must beat the press and the media along with its pile of superficial manure, which it spreads around the country, which is always followed by an acrid stench, well it would be. By this mean beat the press, not superficially embrace them, I mean beat them. Next the Scots have to convince Labour supporters that it is time for change, to do that they have to convince these Labour supporters that the UK Labour party on the whole is NOT the representative party of the ordinary people, which it used to be, but, that Labour too also sucks up to the banks and the big businesses and in doing this that it stands shoulder to shoulder on the same podium as the Tories and that finally Labour has sold its birthright to the Tories and their kind, this of course was clearly seen throughout the YES campaign. The final thing which the Scottish people nees to do, is to ensure the RE-ELECTION of the SNP at the expense of ALL THREE PARTIES, thereby delivering them a mandate, this will prove that 50% of the people of Scotland think that Independence is still the right way to go, but that in order to achieve that, that the issue needs looking into. Indeed all this ballot has truly expressed is doubt, 45% of the people know and feel that this is the right route, therefore you only have to convince 6% that there they have no reason to doubt, of course if you were to work to convince 15% then the job will be done. In order to have a fighting chance for this, good candidates and good politicians need to be sought from within the SNP and they need to stand and win. As I said the SNP needs to convince Labour supporters, that even though Labour Scotland may want to represent the people, Labour UK is entirely different and I can tell you it is. Labour UK is as Conservative as the Conservatives are themselves. Now a little good news. Bear in mind that in most General Elections that the turnout is often around, or less than 60%, upon looking at the numbers, all this may not be that hard to achieve, as first appearences would have, but it will need hard work and dedication. The biggest message I can bring is though is DONT GIVE UP. All it will take, is to shrug off the sadness and get back into the affray. The tawdry, tired, crumbling facade and sham of the three party system, should not be able to stifle, strength, opimism, belief or faith. Therefore, IF YOU ARE SCOTTISH VOTE SNP MAY 2015, - give the SNP a mandate and the British Establishment one Hell of a bloody nose. - Not saying it will be easy, but it can be done....BY James Mee
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:30:57 +0000

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