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- YouTube channels: https://youtube/user/midirium https://youtube/user/subconsciousprograms - Website: 4wingstudios.ro/ - Web Store: https://sellfy/midirium - Contact: midirium@yahoo 1. What Is 4wingStudios? For individuals who believe that gaining what they desire is about visualizing their desires, 4wingStudios builds the next generation of visualization tools. Whereas you once put up pictures, practiced imagining what you wanted without props, and did other things that took time, 4wingStudios offers the automatic alternative in the technological and fast-paced age. 2. Changing Your Life There are lots of ideas out there for changing the way your life is going. What might you need to change? It might be your current job or unemployment status. You could be looking for the right person. You have big dreams but reality is a flop. Unfortunately, you also have very little time to invest in counseling, lengthy visualization exercises, and any other idea that sounds appealing. Some visualization advocates strongly believe that just by picturing things happening, they really do occur. You simply have to believe the picture and keep it in your mind, but what if your brain is too busy thinking about other things and your schedule makes no allowance for any additional routines? 3. Levels of Effectiveness Even if you are not convinced about this method of reaching your personal and professional goals, there is always a positive side to visualization: it makes you feel good. Maybe what you want never does happen overnight, but you feel stronger, more confident, and other good things take place. Ten minutes a day of affirming self talk is better than nothing. There are also people who firmly believe that with visualization they can achieve anything. Proponents must know how to do it properly and the relationship or career of a person’s dreams will occur. It is possible, even with something that sounds so simple, to do things wrong, to not concentrate enough or to forget some element of the image that is important. According to research, a part of the brain called The Reticular Activating System (RAS) responds to the things you concentrate on, negative or positive. If you focus on the positive, this is what you experience. People who are negative continue to attract unhappiness. 4. Old-Fashioned Visualization According to the old-school way of doing things, visualization required a fair amount of time every day. You had to conjure a picture of something that had not happened yet. Not only did you see it, but you also were encouraged to feel it. It requires discipline to do this fully every day and not get discouraged by unanswered hopes. You might have enlisted the help of props such as pictures and posters depicting people doing the things you imagined yourself doing. Sometimes choosing uplifting music made a difference. Whatever you chose to do it was up to you to accumulate items, select songs, and make time. 5. New-Fashioned Brain Training 4wingStudios take all of that work and condense it into a moving picture show complete with words and sounds to encourage you. Studies suggest that what requires one or two hours the old way takes a few minutes using our products. After just a few weeks, affirming thought patterns should become habit. The ultimate goal, however, is to see your dreams realized. 6. Buying pre-made products or ordering custom-made ones It is quite possible to make your own movie using a video camera or movie feature on your computer if you’re savvy with video creation. Bring along a few friends and, together, act out scenes from the life you want. Ask friends to do this for you while you film and just mentally replace a face with your own when you watch later. Add music, type some captions onto the screen, and you have one to play before bed or during the day when you feel discouraged. 7. Our pre-made visualization tools takes all this work out of it for you, and you can also order your own video to help you manifest whatever you want. Visit our website to watch dozens of demos covering the most common topics such as love and wealth. Then you can decide on one or more full-length purchases available for instant download in exchange for a very reasonable amount of money. We uploaded plenty of MP3 subliminal audios as well, that will help you train your mind for success, change beliefs and manifest your deepest desires. You can use those MP3s while meditating. You can also preview many custom-made mind power tools, to make an idea about the complexity and the high quality that we deliver to our customers after days of putting the imagination, concentration, technical skills and efficiency at hard work. Write down some impressions at the Contact section, to give us proper feed back. John
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:56:04 +0000

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