--flatearthsociety-- Yesterday, Obama gave a speech in which he - TopicsExpress


--flatearthsociety-- Yesterday, Obama gave a speech in which he told the nation to quit listening to bloggers and activists....and even guys on the radio. With saying that, the President just laid a personal attack on millions of us (even Libs) who record our political thoughts online everyday, activating the power of our voice to sway the populous. I like to consider such people to be following our Founding Fathers example, who did the same exact thing when forming our country, constitution, and rights. Of course, they didnt have computers, they had a pen and paper....but the concept is the same, and good King Barack could update himself on our execution of technology. So, once again WE, the people, have been labled the enemy of this country....and again, WE are the ones Obama sets his target on....not fellow politician comrads. At this point, it doesnt really bother me to be insulted and demonized by this President anymore, whats new? I mean as long as he isnt throwing us in prison for speaking out, he can use his powerful voice to lash out at us....after all, he has the right to free speech too. But the one that I find humorous is King Baraks attack on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck....Radio hosts, entertainers of the frequency world. They arent politicians, and i assume will never want to be. Everyday they give the public something to listen to for 3 hours, a nice alternative to the music stations 10 song rotation. To me, Obama attacking radio talk shows is a personal attack, because of this↓ I come from a family who isnt too political. I always knew where my parents stood with certain social issues, but it was never something discussed a lot. They took the respectable position of not worrying about things seemingly out of your control. Nonetheless, we were and are a Christian Conservative family. Conservatism was always in my roots, but it took a little digging, a searching within myself, to find who I really was. The principal, my senior year in highschool, would allow me to get out early to work a job at a grocery store 30 minutes away (I lived in a town of 300....everything was half an houf away). My journey to work is where I fell in love with politics.... Because it was in my Jeep, on A highway, in October, that I found a guy named Rush. Rushs show fascinated me, never before had I heard someone in the political world so brutally point-blank honest. I never dreamed politics could be so fun....and I never knew the values inside my heart was shared with such a strong group of individuals. Consequently, everyday heading to work became Rush hour. So, when Obama tells me to not listen to the radio, he doesnt get it, I see exactly what he wants me to do.... Stay uninformed, uninterested, and detatched. I was all of those things before getting hooked on radio. And you have to wonder, Who is the mythical Flat Earth Society Obama loves to refer too. To me, its the ones who shut themselves away from ideas, the truth, listening, reasoning.... The real Flat Earth Society is the one who tells you to disengage and shut yourself away from all outside voices, the bloggers, the activists, even radio entertainers. Yep, disconnect and just trust everything we say as truth, do not explore for yourself. Because in your exploration you may find people like Rush, Hannity, or Beck....and to the Flat Earth Society, that is a scary thing. Keep rockin the boat!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:12:55 +0000

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