- granted pursuant to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160, dated October - TopicsExpress


- granted pursuant to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160, dated October 10, 1991, otherwise known as the “Local Government Code of 1991” WHO ARE QUALIFIED FOR THE GRANT OF BOE: In accordance with Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution No. 1200865, promulgated on June 14, 2012 and circularized through CSC Memorandum Circular No. 13, s. 2012 dated August 2, 2012, the BOE shall be granted effective August 1, 2012 to the following Barangay Officials based strictly on completion of term of office: • Elective Barangay Officials: Punong Barangay/Barangay Captain, regular Sangguniang Barangay Members, and Sangguniang Kabataan Chairmen; and • Appointive Barangay Officials: Barangay Treasurers, and Barangay Secretaries who were appointed by the duly elected Punong Barangay. Completion of term of office shall be defined, as follows: 1. For elected barangay officials – shall refer to the term of office as specified by the prevailing law on term of office of elected barangay officials; and 2. For appointive barangay officials – shall refer to the continuous number of years of satisfactory service rendered from the time of appointment, which must correspond to the number of years covering the term of office of the appointing Punong Barangay and may include services rendered under previous appointment. APPROPRIATENESS OF BOE The BOE shall be considered appropriate for appointment to first level positions in the career service including those in the Fire and Jail Bureaus, except positions covered by board laws and/or those that require other special eligibilities as determined by the Commission, or those that require licenses such as those positions listed under Category IV of CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996, as amended. (Provided under Item No. 11, Part V of CSC MC No. 12, s. 2003 re: Revised Policies on Qualification Standards) DATE OF EFFECTIVITY OF BOE The date of effectivity of the BOE shall be the date of approval of an application by the CSC Regional Office (RO)/Field Office (FO) concerned. PERIOD OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR BOE a. Filing of application for the grant of BOE for elective and appointive barangay officials who have completed their term of office before August 1, 2012 shall be within two (2) years from the said date, or until August 1, 2014. b. Filing of application for the grant of BOE for elective and appointive barangay officials who complete their term of office on or after August 1, 2012 shall be continuous. DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS General Documentary Requirements 1. Properly accomplished Application Form (CS Form 101-E, Revised April 2012); 2. Three (3) pieces of identical I.D. pictures taken within the last three (3) months prior to filing of application with specifications, as follows: a. Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm) Note: The requirement for passport size I.D. pictures shall take effect/be observed upon issuance/release of the new security form for the Certificate of Eligibility that bears the new size, format, and new CSC logo. Meantime, please submit 1” x 1” I.D. picture. (PLEASE VERIFY WITH THE CSC CENTRAL/REGIONAL/FIELD OFFICE BEFORE HAVING PICTURE TAKEN.) b. Printed on quality photo paper; c. In white background; d. In standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1” below the chin); e. In bare face (without eye glasses/colored contact lens, or any accessory that may cover facial features; facial features not computer-enhanced); f. Showing left and right ears; and g. With full name tag: - The name tag must legibly show the applicant’s signature over complete printed name in the format First Name-Middle Initial-Last Name-Extension Name (if any); and - The name tag should not be computerized, meaning, the applicant should have his/her picture taken while holding his/her written name tag. Illustration: In detail: Passport size 1” x 1” 3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which must be valid (not expired) upon filing of application, and bears the applicant’s complete name, picture and signature, and the issuing officer’s name and signature: a. Current Office/Company I.D. b. School I.D (must be duly validated for the current school year) c. GSIS UMID d. SSS I.D. e. Passport (with signature of the applicant) f. Driver’s License g. PRC License h. BIR/TIN I.D. (ATM type/laminated card with picture type) i. Police Clearance (with picture) j. Voter’s I.D. k. PhilHealth I.D. (ATM type) l. Postal I.D. m. Barangay I.D. Note: Any other I.D. card NOT included in the above list shall NOT be accepted. Alumni, association, membership, and health I.D.s, including ATM cards, shall NOT be accepted. 4. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate of the applicant authenticated/issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO); Note: In case where the NSO-issued Birth Certificate is not legible, or the NSO has duly issued a Negative Certification of Birth (NSO CRS Form No. 1) printed in NSO security form, the applicant shall, in addition, be required to submit the original and photocopy of his/her Birth Certificate that is authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR). 5. For female married applicants, original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate authenticated/issued by the NSO; Note: In case where the NSO-issued Marriage Certificate is not legible, the applicant shall, in addition, be required to submit the original and photocopy of his/her Marriage Certificate that is authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR). 6. Certification executed by the applicant that he/she has no pending administrative and/or criminal case before any court/authorized body, and that he/she has never been found guilty/convicted of any administrative offense and/or crime, using the prescribed CSC SPEL Form 1, April 2012; and 7. If filing of the application is through a representative: a. Authorization letter executed by the applicant; and b. Original and photocopy of at least one (1) valid I.D. card of the representative as listed under Item no. 3 hereof. Specific Documentary Requirements: 1. Certification from authorized DILG official at the municipal, city, provincial, or regional level of the services rendered by the barangay official, using the prescribed forms, as follows: • CSC-ERPO BOE Form 1(a), April 2012 – for elective barangay officials; or • CSC-ERPO BOE Form 1(b), April 2012 – for appointive barangay officials; 2. Certification from the Barangay Chairman on the services rendered by the barangay official; 3. Duly signed oath-taking certificate or other proofs of having been duly elected or appointed, such as election returns and appointment paper; 4. Notarized Affidavit stating that the barangay official was not employed in the government during his/her term of office in the barangay (for elected barangay officials), or service requirement (for appointed barangay officials), and that he/she did not receive any form of salary/compensation, except honorarium for holding a position in an ex-officio capacity, during his/her term of office or service requirement; 5. For appointive barangay officials (Barangay Secretary & Barangay Treasurer) only, notarized Affidavit stating that the appointive barangay official is not related up to the 4th degree of consanguinity, or of affinity, to the appointing Punong Barangay; 6. Original/Authenticated and dry-sealed Master List of Elected/Appointed Barangay Officials issued by the DILG (agency to agency concern; to be submitted by DILG to CSC RO); and 7. Other documents as may be deemed necessary by the CSC RO in verifying authenticity of information supplied by the barangay official. WHERE TO FILE APPLICATIONS FOR BOE Properly accomplished CS Form 101-E (Revised, April 2012), together with the pictures and other documentary requirements, must be submitted to the CSC RO/FO having jurisdiction over the Barangay where an applicant has rendered services. MODES OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR BOE A. By the Applicant in Person; This mode of filing an application involves the applicant himself/herself going to the CSC RO/FO concerned to personally submit his/her application and documentary requirements. This is the most recommended mode of application filing, as this will allow interview of the applicant as to his/her qualifications and other circumstances relevant to his/her application for eligibility grant. B. Through Representative; This mode involves a representative of the applicant going to the CSC RO/FO concerned to submit the application and documentary requirements. Filing of application through a representative shall require the submission of the following additional documents: • Authorization Letter executed by the applicant; and • Original and photocopy of at least one (1) valid I.D. card of the representative. Note: While filing of application may be coursed through a representative, the applicant shall be required to appear personally before the CSC for the proper issuance and acceptance of the Certificate of Eligibility, should the application be approved. Representative/s shall not be allowed to receive the Certificate of Eligibility on behalf of the applicant-grantee. C. Through Conduit CSC RO/FO; and This mode involves applicants who have moved to or are presently based in another region that is far-off from the authorized CSC RO having jurisdiction over their cases. In this instance, an applicant concerned, or his/her representative, may file the application to the CSC RO/FO nearest the applicant’s present place of residence or work. Said CSC RO/FO shall act as conduit between the applicant and the authorized CSC RO in facilitating acceptance of the application, and release of the corresponding Certificate of Eligibility (COE) should the application for eligibility grant be approved. This mode of application filing takes time, considering that communications between the conduit CSC RO/FO and the authorized CSC RO are dispatched at least via registered mail. D. Through Mail This mode involves the applicant sending his/her application and documentary requirements (including originals) to the CSC RO concerned through either registered mail, or courier. This mode takes time in view of anticipated exchange of communications. SCHEDULE OF FEES The schedule of fees for the grant of BOE, which covers two (2) stages, is, as follows: Stages of the Grant Title of Fee Amount of Fee When to be Paid Stage 1: Evaluation of Application Evaluation Fee Php200.00 Upon filing of application Stage 2: Processing of Certificate of Eligibility Processing Fee Php300.00 Only upon approval of application Applications filed at the CSC Field Office shall be charged only the Evaluation Fee considering that the applications will be forwarded to the CSC Regional Office for review and final evaluation, and processing of Certificate of Eligibility. Applications filed through Conduit CSC Regional/Field Office or through Mail (registered mail, or courier) should enclose a Postal Money Order borne in the name of the CSC Regional Office concerned in the amount of Php200.00 representing payment for the Evaluation Fee. 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Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 10:16:28 +0000

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